@Enforcer246 Actually Nintendo has BO2 and Ghosts on the Wii U so they have the "edgy people and nerds" covered also, but why would you pay $300 - $350 to play those games when you can get a Xbox 360 for $250 with a 250 GB HDD or a PS3 at $260 with the same HDD and play those same games on a larger fanbase?
@xeidog69 That would be optimal, but the system functions off the wiipad the same way the Xbox ONE was built with the Kinect 2.0. Most games have STANDARD the wiipad functionality built into them, so you can't just dump the wiipad. The Controller pro is the secondary in all first party games, even though you can play a single player game without the wiipad the game is still developed with the wiipad in mind. Nintendo just doesn't want to change with the times, they released the Wii U thinking they would grasp the same group of people the Wii did. But the price coupled with lack of defining games is what is killing them, if they released the system below $300 with a game that ISN'T Nintendo Land or New Super Mario Bros. I bet they would actually start turning a Wii U profit. Look what they did with the Zelda bundle at $300.
I have a PC, PS3, PS4, a PS Vita, A 3DS XL, and a Wii U, and I can honestly say the Wii U is struggling in the games department. There are some games out now (like Wind Waker and Mario) and some coming out (SSB, Bayonetta 2, X) that I want, but for the main run of things I game on my PC and PS4 now. I have a huge backlog of PS3 games to play through December along with 3DS and Vita games to finish, but I have no "need to" feeling on my Wii U games. I wish Nintendo all the best, but I just wish they would either push out more first party titles to make up the third party losses or they would at least keep us informed on all the games they have on plan, so people won't get anxious and start ditching their systems because they "think" Nintendo has nothing coming up. I just learned about Super Mario 3D World in October!
@Sundberg_man Because the intenet allows people to be dicks without being called out in person. Most people buy systems only to play COD anyway so what does it matter which system you get?
@sevuz7 Apparently, you can play Knack as soon as you put it in and you can play Killzone in 3 minutes after you put it in. If you add a SSD, I wonder how fast it'll load up then?
@cailebb The fight would have been something else, people forgot what gaming was all about. Instead of buying and playing the games they want, people care more about making sure people that don't do exactly what they do are bashed. There will never be a moment in gaming again where someone can buy a game or system without someone else taking offense for NO REASON.
@jimrhurst Use this with Target's Buy 2 get 1 free deal, just giving some advice. If you're going to buy this game might as well buy another and get one for free. I know people don't like COD or Madden but you can't complain when you get one of those games for free!
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