[QUOTE="Mizarus"][QUOTE="whoisryanmack"][QUOTE="Mizarus"][QUOTE="whoisryanmack"][QUOTE="Mizarus"] whoisryanmack
Really though, what do youcare? I don't give a crap how the car looks, and I own the car. The fact that you'd bring up the looks first, tells me you don't understand what's really important.
well , if a car looks grily its because of how it looks, not because of whats under the hood, and i dont care i was just sayng to you the reason i tought you car looked girly it rememberd me of that car from 2fast 2 furious, if you really dont give a **** about what iam sayng why the rash and angry response? iam just being resanoble
Who's angry? You're the guy who chimed in in the first place, so don't get all touchy now.
and just so you know from now on, the car isn't great because of what I've done to it. It was already great due to the midengine, ultra lightweight, rear drive platform Toyota provided me with. This is why I bought the car, they could have wrapped it in turds for all I care..but I will say that it does look pretty f'in sweet in real life....unless you're one of those dudes that needs a truck to feel like a man.
for one i hate trucks, and again i wasnt offending you, you took it the wrong way, i said that the guy that comented about your car was right it did looked girly for some reason, so i find out why, because of a crappy movie i regret ever watching,
iam sure its a great car, i wont question that.
but i woudnt own a conversible, woudnt be safe around here
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