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#1 Mitjastiskovski
Member since 2004 • 327 Posts

Sad but I am not suprised that this has happened. This is america people, the only think that matters over there is $$$. Almost every developed country has free universal healthcare, the whole of Europe has free healthcare and it's good quality healthcare.

I don't get the "I don't care/Won't pay for other people healthcare" argument. Do people forget that other people will pay for YOU when you get sick. I guess people prefer/trust greedy insurance companies more.

I am glad I live in Europe.

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#2 Mitjastiskovski
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even if all 360 games were on pc it would still be worse then 360


Wouldn't they just be the same version? Wouldn't that mean that both versions of a game would either suceed or fail together?

i meant 360would b still be a better gaming system even if all of its games were on pc

Yeah sure it would, worse graphics, bigger rip-off, worse community and extra free feature called RROD. Yes sir Xbox owns :lol:

Face the facts, lemmings just got owned badly.

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#3 Mitjastiskovski
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Nobody seems to know what the problem is. I think it's just another example of bad coding in order to port the game as fast as possible. You should check out EA battlefield forums.

A lot of people are looking for solution so that's probably the best place to look at in order to find answers. Don't expect much since this is a bad port and in order to run this game good you need a quad core CPU.

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#4 Mitjastiskovski
Member since 2004 • 327 Posts



So lets say... probably not the best deal but a PS3slim (£270)

Can someone build a PC from scratch (as you would have too... because you need to buy a new console) so only fair. But lets stay with just the tower. SO a fully usable PC £270 with bluray plus wireless. Need an OS as well I guess.

So the list is:

Processor. Ram. Mobo. graphics card. 250gb (min) harddrive. Bluray drive. Wireless. OS. PSU. (Full tower setup). ALL FOR LESS THAN £270

Someone said something about steam having cheap games... You can go to shops like CEX that sell games for similiar prices lol.

I am no console person but to say PC gaming is cheaper... I dont think it is lol


First off you don't need to buy a new PC, you can just upgrade the one your already got and save hundreds of pounds. No need to make rules up to benefit your argument. I can also make my own rules up, you need an HDTV to get the full benefit of a PS3 and that alone can cost a couple of hundred pounds.

And Since you want a PC that can do everything that PS3 can do, let's do the same for PS3. I want to use my PS3 for my job that I have, can I do that? Big Fat NO

See I can also spin the BS the way I want to.

PC Gaming over the whole gen comes in cheaper than consoles. Lower game prices, MOD support for most PC games which extends games for up to hundreds of hours. You can also use your PC for everything, work, shopping etc something a PS3 can't do FACT.

Why do I need a HDTV? I can use a PC monitor (which is what i did use ;) ). ERmm if i just have a laptop then yes i do need to buy a new computer. Your argument is based soley on "you already have a PC". Well the argument was "You can buy a PC for $400ish that can do what a console does (which includes) the PS3,,,, soo can you put an argument against that?". My point is you can not go against the start up prices. Yes you can upgrade over time but its still adds up... most likely more than a consoles price specially if you like your games to look pretty lol

Why do I need a blu-ray drive for? You stated that you want to see a PC with a blu-ray drive which is totally unnecessary in a PC. Your way of thinking is totally wrong, the only thing you look at is starting prices but you don't want to see what happens over a whole gen 5-6 years.

Sure the start up price is more expensive, since you have to cover your own cost for hardware, not sony covering the $100-$150 lost per console sold. But in return you get games cheaper while on consoles, sony needs to recover the money lost from hardware and they charge for games/accessories more.

PC Gaming is simply a better value. Cost is less or equal to a console but in return you can do everything you want on a PC. The difference is PC costs are not hidden, while console costs are hidden. Pay to play online, Games cost more, Accessories are a total rip-off etc.

Console fanboys use their argument PC cost $800, yeah sure it does, you make a one time payment but then for the next 4-5 years you get that money back from cheaper games. While console cost less, you pay $300 but then for the next 4-5 years your are paying way more for games/accessories while in the mean time a PC gamer who has spend more cash for starting up, buys the same games cheaper and plays them with better graphics.

Simple maths really, it's sad to see people not getting that point.

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#5 Mitjastiskovski
Member since 2004 • 327 Posts

So lets say... probably not the best deal but a PS3slim (£270)

Can someone build a PC from scratch (as you would have too... because you need to buy a new console) so only fair. But lets stay with just the tower. SO a fully usable PC £270 with bluray plus wireless. Need an OS as well I guess.

So the list is:

Processor. Ram. Mobo. graphics card. 250gb (min) harddrive. Bluray drive. Wireless. OS. PSU. (Full tower setup). ALL FOR LESS THAN £270

Someone said something about steam having cheap games... You can go to shops like CEX that sell games for similiar prices lol.

I am no console person but to say PC gaming is cheaper... I dont think it is lol


First off you don't need to buy a new PC, you can just upgrade the one your already got and save hundreds of pounds. No need to make rules up to benefit your argument. I can also make my own rules up, you need an HDTV to get the full benefit of a PS3 and that alone can cost a couple of hundred pounds.

And Since you want a PC that can do everything that PS3 can do, let's do the same for PS3. I want to use my PS3 for my job that I have, can I do that? Big Fat NO

See I can also spin the BS the way I want to.

PC Gaming over the whole gen comes in cheaper than consoles. Lower game prices, MOD support for most PC games which extends games for up to hundreds of hours. You can also use your PC for everything, work, shopping etc something a PS3 can't do FACT.

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#6 Mitjastiskovski
Member since 2004 • 327 Posts

It isn't cheaper if you don't have a starting point (i.e. an already extant desktop in your home). Building a PC from the ground up (especially a gaming PC, designed to run games very nicely) is quite a bit more expensive than what it would cost to buy a Wii, 360 or PS3. I would love someone to show me how to build a PC that can max Crysis, STALKER: Clear Sky and Mass Effect 2 for no more than $300... and have it include a monitor, mouse, keyboard, DVD/R-ROM and tower.


PC over a whole generation comes out cheaper than a console, it's a fact. The reason why that is the case is because every PC game comes around $10-$15 cheaper than the console version. Now multiply that by the number of games you buy over the whole gen. Most people will buy 20+ games over the whole gen, that's already a saving of up to $200 to $300 if not more compared to the console just on games. Not to mention for some console you have to pay to play online, multiply that by 5+ since that's how long each gen last.

Not to mention everyone that is posting on these forums are posting from a computer. Since most average computers today already have a dual-core cpu and 2GB of RAM, you would only need to buy a GPU and in some cases a better power supply and you have a good gaming PC. You only need to spend around a $100 on the upgrades and that average computer will become a gaming PC that will be able to max out any console port easily.

Consoles at first may appear to be cheaper but over the whole gen that cost will mount up. While a good PC may first appear expensive, over the whole gen the cost will decrease because games are so much cheaper compared to consoles. Also if you use MODS your PC games will also give you more mileage for the buck than a console game.

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#7 Mitjastiskovski
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[QUOTE="lowe0"] The cult of hardware worship strikes again. The components of a console may be PC-derived, but the built-for-gaming frameworks and UI designed for use from 10' away make consoles something entirely different from a Windows PC. You can try to retrofit these things onto Windows, but reducing Windows to a level suitable for use on a console would mean giving up a lot of the flexibility that PC users value. Control or simplicity - you can't have both. Consoles are truly gaming appliances, regardless of the hardware in them.lowe0

Yeah consoles use PC-derived hardware but the frameworks and UI is designed to make a console a closed off platform. And for the record consoles are not a simple gaming appliances, in fact every new gen they seem to go more towards the PC route, so that you can do multiple things on them. Today consoles, you can watch movies, browse websites, listen to music, stream movies and videos etc. By the looks of things, console are not just simple gaming machines that only play games far from it. They smell to me more like cheap PC that is locked down by big corp like Micro$oft and $ony so that they can charge you extra for nothing.

A Console is basically a PC with a controller and less freedom to do what you want with a product you paid your hard earned cash for. A milkage machine basically

You completely miss my point. Designing software for a console means casting off what allows a PC to run things like Excel or 3ds max. For example, the XMB - it's a very simple design. You basically have 6 options: select category, select within category, and up to 4 items bound to the face buttons and explained on-screen. That's it. No mouse cursor. Text entry needs to be kept to a minimum. The entire interface needs to act as a stack, instead of an enumerable collection of windows. You simply can't design an interface like that unless you control the apps that are going to be run on top of it, and MS can't do that with Windows. Then there's the question of the underlying OS frameworks. Take identity management, for instance. On the PC, there's Xfire, Steam, Gamespy, etc.... on the PS3, there's PSN, or PSN, or perhaps PSN. With a single identity manager, you know that Lowe0 in MAG is the exact same person as Lowe0 in Borderlands, or Lowe0 in Killzone 2. You can friend them, find their game, block them, mute them, or send them a message, and be absolutely certain that you're dealing with the same identity in every case. Without control of the apps on the platform, you can't mandate that, and you end up with fragmentation. It's not just user-visible frameworks, either - consider the PS3's use of OpenGL ES. Sony is able to pick and choose the components they want to provide developers with a lean, efficient API, without carrying around functionality of OpenGL that's more useful for professional apps than games. MS can't do that with Windows (they tried to wrap OpenGL back in the Vista days, and were hounded into backing down), but when you're building a platform for a specific purpose, you can do that. On top of that, consoles are meant to act as an appliance (interesting that you got hung up on the word "gaming" and ignored the word "appliance", which was the point of my post), which means certain assumptions must be upheld as well. Configuration must be centralized - you should only have to configure your available resolutions once (if at all - with HDMI, there's no reason why I should ever have to set a resolution again), and the system should handle it from there. Same goes for sound. Again, unless you control the apps run on the system and can dictate the APIs used, you can't create a system this easy to use. My point is, all of that "locked down", "less freedom", closed off platform" stuff you dislike has an upside that I value a lot more than the control I have to give up to get it. And all of that happens regardless of the hardware inside - almost everything I discussed (excluding only a tangential reference to HDMI) is entirely software-based. I judge a platform by the gaming experience I get, and well-designed software makes a much bigger difference than the specs of the underlying hardware.

Well if you like having no choice to do what you want, maybe you should move to north korea, the government there also decides when you are going for a p*ss or a s*it. You might like it there, since you have no choice which you prefer.

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#8 Mitjastiskovski
Member since 2004 • 327 Posts


The FAIL is strong in this tread. PC Gaming is above all three consoles. In terms of games and hardware it's miles ahead of the consoles. What console fanboys forget is that consoles are exacly the same as a PC. Everything that is used in todays console comes from PC, every new gen consoles just copy the latest PC hardware and then sticks it's own name on.

CPU's, GPU's, Hard-drives, Online gaming, HD Resolution gaming all came from the PC gaming. Just like DigitalDistribution will come to console next-gen. The fact is consoles are 5 steps behind all the time and each new gen, they catch up only to fall behind again. It's a never ending cycle. Console will always stay behind in development.

Console is a PC. Try and get that though your t*ick fanboy skull


The cult of hardware worship strikes again. The components of a console may be PC-derived, but the built-for-gaming frameworks and UI designed for use from 10' away make consoles something entirely different from a Windows PC. You can try to retrofit these things onto Windows, but reducing Windows to a level suitable for use on a console would mean giving up a lot of the flexibility that PC users value. Control or simplicity - you can't have both. Consoles are truly gaming appliances, regardless of the hardware in them.

Yeah consoles use PC-derived hardware but the frameworks and UI is designed to make a console a closed off platform. And for the record consoles are not a simple gaming appliances, in fact every new gen they seem to go more towards the PC route, so that you can do multiple things on them. Today consoles, you can watch movies, browse websites, listen to music, stream movies and videos etc. By the looks of things, console are not just simple gaming machines that only play games far from it. They smell to me more like cheap PC that is locked down by big corp like Micro$oft and $ony so that they can charge you extra for nothing.

A Console is basically a PC with a controller and less freedom to do what you want with a product you paid your hard earned cash for. A milkage machine basically

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#9 Mitjastiskovski
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[QUOTE="Metroid_Other_M"] what about the games? at the end of the day that's what matters. Pc is all about potential power which is barely EVER exploited.Metroid_Other_M

PC has the most games available out of all platforms, better quality games, bigger diversity of games, not just FPS like the consoles do.

And if you have a good PC, you can exploit that power by runing a game with higher quality textures, better rez and better framerate than the consoles? How is that not using the power of a PC?

Not to mention PC gaming has the best looking game on all platforms and it's 2 years old already....

which 90% of you guys are still eating your brain on how to max it out and get 60 fps? that game? oh yeah.. btw, consoles have only fps games? Super Mario says hi! and also Ratchet and LBP for that matter!

Just No. When have you seen PC gamers making threads in System wars on how to max out a game? Never yeah. :lol:

How many times you seen Console Graphics King threads? 10 every day at least. Now it's us PC gamers that eating our brains out about graphics. :lol:

I find it funny you are now trying to compare the diversity of games on consoles vs PC. :lol: Don't go there otherwise you are going to get severly owned.

You can't call Mario and Ratchet diversity games when there about about 500 mario games been made and about 50 ratchet games made. Talk about being milked :lol:

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#10 Mitjastiskovski
Member since 2004 • 327 Posts


The FAIL is strong in this tread. PC Gaming is standing above all three consoles. In terms of games and hardware it's miles ahead of the consoles. What console fanboys forget is that consoles are exacly the same as a PC. Everything that is used in todays console comes from PC, every new gen consoles just copy the latest PC hardware and then sticks it's own name on.

CPU's, GPU's, Hard-drives, Online gaming, HD Resolution gaming all came from the PC gaming. Just like DigitalDistribution will come to console next-gen. The fact is consoles are 5 steps behind all the time and each new gen, they catch up only to fall behind again. It's a never ending cycle. Console will always stay behind in development.


what about the games? at the end of the day that's what matters. Pc is all about potential power which is barely EVER exploited.

PC has the most games available out of all platforms, better quality games, bigger diversity of games, not just FPS like the consoles do.

And if you have a good PC, you can exploit that power by runing a game with higher quality textures, better rez and better framerate than the consoles? How is that not using the power of a PC?

Not to mention PC gaming has the best looking game on all platforms and it's 2 years old already....