[QUOTE="Mizarus"][QUOTE="HarlockJC"][QUOTE="Mizarus"]it depends on who had the idea of making the game or if nintendo bought the rights from Rare, its pretty much the same thing thats happening now, who owns Halo franchise now? M$ or Bungie?HarlockJC
That we know M$ already said that they own the rights to Halo
reading through the interview again, it seems to me that microsoft dont allow Rare to have its own projects, when nintendo did, they even use Banjo as an exemple but since the game is coming out iam probly mistaken, it could also be that KillerInstinct is indeed a nintendo project, and rare only developed it.
Which kinda sinks Nintendo likes to forget about some of their IP's. Where if Rare owned KI then we may see another one.
nintendo probly knows that they cant satisfy the fans of the series by developing the games themselfs, or if its the second case M$ isnt allowing Rare to develop games at their will or only letting rare develop games that they have bought the rights, either way it sucks for those whom loved the series.
but with StreetFighter 4 in development i really dont care much about a KI sequel =p
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