why can't I win the lottery? :cry:
to stay on topic though, I would buy the PC, but thats because I already have a Wii..... it all depends on your preferences though, I don't know what games you like, what your thoughts are about the consoles, etc,etc.
on second thought, you might want to PSWii60, because I think hooking up PCs to TVs looks stupid and because it would be so awsome to have a friend over and then go like
"So you wanna play PS3 first, then 360, then Wii? or the other way around?"
he would be like,
should we play party games on the wii
half assed shooters on the 360
or watch a blu ray movie on the ps3? =p
i see no point on buyng 3 consoles at the same time, you will get much more out of your money getting 1 system+acessories and games, what system you pick its all about the eye of the beholder, id get a pc upgrade as first choice, a wii as second and a ps3 as third(yes , i made the joke but id get a ps3 over a 360). since ive already got a pc and a wii, id just upgrade my PC now, get the games out there that are worth for both pc and wii, and when the ps3 gets more intresting id consider getting one aswell, this way i can get much more out of my money.
especially if i had "won the lotery" lol
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