Ok wait, so what you're saying i should not buy anything but a good computer. Sorry but i really don't see how that is worth it. So NO you just owned yourself lol.
Where did I say that you should only buy a PC? Quote please?
You're the one getting owned, you say you don't know nothing about computers but then you start pulling out numbers out of your ass saying how much a PC cost. If you know nothing about computers, how do you know how much they cost?
And I replied because you are saying how much a gaming computer costs yet you spend more on the console + TV combo. I really wonder what's more expensive lol
Owned :lol:
Computer's cost more than consoles, that's pretty much a fact.
One guy in this thread even said he spent $900 to build his computer... Which is pretty close to $1000
So let's say i get a decent gaming machine for $900, plus my $600tv that is $1500 for my gaming PC set up.
Or i could've just bought a $500 console, plus my $600 TV, that costs $1100, which is clearly cheaper, and clearly more convient than having to build my own PC.
Look I have no problem with PCs, The fact is there more expensive than consoles, and that was my whole point since the beginning.
Wrong, wrong, wrong. PC Gaming is CHEAPER.
The problem with you console guys is that you always look at the short-term cost compared to the long-term cost which you should be looking at. Yeah the PC and TV combo come at $1.5k and console combo come at $1.1k and that's $400 less but each PC game cost around $10-$15 less than the console version. Count in the fact that over the whole generation you will most definitely buy 20 to 30 games, that's already a saving of $200 to $300 in terms of games. Not to mention for gaming online on the xbox costs another $40-$50 a year for live service.
Over the whole of generation PC platform comes in at the same price or maybe even cheaper than consoles. Consoles have so much hidden cost that people don't think about. Also most PC games you can play some very good mods for free while on the console you get DLC but again you have to pay for them.
Long-term cost of a PC pretty much the same as a console but most people don't think long-term, they only look at the short-term cost.
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