@thermalmotion I literally changed my BF4 pre-order from PC to PS4 earlier, if this is how it'll look and work then I'll be pleased with it on console.
@franizarduy I understand the feeling but let's try talking to them instead of insulting them. Doing that will continue the stream of hate that they feel the need to respond to. They won't understand unless someone calmly explains it to them. You have to understand that the people that are making the switch understand the backroom facial that Microsoft is giving their fans and the people defending it to the death are probably kids that don't have to worry about the DRM issues because mommy and daddy pay all those fees anyway.
@Phazevariance @clynch0527 @Moegitto The PS4 does the same, the main argument right now is that outside of the DRM policies and the obvious PS4 power over the Xbox ONE, they both ALMOST do the same thing. They both have media functions, game state sharing, downloading in the background, and use their own cloud service. But Microsoft is basically taking all the trust they picked up over the years from loyal customers and saying "screw you guys, we know you love us and our games but we are gonna make you give us a lot more than we give you in this relationship". It's like battered spouse syndrome, some people don't see the abuse they're taking yet everyone outside the relationship sees how toxic it is.
@Phazevariance @Moegitto Dude, not bashing Xbox ONE at all. I'm saying this as calmly as I can, why would you get the Xbox ONE, which REQUIRES you to have Xbox Live gold to even play a game? I understand, I watched ALL of the E3 show today, and Titanfall made me actually envious. But the fact that you HAVE to pay that fee to play a game is crazy. Sony is saying basically that yes you have to pay to play on our servers but while you're playing we will give you free stuff back.
Moegitto's comments