Man have i been away that long, i havent been to GS for like a month now, i have got a huge amount of games and a new computer and everything ready for me to play.
but i been on vacation anyways, i took like 2 weeks off and went to alex. it rains alot over there and its colder mostly but i enjoyed my time afterall it was fun.
anyways whats that turkey thing in my profile and i am a D tagger if thats any good.
i been playing counterstrike so much i am so hungry ... so i continue writing later.
Mohamadouf Blog
Heli Attack 3 ... i
by Mohamadouf on Comments
if you havent played Heli attack three ... then you have missed alot of fun, this game defines what a simple and small flash game can deliver, it got 30 weapons and lots of levels ..... i stopped playing wow, css and kept playing this ..

Heli Attack 3

Heli Attack 3
Destroy all enemy units for victory (30+ weapons).
Two new emblems ... w00t!
by Mohamadouf on Comments
i acquired two new emblems the Mortal Kombat thing and the after hours thing ... well i wouldnt have missed the after hours for any other thing it was crazy man.
they kept on interviewing GS members for so long i got so bored i went out to school and we i got back they were still on. but the rest of the show was great.
they kept on interviewing GS members for so long i got so bored i went out to school and we i got back they were still on. but the rest of the show was great.
Politics .... lifes a B!#$h and then you die
by Mohamadouf on Comments
for so long i been avoiding speaking about politics in public palce such as this place but now i can't stand it any longer ... people are just way too stupid in this world and need to be educated so i am going to start an Episodic Thread ... in my blog where no one will bother me talking about politics and why do I hate 90% of the world leaders. and trust me by episodic i dont mean that i would keep you waiting 3 months to say 5 paragraphs and disappear.
for now i am going to continue playing world of warcraft ... i have just reached level 28 in three days. and i am incredibly bored of this MMORPG thing.
anyways I would like to thank the North Korean Pr. for diverting all the hatred of the world towards him and his country, after a series of religious Harrasment that been done to Islam and Muslim around the world this guy comes out and Threatens the US so maybe now Bush would stick his nose somewhere else and leave our sweet middle east alone and maybe figure out a way of living after he gets pwnd.
word on the street that Osama Binladen is dead..... well i hope so but i dont think that would be easily declared, i mean hes Bush's toy. if he were killed then the american troops would have to leave Asia .. i mean Afghanistan and that Bush can't allow to happen because he must maintain constant threat to Russia and China and remind them whos the boss. or maybe he still searching for oil in Afghanistan .
man that guy cant just admit defeat .... he still won't get out of Iraq ..soliders are dying everyday, the people are killing themselves and a national wide war is at the door. and still he says we are winning if we get out the country will fall.
wtf are you still doing there b**** you got Sadam and FOUND NO FRIGGEN WMDS then wtf are you still doing in Iraq.
on the Other hand .... Finally My Own country .. EGYPT .. decided to build 6 new Nuclear Plants .... :D
finally ... those idiots spent more than 20 years studying the sideeffects and fearing the reoccurance of the Chernobyl Disaster; thats good news anyways.
yeah Iran say they are doing the same thing as deploying Nuclear Plants for Energy supply but I think they are aimming for more, but dont be fooled by the US officials and what they say about Iran .... they fear Iran because it represents a threat to Israel leadership of the middleeast ... plus everyone hates everyone around here ... I mean Arabs hate Zions and Zions kill palestinians , and Hezbollah swears at the arab leaders ...
this world is way too twisted ... in warcraft we kill who we hate .. PeACE ON EARTH. I know this is Politics but i would love to see this in the soapboxx
for now i am going to continue playing world of warcraft ... i have just reached level 28 in three days. and i am incredibly bored of this MMORPG thing.
anyways I would like to thank the North Korean Pr. for diverting all the hatred of the world towards him and his country, after a series of religious Harrasment that been done to Islam and Muslim around the world this guy comes out and Threatens the US so maybe now Bush would stick his nose somewhere else and leave our sweet middle east alone and maybe figure out a way of living after he gets pwnd.
word on the street that Osama Binladen is dead..... well i hope so but i dont think that would be easily declared, i mean hes Bush's toy. if he were killed then the american troops would have to leave Asia .. i mean Afghanistan and that Bush can't allow to happen because he must maintain constant threat to Russia and China and remind them whos the boss. or maybe he still searching for oil in Afghanistan .
man that guy cant just admit defeat .... he still won't get out of Iraq ..soliders are dying everyday, the people are killing themselves and a national wide war is at the door. and still he says we are winning if we get out the country will fall.
wtf are you still doing there b**** you got Sadam and FOUND NO FRIGGEN WMDS then wtf are you still doing in Iraq.
on the Other hand .... Finally My Own country .. EGYPT .. decided to build 6 new Nuclear Plants .... :D
finally ... those idiots spent more than 20 years studying the sideeffects and fearing the reoccurance of the Chernobyl Disaster; thats good news anyways.
yeah Iran say they are doing the same thing as deploying Nuclear Plants for Energy supply but I think they are aimming for more, but dont be fooled by the US officials and what they say about Iran .... they fear Iran because it represents a threat to Israel leadership of the middleeast ... plus everyone hates everyone around here ... I mean Arabs hate Zions and Zions kill palestinians , and Hezbollah swears at the arab leaders ...
this world is way too twisted ... in warcraft we kill who we hate .. PeACE ON EARTH. I know this is Politics but i would love to see this in the soapboxx
College sukx man!!
by Mohamadouf on Comments
xI hate my life, not only i am still stuck at this stupid academy i still have to attend 14 more courses to graduate. and whats with that GPA ... why do i have to get 2.0+ why cant they be happy with my 1.6 isnt that good enough.
its my fifth year studying Energy & Petrolium Management .... today i had an Oil Promotion class ... a professor actually comes and teach us how to professionally promot Energy.
you know that red indicator in your car that goes on when your short on gas ... well go refill .... you see how easy is that !???
anyways i saw a herd of bikers today and instantly remembered that video and how awesome it is to go kick one of them but instead we throw rocks at them .... we ain't happy about it though but it was fun! ... :D
its my fifth year studying Energy & Petrolium Management .... today i had an Oil Promotion class ... a professor actually comes and teach us how to professionally promot Energy.
you know that red indicator in your car that goes on when your short on gas ... well go refill .... you see how easy is that !???
anyways i saw a herd of bikers today and instantly remembered that video and how awesome it is to go kick one of them but instead we throw rocks at them .... we ain't happy about it though but it was fun! ... :D
New Day yet Old games.
by Mohamadouf on Comments
as i am still out on the streets looking for a job i been playing some of my old games,
last night i went through my collection and dug up Warcraft III reign of chaos - Lego Star Wars - Trackmania Sunrise Exreme ..awesome , Tribes Vengeance and Farcry ... i'm still looking for Unreal Tournament 2004 and Worms World Party.
i havent played american waste land enough, i had to give it away, but now i am waiting on my credit card to get interoversion's DEFCON .. it looks amazing like their previous games (Uplink - Darwinia) and its only $15.
also i waiting to get Just cause, NBA 2k7, Okami, Scarface, Lego Star war .... did i miss something ... oh yeah COMPANY OF HEROS ... :cry:
i think ill give up skateboarding
last night i went through my collection and dug up Warcraft III reign of chaos - Lego Star Wars - Trackmania Sunrise Exreme ..awesome , Tribes Vengeance and Farcry ... i'm still looking for Unreal Tournament 2004 and Worms World Party.
i havent played american waste land enough, i had to give it away, but now i am waiting on my credit card to get interoversion's DEFCON .. it looks amazing like their previous games (Uplink - Darwinia) and its only $15.
also i waiting to get Just cause, NBA 2k7, Okami, Scarface, Lego Star war .... did i miss something ... oh yeah COMPANY OF HEROS ... :cry:
i think ill give up skateboarding
Level 15 and beyond .... american wasteland
by Mohamadouf on Comments
last night i got Tony Hawk's American Waste land, man i been wanting to get this game for soo long but i couldn't neither find a cheap copy or someone to lend it to me.
i started playing it and to be frank i dont see a big difference comparing it to THUG2 .. the controls are abit messy but the visuals and the physics are way sharper than THUG2.
Nobunaga's Ambition ..... 15 :D
by Mohamadouf on Comments
finally at level 15. no further comments
ps. new banner.. what do you think
ps. new banner.. what do you think
Link Dot Net....... Muahahahahahahaha.
by Mohamadouf on Comments
i gotta say i am really sorry for missing the Fear Combat tournament, i really wanted to be there but i really couldnt.
hell i didnt even know when exactly when it will start, egypt time is kinda messed up, in summer its GMT +2 and in winter its +3 or the other way around, not sure.
i had completed the download at 3 Pm CLT ..cairo local time.
anyways i went to upgrade my connection, they said i had to pay for a whole month thou i just subscriped last week. so i said scrow that i ll come next month and pay the extra money.
as i arrived home cursing the day i ever had a contract with those thieves i found out the connection speed is been upgraded and i didnt pay them a peny..
so Link Dot Net kick ass.
hell i didnt even know when exactly when it will start, egypt time is kinda messed up, in summer its GMT +2 and in winter its +3 or the other way around, not sure.
i had completed the download at 3 Pm CLT ..cairo local time.
anyways i went to upgrade my connection, they said i had to pay for a whole month thou i just subscriped last week. so i said scrow that i ll come next month and pay the extra money.
as i arrived home cursing the day i ever had a contract with those thieves i found out the connection speed is been upgraded and i didnt pay them a peny..
so Link Dot Net kick ass.
Fear Tourney!!! how scared and Excited aM I?
by Mohamadouf on Comments
well i am not scared because i might lose the tournament, well i am used to losing anyways, i join them just for the joy of competing but the real problem is: since i lost the game files about a months ago and till today i been struggling to download the game, by far all the download managers i tried have failed me.
they cant resume broken downloads those useless software. so i went up and used Bittorrent .... Quite slow but still wont freeze and tell me to restart again. it says 12 hours remains, that to download 700mb ..... i remember the old days when i would download those 700 mb in like an hour and a half or so.
anyways i am keeping my hopes up. if i manage to download and run the game before midnight then i am in the tourney, if not well too bad.:cry:
they cant resume broken downloads those useless software. so i went up and used Bittorrent .... Quite slow but still wont freeze and tell me to restart again. it says 12 hours remains, that to download 700mb ..... i remember the old days when i would download those 700 mb in like an hour and a half or so.
anyways i am keeping my hopes up. if i manage to download and run the game before midnight then i am in the tourney, if not well too bad.:cry:
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