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#1 Mizarus
Member since 2004 • 1379 Posts

Well the thing is..there's a huge difference between someone who dislikes Halo games and someone who hates Halo games. Some who dislikes them might have played them and they have legitimate reasons... which is fine because not everyone will like it.

Those who hate Halo games on the other hand tend to be people who have such strong negativity towards everything Halo related for no reason. This is due to jealousy and nothing more. Trust me, I made a Halo 3 thread a few days ago and I would need a calculator to add up all the jealous hermits.


only if fanboys were so resaonable. anyone who doesn't think halo is great is either a cow or has never player or close minded. also in your thread, i had mine calculator too add up all the insecure lemmings who needed to justify their halo 3

lol your thread was a joke you stated your opinion as a fact many times over and over again, this thread on the other hand accuatly presents relevant things that can accuatly be discussed

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#2 Mizarus
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[QUOTE="DuDisNow"]2.PC gamers don't like it because they're stuck to their keyboard and mouse, and I really don't care about that, but when they go to post reviews they give is '1's over and over, which shows they're just haters, nothing more, nothing lessVandalvideo
Again, wrong. It just goes to illustrate how little the general gaming populous knows about hermits. We aren't too attached to a keyboard and mouse such to the extent that we blindly hate the controller. Not at all. Most hermtis are avid console gamers and enjoy playing those games. We just have a unique insight about Halo because we've played more FPS games and realize its not the second coming.

yup i own to have a 360 pad just to play games on my pc, this video pretty much summerize why i dont like halo, but i dont hate the game either, its an good 360 game but i have fps's on my pc that just feel better, and ive played the first 2 games and i will try out the third as soon as i get a chance, i dont think it will change my mind but it wont hurt to give it a try, pc gamers are more open minded then most people think

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#3 Mizarus
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AA, loved diablo but from what ive seen from the videos i didnt like the gameplay
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#4 Mizarus
Member since 2004 • 1379 Posts

If voice chat is really important to you, 360 leads there (in sheer amount of people with mics and ease of use).

Everything else: PC.


Ok, i just kinda wanna play Battlefield 2, are there a lot of people with headsets there?

depends on what server you play, you will find a few players with headsets on pubs, and everyone will have a headset on a more serious match/server especially if you have a clan.

also bf2 on pc has built in voip

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#5 Mizarus
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on crysis you can attach a sniper scope to shotguns (it is less usefull then you might think, but it can be done)


So, when Yerli told us console FPSs are 5-6 years behind PC games, what he meant was this:

They've swapped a squad of soldiers for Jake Dunn with a Nano suit

And they've reduced the amount of specialized weapons to a few 'moddable' ones.


there are lots of weapons on the game, and all of them are moddable, so its the contrary, also some if not most of them are specialized towards something

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#6 Mizarus
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not really , microsoft ads had a lot to do with it, this game did an amazing feat and built this huge momentum and yes that was diserved, but people hype the game too much let me explain.

you get your hardcore Hermit who grew playng fps's, then he hears of this Awsome fps for console his friend is playng lately, he goes over to his house and give it a try, what will he reliase? well its a good game but, it seems like ive played it before, i dont get it why theres all this fuss about it.

it will disapoint him, to this guy the game wont meet the hype, sure some pc gamers can enjoy the game but it just wont meet the hype for them, and some of those who dont will start making threads about how bad the game is, when all hes tryng to say is that the game isnt that great because its been done it before.

my opinion on this franchise is that its a huge leap foward to console shooters, it can be fun but i just like pc shooters better, especially because my friends play on it so i guess that has a lot to do with it. games are a hella lot more fun if you play them with your friends, especially with vo ip


Actually yes, really. Your whole analogy was based on a hardcore hermits. Not exactly a good concensus imo.

yes but thats my whole point, that where all this started,

a few hardcore hermits started ranting about halo 3 not being all that it is cranked up to be

hardcore lemmings got defensive and started fighing back(or vice versa any side could have trigered this) and then we had our own little chaos teory right here, more people got into it, informed people and guys with no clue what they are talking about, and system wars is pretty much a huge fanboy magnet.

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#7 Mizarus
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[QUOTE="madterps"]Crysis and COD4>>>>>>>> Halo 3. You have failed for the last time... madterps

Some people don't drink, some people don't smoke, I on the other hand do not fail. Plus you brought no evidence to back up your claims.

So easy to pwn you, in fact other people already pointed out games like FEARwere better in term of gameplay. Crysis has different ways to play, you can choose fastspeedand outrun people if you choose to or you can choose strength if you want to and toss a guy up in the air and shoot him. The best part of all is you get the selection to choose what you want. In Halo 3, I don't see where you have a choice to pick up a brute by hand and toss him up in the airthen shoot him while he's coming down. Or simply outrun everyone on foot then set up a point to take the enemies out.

on crysis you can attach a sniper scope to shotguns (it is less usefull then you might think, but it can be done)

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#8 Mizarus
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[QUOTE="madterps"]Crysis and COD4>>>>>>>> Halo 3. You have failed for the last time... Mizarus

Some people don't drink, some people don't smoke, I on the other hand do not fail. Plus you brought no evidence to back up your claims.


No comment :?

There's no point in pretending that I'm wrong. I always back up my claims with evidence and knowledge,

erm no you dont


[QUOTE="madterps"]Crysis and COD4>>>>>>>> Halo 3. You have failed for the last time... dracula_16

Some people don't drink, some people don't smoke, I on the other hand do not fail. Plus you brought no evidence to back up your claims.


No comment :?

There's no point in pretending that I'm wrong. I always back up my claims with evidence and knowledge,

erm no you dont

You don't know my posting history therefore you're in no place to talk about it this.

iam still looking for a single evidence on this thread, so either this is an exception or you dont know the meaning of the word

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#9 Mizarus
Member since 2004 • 1379 Posts

Seriously though, what the TC said about why Halo is hated is about 95% true.

One of the definitions of a true elitist is someone who goes out of their way to be a non-conformist. This is the cause of many people uber-bashing Halo when in reality they simply think it's an ok shooter.

It's honestly really annoying.


the thing about halo is that its Over-hyped waaaay over hyped, so much hype that people consider it being over rated, its a great game, its just not worth all this hype since there are a FEW overall better(but it still comes down to personal preference) fps's out there on the pc, this kind of thread is exactly why people call halo over rated

Well I think it deserves the hype. It's an amazing AAA franchise that has a true universal appeal and breaks sales records to boot. Hype deserved imo.


Seriously though, what the TC said about why Halo is hated is about 95% true.

One of the definitions of a true elitist is someone who goes out of their way to be a non-conformist. This is the cause of many people uber-bashing Halo when in reality they simply think it's an ok shooter.

It's honestly really annoying.


the thing about halo is that its Over-hyped waaaay over hyped, so much hype that people consider it being over rated, its a great game, its just not worth all this hype since there are a FEW overall better(but it still comes down to personal preference) fps's out there on the pc, this kind of thread is exactly why people call halo over rated

Well I think it deserves the hype. It's an amazing AAA franchise that has a true universal appeal and breaks sales records to boot. Hype deserved imo.

not really , microsoft ads had a lot to do with it, this game did an amazing feat and built this huge momentum and yes that was diserved, but people hype the game too much let me explain.

you get your hardcore Hermit who grew playng fps's, then he hears of this Awsome fps for console his friend is playng lately, he goes over to his house and give it a try, what will he reliase? well its a good game but, it seems like ive played it before, i dont get it why theres all this fuss about it.

it will disapoint him, to this guy the game wont meet the hype, sure some pc gamers can enjoy the game but it just wont meet the hype for them, and some of those who dont will start making threads about how bad the game is, when all hes tryng to say is that the game isnt that great because its been done it before.

my opinion on this franchise is that its a huge leap foward to console shooters, it can be fun but i just like pc shooters better, especially because my friends play on it so i guess that has a lot to do with it. games are a hella lot more fun if you play them with your friends, especially with vo ip

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#10 Mizarus
Member since 2004 • 1379 Posts

[QUOTE="madterps"]Crysis and COD4>>>>>>>> Halo 3. You have failed for the last time... dracula_16

Some people don't drink, some people don't smoke, I on the other hand do not fail. Plus you brought no evidence to back up your claims.


No comment :?

There's no point in pretending that I'm wrong. I always back up my claims with evidence and knowledge,

erm no you dont