[QUOTE="Mizarus"][QUOTE="Danm_999"][QUOTE="Polaris_choice"][QUOTE="imprezawrx500"][QUOTE="-D3MO-"] Do not get a PC now, DX10 isin't worth it right now. Wait till MS fixes the Vista and DX10 bugs. Then go for the PC.
As for the PS3...its up to you. I personally have one, enjoy it, own R:FOM, Motorstorm, R&C, and a few others, play it fairly often. Its not a bad console. But again I have all the consoles and a PC, worked hard for all of 'em.
I'd recommend waiting on both though. Unless you really must play R:FOM or Motorstorm, both great games BTW, I would wait till next year.
that's no reason not to get a pc as dx9 pcs still leaves consoles in the dust. just look at crysis, bioshock etc
No DX9 pc leaves consoles in the dust look at the whooping bioshock put on most pc's DX9 has nothing on either the PS3 or 360.
Funny, GameSpot says the 360 only surpasses Bioshock on PC when the PC version is turned down to medium. (HINT: Dx9 cards aren't capped at medium, they can run on high!).
As for Crysis, you can run that on high on a Dx9 card. Guess what, it looks better than any 360/PS3 game.
crysis on medium looks better then most console games out there, if we are talking about graphics here the pc will be always on top, now when discussing games, its all about preferences.
Crysis on Medium looks better then most pc games towhats your point?
read the whole post and you will see that i pretty much said this.
"in the end graphics do not matter"
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