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#1 Mizarus
Member since 2004 • 1379 Posts

i dont want the ps3 to fail it would be a great loss if it did, but at this moment no one can argue that the ps3 is heading towards failure, unless they turn the table really quickly the ps3 will become this gen dreamcast,

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#2 Mizarus
Member since 2004 • 1379 Posts

update on the system wars...breaking news!

lemmings want non-360 systems to fail
sheep want non-wii systems to fail
cows want non-ps3 systems to fail


what about the hermits?!?!!

i don't think they care.

i think they are just sitting down eating poopcorn and laughingwhile us lemmings, cows, and sheep fight and argue.

laughing and pointing dont forget about the pointing

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#3 Mizarus
Member since 2004 • 1379 Posts
hm i can run this on med to llow, maybe il give it a try but i dont expect much from this game
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#4 Mizarus
Member since 2004 • 1379 Posts

[QUOTE="Wartzay"][QUOTE="ByLaw1"]Most militant hermits on here are really just trying to compensate emotionally for the fact that they have little else in their lives to brag about.ByLaw1

If you have "other things" to brag about, what are you doing here in a thread arguing over the various qualities of PCs vrs consoles? Shouldnt you be out with your hot girlfriend in your expensive sports car and having big parties with your tons of friends at your flashy house on the beach?

Sounds like I hit a nerve. I'm not bragging, and I said nothing about being on this forum meaning anything about not having a life. I'm talking about those who go on and on about their specs, claiming that their PC is the greatest thing in the world and nothing can touch it. That's very different from simply sharing an opinion here. Take time to read something and understand before you comment on it.

most people post their rigs to show what they did it with it, not to show off, people do this because pc's can customizable, and you will rarely see 2 pc's with the same specs.

and i never seen anyone grabbing about their specs other then fake boys claiming they have a QuadCore and uber GPU's and cant run x game proply or spent over 4000$ on their rig

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#5 Mizarus
Member since 2004 • 1379 Posts

I'm part hermit, and its not the best system for everything. It is the best system for some things.

PC will always win in graphics. It does not win in sound, because all next gen systems are roughly sixes in that department depending upon your sound setup. Gameplay is a push depending upon the type of game. FPS, then yes a mouse and keyboard are preferable. Platformers and racers, no (yes, I know that with a racer you can get a wheel, but so can console players and the 360 wheel kicks trash).

It holds a slight edge in online multiplayer over XboxLive (sorry cows, PSN=no), but comes in dead last in local multiplayer. Consoles allow you to play with your friends with ease. PCs only allow that if you buddy lugs his rig over and you set up a LAN. Try getting 4 guys to bring over their systems to play together and you're in for at least 30 minutes worth of setup time before you even load your game. Besides that, 4 guys are not going to want to go to the trouble very often.

PC also comes in dead last in value. Despite what many Hermits want to tell you, there is a constant push to upgrade your hardware. If you haven't upgraded in a while, there is always the nagging question of "How well will this new game run on my rig," and "What settings will I have to use," which will affect the graphical performance and could take away the graphical edge. Without upgrades, new games will gradually run more and more poorly on your system over its lifetime. As consoles age, games generally run better and better because devs have figured out how to squeeze performance out of the thing.

Don't let the hermits get to you. They have advantages in some things, disadvantages in others. Most militant hermits on here are really just trying to compensate emotionally for the fact that they have little else in their lives to brag about.


Let nme remind you that PCs can use even wiimote...and have games with same screen mp like pes2008....up to 8 players actually....

As for the upgrades if you want to have SAME graphics as a console for the same consoles lifetime you dont have to upgrade...

Let me remind you that some consoles can use a keyboard and mouse as well! Besides, if you borrow technology from another system, you can't claim that your system is better than the one you're borrowing from BECAUSE...the fact that you're appropriating another system's device is an acknowledgement that the technology is PREFERABLE.

Also, not true that if you want to have the same graphics throughout the life of your PC you don't have to upgrade. I can have a 3-year old PC that runs HL2 at top specs, giving amazing graphics. That same PC will not run Crysis on anything near the top specs, but most likely only the most basic specs. This means that my shaders and AA, detailed shadowing, textures, particle effects, etc.are going to look much better on my older game than my newer one. Result - I'm not getting the same graphical performance on Crysis that I'm getting on HL2.

Thanks for playing.

i rather not being able to play a game at the max settings then not being able to play it at all, which can happen when consoles jump genarations, on pc's you only need to upgrade if you want to play a game that your current pc cant handle, some people are still playng the old cs 1.6 not because they cant afford a upgrade(most of them have a rig better then mine) but because they dont like CS S.

and there are pads designed for pc's aswell that are just as good as any console pad out there, the only reason i bought a 360 pad is because MS is giving it suport for pc games aswell and i tought that was intresting, but i can agree with you on borrowed techonology thing or else consoles woudnt stand a chance against the pc since most of their parts are based on pc technologys

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#6 Mizarus
Member since 2004 • 1379 Posts

I have a 3.4 ghz CPU and a 7800GS on AGPx8 with 1 gig of room.

I'm probably going to need an upgrade to play Crysis at an acceptable level. Any upgrade at this point will require a new mobo, cpu, ram and graphics card. Possibly a new PSU. I am guestimating my total costs at roughly $600-$750.

Having said that, I am more then willing to pay that cost if it means I can play Crysis and World in Conflict both on the higher end of the settings ranges.

Bring it on.


you should be fine, if you are running on vista you might need an extra giga of ram, and if you want to play on dx10 you need a new gpu, other then that you should be able to play the game on hihg settings depending on your resolution

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#7 Mizarus
Member since 2004 • 1379 Posts
ps3 free online
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#8 Mizarus
Member since 2004 • 1379 Posts

[QUOTE="agentfred"]I thought that was the revolutionary part of the game though. The scale and thus the freedom of movement was unlike anything we had seen before. I thought the level design was great.PS3_3DO

that recent 1up preview said that the crysis level they played was by far the biggest and most open level they had ever seen in a video game.

So that means you are going to need at least 2gigs of Ram to play Crysis maybe even more. :o I bet 360 could do about at least half of that level.

Excuse me, but I don't think I understand. You claim 2 gigs are needed to run it, but half a gig can do half of it? Perhaps it isn't linear progression, but I still don't think that math works out.

Consoles can free up more ram because they don't use a big OS taking up resources. Consoles use less Ram then the PC does. So 512mb of Ram in the 360 is like 1.5gigs of Ram in a PC.

they do use less ram, but the pc ram is much faster, so i cant say that 512mb=1.5 on a pc its probly not true id risk sayng it that 512mb=700-800mb(since my xp consumes about 300mb), also depending on the os your on it consumes less RAM.

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#9 Mizarus
Member since 2004 • 1379 Posts

[QUOTE="Mizarus"]so you can play phantom hourglass on a gba?Wahoo2k

DS =/= GBA

Just like PC =/= DOS.

They are two different generations.

right now you can define pc by generations as well, but pc's get their genarations difned by games and not hardware while console genaration is defined only by hardware.

once a pc cant play a game anymore even on low resolution its dated, if it can its still on par with this generation, your DS can play DS games because it meets the requirements.

a 3-4 year old pc can run WiC, if it meets the requirements, its pretty much the same thing, if you own a GBA you will ned to upgrade to a ds in order to play phantom hourglass, so its the same thing

In my opinion, that isn't completely true, I think that you can define generations by the hardware, for example, dual core.

i would agree but dual core hasnt affected gamming enough to be considered a gen, gpus>>>>processors for games these days.

you could consider DX as a generation but they dont happen as often as consoles are released and consoles some times goes trough 2 genarations using the same DX (or equivalent) as do pc's

GPU's are always ahead of games so they shoudnt be considered as genarations aswell, the best way i could think of is using Games since they are the ones that require gamers to upgrade their pc's.

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#10 Mizarus
Member since 2004 • 1379 Posts

Itried to put a playstation 2 game in my playstation


(I didn't really but you get the point)


I got the point, but it has nothing to do with this.

PS1 and PS2 are two different gens.

A PC game from 1999 is the same gen as a PC game from 2009. Because they are still a PC game.

lol so games for pc should evolve its graphics without requiring a better hardware???, then pc gaming would be miles away from consoles since it would be basicly free, you would need to buy 1 pc for you entire life