Purely judged by the amount of moderation I had to do. Ratchet by a mile. cakeorrdeath
Purely judged by the amount of moderation I had to do. Ratchet by a mile. cakeorrdeath
Every post before you was laughing at the TC. :?[QUOTE="taker42"][QUOTE="bretthorror"]This entire thread shows why hermits are the laughing stock of these forums.marklarmer
i was laughing at how hermits always just discredit someone because ofwho built their PC.
thats because pre built pc's are 3times more expensive, and wont perform very well for its price, so complining about a expensive pre built rig that wont run games is pointless really, if i had an accer or a dell i woudnt expect to play games on it.
[QUOTE="TeamR"][QUOTE="chadwardennn"]I tried other games like the witcher and clive jericho on my PC.... The witcher looks horrible, not even close to anything on the 360. Cliver Jericho i need to play without AA, and even then it has unstable framerate. 360 version is way better (the game itself still sux).
thx for misleading consoleowners hermits. With this 1000 euro PC, my 360 games still look way better. And plz, dont come with the 1920x1280 + 16x AA + Halflife 2... Cuz i cant even run a stupid game like clive jericho at 1600x1080 + 0x AA at 30fps.
Hermits are full of lies. But i get the feeling that most "hermits" are just cows with no knowlegde or experience with highend PCs. Mythical PCs lol. (i could be very wrong lol).
Yeah. I smell a troll
Funny how I can play witcher and jericho with 2xAA on a SIGNIFICANTLY weaker setup. This baby is pumping a 7800GS with a single core cpu. And unlike you, i'll provide actual proof:
Why do you need to lie abotu these things, mate? Or maybe your one of those peopel who just have no idea how to use a computer and blame the game/hardware for your shortcomings
I never said the witcher didnt run well on my PC. It runs smooth, but it looks horrible.
and hes oficially a troll now =p
[QUOTE="chadwardennn"]I tried other games like the witcher and clive jericho on my PC.... The witcher looks horrible, not even close to anything on the 360. Cliver Jericho i need to play without AA, and even then it has unstable framerate. 360 version is way better (the game itself still sux).
thx for misleading consoleowners hermits. With this 1000 euro PC, my 360 games still look way better. And plz, dont come with the 1920x1280 + 16x AA + Halflife 2... Cuz i cant even run a stupid game like clive jericho at 1600x1080 + 0x AA at 30fps.
Hermits are full of lies. But i get the feeling that most "hermits" are just cows with no knowlegde or experience with highend PCs. Mythical PCs lol. (i could be very wrong lol).
Yeah. I smell a troll
Funny how I can play witcher and jericho with 2xAA on a SIGNIFICANTLY weaker setup. This baby is pumping a 7800GS with a single core cpu. And unlike you, i'll provide actual proof:
Why do you need to lie abotu these things, mate? Or maybe your one of those peopel who just have no idea how to use a computer and blame the game/hardware for your shortcomings
well i can run withcer maxed out on 1440x900 with no aa and no af, it looks good enough for me and i have a single core and a 6800gs, but i havent tryed running crysis or jericho yet.
[QUOTE="Mizarus"][QUOTE="elbow2k"][QUOTE="Number_1_Gamer"][QUOTE="elbow2k"]Mass Effect.
People calling it Game of the Year before it was even released. Suicide rates went up when it flopped; some peoples lives depending on this game.
I can't coun the amount of times people have attempting to put ME over Super Mario Galaxy, before it was released.
Suffice to say, those who did hype ME to that extent, should have custom made owange sigs, warning other users to play a game after it is released, before making some lofty claims.
Anyone who thought a 360 game would be better than SMG is a fool.
Rabid fanboys.
I wish I could find the person who said ME was going to be an AAAAE.
That a massive fail.
there were more people hyping lair a AAAE then people hyping ME AAAE..
No. How many cows are there in comparison to lemmings?
It's one thing to call a game an AAAE, it's another thing to say AAAAE and GOTY before it even comes out.
then uncharted should go into that list, ive seen a few cows hyping it as AAAA GOTY and best game of all times, it goes both ways you cant pick a small group to represent a whole, it dosent work that way.
[QUOTE="Number_1_Gamer"][QUOTE="elbow2k"]Mass Effect.
People calling it Game of the Year before it was even released. Suicide rates went up when it flopped; some peoples lives depending on this game.
I can't coun the amount of times people have attempting to put ME over Super Mario Galaxy, before it was released.
Suffice to say, those who did hype ME to that extent, should have custom made owange sigs, warning other users to play a game after it is released, before making some lofty claims.
Anyone who thought a 360 game would be better than SMG is a fool.
Rabid fanboys.
I wish I could find the person who said ME was going to be an AAAAE.
That a massive fail.
there were more people hyping lair a AAAE then people hyping ME AAAE..
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