[QUOTE="ProtossRushX"][QUOTE="Mizarus"] [QUOTE="Spartan070"]Most console gamers could'nt give a rats about any RTS game, Starcraft is no exception.Mizarus
thats why this trhead is pointless, if anyone with good sense wanted to play a RTS they would have a PC.
actually you fail on so many levels a true gamer likes the best games an high rated games there is no doubt in my mind that starcraft 2 will get anythin less then a 9.5 on ign/gamespot an egm
anyway you fail sir if you dont like playing tripel A blissful games then dont, starcraft 2 has epic story better then the best books an movies, it has epic cinematics better then anythin final fantasy or any cgi ever invented
it has the best gameplay of all time nuclear launch detected BOOOM no gamer would ever not enjoy nuking an entire army in a RTS game even if u hate the genre the gameplay is just incredible for casual or hardcore 3 UNIQUE RACES with tons of different playstatyles and the balance is incredible u coul just play multiplayer only an give this game a flat out 10/10 experience
it has awesome music/sound effects an great fun voice overs better then any other system foryears
so yeah have fun missing out on this awesome GAME when i first got starcraft it is game that goes beyond its genre and thats why it getsr ated triple a an is in the top 10 best sellin games of all time kid plz go back to school an get some gamer education bro
i love starcraft and i play on all consoles, i still play starcraft to this date, still i can vouch that there are people specially here on system wars that abide to only 1 system, either because they dont enjoy certain styles of games or because they ar e blinded by their own fanboysm, or just because they cant afford it.
so no i havent failed
also i own almost all blizzard games, from Frozen Throne to lost vikings, again you are making starcraft players look bad.
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