[QUOTE="Mizarus"][QUOTE="NuclearDruid"][QUOTE="Mizarus"][QUOTE="NuclearDruid"] [QUOTE="Mizarus"]i would consider it, even tho id still need a med end pc for a few other things then gaming, but yeah if it had all the strong aspects of the pc(gaming related only) and the strong aspects of a console it would be the ultimate gaming system, and the consoles are indeed evolvling we might see something like that down the futureNuclearDruid
Consoles are becoming pc's. If consoles got all those features, there would be almost no difference. And I have no doubt in my mind the companies would add extra features like web-browsing, chatting etc.
well i meant 3dmax and photoshop
Well it is impossible to tell right now, there is always the possibility of the companies granting the ability to develop games soley on the consoles that play them.
its impossible because those products retail for very high prices, those softwares alone are more expensive then most pc's out there, also they require huge amounts of RAM(3dmax, photoshop not so much) cpu and gpu(the faster the better)
main reason would still be price, and HDD sizes(i know you can change console HDD's but you can install softwares at will yet, and yes i know you can install a diferent linux on the ps3)
The issue here is that you're looking at technology now, and what will be capable later on. Technology is moving at a staggering rate, so as I've said before, it is impossible to tell what to expect right now.
consoles will always be gaming stations and pc will always be the work station, that will never change, if they do consoles wont be able to play games so smoothly anymore and will have to worry about other areas
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