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#1 Mitjastiskovski
Member since 2004 • 327 Posts

I am looking for a newmonitor but since I don't know anything when it comes to monitors I would like some advice before buying. I am looking for a 22" monitor with resolution up to 1920x1080 for less than £140. I seen some cheap 22" monitors for less than £110 but I don't know if they are any good.

Currently I am looking at this model. I have also seen the new LED TV in shops and the picture quality looks amazing so I am also considering this modelwhich has LED technology. I don't know if these two are any good and I also don't know what to look for when buying a new monitor. Any advice on what should I get or look for?


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#2 Mitjastiskovski
Member since 2004 • 327 Posts

Worldwide the PS3 is outselling the 360 and by quite alot I think. I don't get it why everyone looks at the NPD and them somehow claims ownage....People need to grow up and look at the overall numbers not just the NPD. X360 is strong in USA since it's a home market, just like PS3 own's the 360 in japan where that is ps3 home market.

I can't help but fill that system wars users are a bunch of 9 year old kids claiming ownage on sales number...How sad this would is:lol:

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#3 Mitjastiskovski
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I think earth might be warming but if this is down to humans is another matter. Earth has always changed, there have been ice ages and other stuff when humans had no effect what so ever. What ever happens I am pretty sure earth and nature will adapt and so will people. I don't beliave that humans are responsible for global warming. 30 years ago scientists were saying we are on the brink of another ice-age and look how that turned out.


And 30 years ago we had nowhere near the amount of data we have today.

True but we are still using old data to compare with the new data to see what differences there are. So if 30 years old data is not so good how can we compare between the two? Fact is noone is sure what is causing global warming, there are many scientists that disagree with global warming but they are not heard.

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#4 Mitjastiskovski
Member since 2004 • 327 Posts


I think earth might be warming but if this is down to humans is another matter. Earth has always changed, there have been ice ages and other stuff when humans had no effect what so ever. What ever happens I am pretty sure earth and nature will adapt and so will people. I don't beliave that humans are responsible for global warming. 30 years ago scientists were saying we are on the brink of another ice-age and look how that turned out.


You are correct that the earths climate has changed many times without human influence, but unlike those times, the climate change that is occurring now is happening at a far greater rate. Changes that would have taken hundred of years are now taking decades or less. Since you think that it is not human caused, would you care to give a reason why then that climate change is happening? Easy to deny, but not so easy to come up with your own theory, eh? And yes, earth will adapt to this climate change, but it would also survive and adapt to a nuclear war or and asteroid impact. The point is, just because the world won't end, doesn't mean we should allow the world to drastically change and for thousands of species of animals to become extinct. And like I said in my previous post, who cares if it isn't human caused? It's never a bad idea to cut back on pollution and to lessen our dependence on dirty and limited energy source.

Just because climate change is happening faster than ever before, doesn't mean humans are responsible. 30 years ago there was panic about a new ice age, so you are telling me that in 30 years we went from ice age danger to global warming? I don't see that many changes in 30 years time to effect the earth so much. And if we humans are really causing global warming then won't we be doing the exact same thing that we are doing now, by playing around with how the planet should work? If we start cutting co2 to effect the planet temperature, then we are doing the exact same thing as we are now with increasing co2 but only the opposite. How would planet react with much less co2 in the air?

We should never play God cause we don't know what we are doing. Being green and cutting the co2 might cause much bigger problems in the long run than what we are doing now. We just don't know.

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#5 Mitjastiskovski
Member since 2004 • 327 Posts

I think earth might be warming but if this is down to humans is another matter. Earth has always changed, there have been ice ages and other stuff when humans had no effect what so ever. What ever happens I am pretty sure earth and nature will adapt and so will people. I don't beliave that humans are responsible for global warming. 30 years ago scientists were saying we are on the brink of another ice-age and look how that turned out.

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#6 Mitjastiskovski
Member since 2004 • 327 Posts

Good for the Swiss, at least they got the balls to stand up and do what they want. Personally I think every religion should be banned. Religion has done nothing but harm to people. Countless wars and countless people have died because of some stupid religion and some stupid god that doesn't even exist. People are blowing them self up left, right and center in the name of the god.....

This planet would have been a much better place to live if it wasn't for some stupid religion.

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#7 Mitjastiskovski
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[QUOTE="SpartanNapoleon"][QUOTE="NoRussian"] And why not? You see what they did to Japan. They could use those - if Europe didn't let them take over the population of Europe. And the fact that Germany couldn't beat Russia shows its weakness. You say it was a frightfully powerful nation in Europe; yet, it couldn't take over one specific country.NoRussian
You do know that Germany had Jets and was developing the dirty bomb. Germany with jets would have had air superiority in Britain and after that the US would not have been able to launch any bombs since they would have lost their launching point. However German jets did have the capability of reaching the US in a one way trip capable of launching a dirty bomb in NY. Actually that was one of his plans. However the war ended before he had produced enough jets to make a difference.

Yeah, well, the dirty bomb ain't got nothing on the atomic bomb. :)

Germany were developing an atomic bomb and would had have one ready by 1946 but luckly the way ended a year earlier.

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#8 Mitjastiskovski
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Hitler was an id*ot and a big one at that. He was no conqueror, his generals did all the work while he screwed it all up :lol:

If hitler would have let his generals decide tactics, I am pretty sure Germany would have won WW2. Lucky for us he didn't :)

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#9 Mitjastiskovski
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Ok wait, so what you're saying i should not buy anything but a good computer. Sorry but i really don't see how that is worth it. So NO you just owned yourself lol.


Where did I say that you should only buy a PC? Quote please?

You're the one getting owned, you say you don't know nothing about computers but then you start pulling out numbers out of your ass saying how much a PC cost. If you know nothing about computers, how do you know how much they cost?

And I replied because you are saying how much a gaming computer costs yet you spend more on the console + TV combo. I really wonder what's more expensive lol

Owned :lol:

Computer's cost more than consoles, that's pretty much a fact.

One guy in this thread even said he spent $900 to build his computer... Which is pretty close to $1000

So let's say i get a decent gaming machine for $900, plus my $600tv that is $1500 for my gaming PC set up.

Or i could've just bought a $500 console, plus my $600 TV, that costs $1100, which is clearly cheaper, and clearly more convient than having to build my own PC.

Look I have no problem with PCs, The fact is there more expensive than consoles, and that was my whole point since the beginning.

Wrong, wrong, wrong. PC Gaming is CHEAPER.

The problem with you console guys is that you always look at the short-term cost compared to the long-term cost which you should be looking at. Yeah the PC and TV combo come at $1.5k and console combo come at $1.1k and that's $400 less but each PC game cost around $10-$15 less than the console version. Count in the fact that over the whole generation you will most definitely buy 20 to 30 games, that's already a saving of $200 to $300 in terms of games. Not to mention for gaming online on the xbox costs another $40-$50 a year for live service.

Over the whole of generation PC platform comes in at the same price or maybe even cheaper than consoles. Consoles have so much hidden cost that people don't think about. Also most PC games you can play some very good mods for free while on the console you get DLC but again you have to pay for them.

Long-term cost of a PC pretty much the same as a console but most people don't think long-term, they only look at the short-term cost.

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#10 Mitjastiskovski
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No I really don't. Please link me to this 500-600 dollar computer. I live in Canada so please no American things. And to be completley honest i know aboustloutley nothing about computers and really would have no idea how to build one. (Sure call me an idiot i don't care) My TV also only costed $600, but i use that for TV, and gaming, My 360 was $500, and PS3 is my brothers. So stop assuming crap please.

But really, why is it i get bashed when i say i don't have enough money for a PC?? I'm on a Laptop right now to, so i would need to buy a monitor aswell.


Dude you have just owned yourself. Saying how expensive PC gaming is and that you need $1000 PC, yet you go on about spending $600 for a TV and then using an excuse I can also watch TV on it, like that justifies the cost. :lol:

So in total you spend over $1000 to get your setup going which cost just as much as a high end PC but that doesn't matter cause you can also watch TV on it. I hope you reliase that a Gaming PC can be used for a lot more than just gaming....

Also you don't need a monitor along with your PC, you already have the $600 TV. Yes this might be a shock to you, but you can connect your PC to your TV.

Ok wait, so what you're saying i should not buy anything but a good computer. Sorry but i really don't see how that is worth it. So NO you just owned yourself lol.

Where did I say that you should only buy a PC? Quote please?

You're the one getting owned, you say you don't know nothing about computers but then you start pulling out numbers out of your ass saying how much a PC cost. If you know nothing about computers, how do you know how much they cost?

And I replied because you are saying how much a gaming computer costs yet you spend more on the console + TV combo. I really wonder what's more expensive lol

Owned :lol: