Gamestop has stock in Microsoft being the number one system seller again, that's why their stocks dropped after the Xbox ONE reveal. Their stocks did nothing when Sony did their reveal, proving Americans will buy the Xbox ONE no matter the situation. Considering Microsoft is a backer behind PRISM, I'm surprised all these "internet warriors" and "freedom fighters" aren't talking about that...
@b74kd3th Nintendo is actually the old man in the room that is played by Vince Vaughn that thinks he's still cool while the rest of the world is off doing something else. They literally added a tablet to an xbox 360 and called it "next-gen", they have lost touch with ALL of their customers and know only how to sell to the kids.
@mlp071 They can still get it shipped if they wanted to, but they still can't play it because of the DRM restriction. Not to mention that the authentication server is a, you know...a SERVER. They will have to take it down for maintenance, and that's when the masses will realize how bad this situation is. It''s be like Diablo III, you can't play it because of "system maintenance" for a whole day. Just because they are using PC parts doesn't mean they need to act like the PC developer community.
All my 9 years in the Army I've seen people play nothing but Halo, GoW, or CoD (with minor amounts of FEAR thrown in). The military loves their shooters and the party chat feature gave it an edge over the PS3, but this new direction Microsoft is going will alienate almost every soldier, airmen, seaman, or marine. When we deployed we took our systems with us and a really cheap tv from the pawn store, nobody is going to do that anymore. Why buy a system you can't play without internet? I don't mean like CoD online, I mean you can't play a good story campaign without internet, no one is going to buy a system that they can only play 6 to 9 months out of the year.
@NightStalkerBX They are done with Castlevania after LOS2, Cox said he doesn't want to become a one trick pony. I doubt their doing a Contra game because they were developing the new game since last year and Konami just renewed the Contra license this month.
Most gamers know who Ken Levine is from System Shock and they know Jaffe from GOW and especially twisted metal. Cliff just wants to sound like he cares about the industry, despite him being on the forefront for DRM on consoles...
@udubdawgz @Poison-tooth Most Final Fantasy games had NO voice acting and are considered some of the best RPG's let alone GAMES of all time. Voice acting is just a way to bump up the budget that most developers will try to hide and then blame used game sales for their lack of return. Alien: Colonial Marines had voice acting and it was a shitbomb.
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