I wonder if any of the people getting an Xbox ONE ever watched the movie "Deliverance"? Had to watch that movie in law class and it brings up some pretty interesting legal matters... and they can relate to the rape scene...
@tionmedon @Moegitto @thermalmotion Yeah, but then I'd have to update it again, and again, and again. My PC only has 3gb DDR5 RAM right now and a Geoforce GTX 670MX. I'm happy where it's at, and PC won't get Killzone or Second Son.
@realiamnot @Moegitto Yeah, I don't think people understand how important this moment is for gaming. I pay for the 4 at a time Gamefly membership and I can tell you that having that membership has saved me more than $160 in less than a month. I rented Aliens: Colonial Marines, Walking Dead Survival Instinct, Fuse, Resident Evil Retributions and other games I didn't like. The ability to send those games back after I try them is a wallet saver. Taking that away from gamers endangers them to buy crappy games and then be dependent on the developer if you can trade the game or not. That is piss poor in my opinion, you force us to buy a crappy game at $60 then offer us no plan to get rid of it? Nah Microsoft, you bumbled this one up.
@hector530 @franizarduy Most motel 8's have color TV's in the rooms with HBO. They also have an ice tray so you can cool your ravaged asspipe off after being DP'd.
@theblackfrog Division literally turned my friend who hates shooters into a instant fan. He went out and bought Ghost Recon Future Soldier just to try and get into the Tom Clancy games lol.
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