@ronaldmcreagan @Dredcrumb9 Genghis Khan would routinely kill people to keep his clan limited for easier control over them, less people meant it was easier to get the word out. People want to protest someone that believes some people just shouldn't bread? Doesn't matter, because the Xbox despite even if all the rumors are true is made by people just doing their jobs, and if they lose that job there will be more people lost in the job market trying to recover.
@leviathanwing @Moegitto How is releasing the fourth true game in the series in almost 20 years "milking"? I can't even understand how you got to that conclusion, you must too many COD comments and thought that was a good reply to use somewhere else...
@Cappuccin0 Fallout 3 was my gift for returning back safely from a deployment to Baghdad, I still have that copy as of today. The HUGE strategy guide also, I wanted everything to do with that game. I got it because overseas we would play Morrowind for hours on end until we got 2 Xbox 360's in our activities tent (MWR). When I saw online there was a game like Oblivion that had guns I was sold, it was seriously the only question people asked "if this game had guns I'd buy it".
I better hear some Fallout news soon, Bethesda has been putting great games out but you can only kill so many backwards flying dragons before you wish to return back to the return.
I hope everyone knows that the Nextbox will have a internet structure like Steam, where you will have to authenticate your games in order to play offline. That means if you live in a place with poor internet you probably won't be able to authenticate your games.
I love CD Projekt Red, there really is a low amount of remaining developers that actually care about their customer base. I feel people and companies like this are the ones that help gaming hold on to it's thread, while others like Activision and EA are the ones cutting their own threads for money. It's a simple business plan, you treat your customers right and they will continue to return which will continue to get you money.
Moegitto's comments