@bunchanumbers @HonorOfGod You can get a 32gb memory card for the Vita for cheap at many places, I got mine for $20 at Best Buy. This thing's only selling point is that it can stream PC games, which is useless because you could just play those PC games on the PC. Other than that it's an Android device like any other Android phone or tablet. You're paying for a name and that's it...
Ubisoft, just do a AC game in the Edo period and I bet you'll make The Last of Us numbers. It''l be like an Asian version of AC3, but with a main character that is less emo (even in the freaking 1700's) and with more honor. You can't actually tell me someone would actually make a group of Assassin's and NOT look at the Asian content for recruits. And you can still use the gun system from AC3/ACIV, this is getting like Square and Final Fantasy 7. People are telling you how to take their money and nobody listens :(
@nyran125tk Go play Rogue Legacy, best $14 I ever spent on Steam. It has the action, adventure, flat out comedy, and randomness a dungeon crawler should have. You haven't played a game until you play as a character that has dementia, old time view, but is super strong.
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