@savagejoe444 @Moegitto @Digital_DJ_00 I'vre played countless hours of BF3, a game that has bullet drop physics and I'm pretty sure you can't snipe with a SMG. Sniping is more than just being prone and across the map is almost impossible in BF3 without a sniper rifle or a LMG with the properly equipped scope. And out shoot means exactly what it means, a sniper rifle CANNOT go from aim to firing faster than any other weapon.
@WingChopMasta Because Microsoft is a top corporation and they only understand money. Not saying anything bad about them, but big business works like that. If they can't figure it out in the boardroom then they won't spend time thinking over it. Microsoft is doing exactly what a big company does, tell people what they want instead of listening and then delivering. The 180 was purely out of the piss poor pre-order numbers and not because Microsoft felt any compassion.
@Digital_DJ_00 Black Ops 2 is massively broken, a sniper rifle shouldn't be able to out-shoot any other weapon and NO SMG should be able to snipe someone from across the map. But most of the basics are really solid, sad that they are still using the Lag Compensation from MW3...
@Kelleyb4947 @hairdie @deadly_yank33 Windows 7 OS with Nvidia GTX 700 series graphics cards is NOT comparable to an AMD processor and Windows 8. Windows 8 is trash and the "comparable" AMD processors always under perform compared to their NVIDIA matches. Not to mention why would you develop a game on an NVIDIA processor then try to run it on an AMD one after years of proof that AMD chips tend to run NVIDIA software poorly? Don't even mention the Xbox ONE's proprietary RAM...
@s2i2p2i2o @Moegitto @deadly_yank33 Referencing my initial response, what you might not find inciting others may. With over 10 launch titles I'm sure people will be able to mix and match whatever titles THEY find attractive.
Moegitto's comments