@Phazevariance But you get far more bonuses than Xbox Live, and it's not required to play games or watch Netflix like apps. You still get close to 8 free games a month, discounts on everything except movies and tv shows, and access to all the new features they will add on the PS4. Some of the features may not appeal to everybody but I bet EVERYBODY loves free games that are worth a damn, Dues Ex, Uncharted 3, Saints Row 3, these are on the list just for this month.
@obsequies Because they are one of the people that got paid by Microsoft. The first thing they said was Sony won E3 on policies and Microsoft won on games. Pretty sure Microsoft only had like 7 games shown while Sony had well over that number. While I agree Titanfall and Ryse looked amazing, Sony had so many triple A title games combined with indie titles. That's all about the games, I din't care that they want to offer me movie and TV apps. The PS4 does what I want it to do, which is play games unrestricted, with the ability for my Gamefly membership to not equal nothing.
@Ansem_Rev Because it's still free online for the PS3, PS4 requires the PS+ membership. And even if you don't have it you can still use Netflix and other apps on your PS4, something Microsoft won't allow you tools to do.
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