@Hadif151 @aovannor You're paying for the Kinevt 2.0, the Xbox ONE has already been proven to be markably weaker than the PS4 in both RAM and graphics. DDR3 doesn't beat DDR5 and the XBOX ONE is using a 6xxx series AMD graphics equivalent compared to the PS4 7xxx series card.
@Kr3isen Not even that, Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon offers more play time, options, and pure grade A nostalgia while costing $15. This game would have been a great choice for the $49 or even $39 price point. Hell, Capcom released Dragon's Dogma: Dark Arisen for $39 and it had the whole original game, all the DLC for it, and the new DLC missions.
@Norm01 Funny thing, you pay xbox live so you can use you internet on the system. Now you'll pay for xbox live to use your cable on it, this system makes less and less sense every day...
@bfa1509 Playing Dark Souls 2 fighting a hard dragon boss: Why does this piece of cheese keep flying in m face, it's blocking my view.- Player dies because he walks off a cliff, screen says "kill assisted by" then a PSN/Gamertag name appears. You just got trolled by a player using a piece of cheese as an avatar, start over and go find your body!
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