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Mohamadouf Blog

I need some money............... look at all those games

if you look back a few months ago I used to complian how PC publishers would hold all them good games to be released all the sudden and at the same time.
well here you go, these couple of past weeks they been releasing so many good games and now I am outta work, I can't afford to get anything and i am dying to play Company of Heros.

i contacted my ISP this morning to complain how my internet is quite slow, so they said you could pay more to get more speed so i agreed...... well i dont see any effects or sideeffects.

iam Waiting for you Link dot net.

Home sweet home, ............... i miss this place

well, no i didnt go to alex. i didnt even go out that day, i stayed home for like a week recovering the shock. what? i didnt tell you?

well i used to run a cybercafe ... and that day the owner decided to sell the place to some other guy, all the sudden i am unemployed with no place to go, no where to hang out .... even the new owner shut down the place to do some work on it.

anyways i missed alot of whats going on here at GS, why? because i dont have internet at home. dial up connection does count as internet even if its free in egypt. i subscriped at a dsl company and they said your service will be working in 3 days .. thats today, damn these people work really fast.

i thought i would have to wait like thirty years to play online from home,

i got Public Access on me now and convival. and i got some new games as well i sure will be reviewing them as soon as i sober up abit cuz i am sooooooo smashed.

I am Going to Alexandria

finaly i am going away for a day or two to alexandria, its an Egyptian city by the mediterranean sea.... anywas it has better climat than Cairo frying weather.

nd before i leave i will upload a video i made to a song called Incipid Flock made by Anaal Nathrakh ... a black metal peice

Back pain ...... bye bye Fear Combat

well before i explain why i cant breathe easily anymore, i just wanna say that, why the hell did monolith make such great graphics in an online game..

yesterday the computer i use for online gaming went offline .. permenantly .. one of the ram chips fried ... well i was a crappy PC and its not mine though. it had 2 X 256 MB.

now it only has 256 which means i can no longer play Fear Combat, or ofcourse just FEAR or anynew game period.

and to make life even harder, yesterday one of my friends, who are no frins no mo, Twisted my back so hard it actually cracked ... no i live on pain killers.

FEAR Combat .... crappy computer, Weeds .. you know what i am talking about

man since i got Fear last year, i been struggling to find a decent server to play on .. you know low pings and some players.... and since the Game gone Public ... hmm FREE i can play the game all day long.

maybe someday i would get rid of Counterstrike and just play this game. anyways i been watching that TV show .. WEEDS and i think its pretty funny ... yeah its not family guy but still is not survivor.

this computer i use to play is a peice of junk that i need to flush down the surface of the planet

Tagger Flirt .... FEAR!

you guy MUST play Fear Combat now its free, for whoever didnt buy the greatest fear just download this Multiplayer Standalone and join the fun.

and because this game is free, now you can find alot of people to play together and With low Pings ...

i got tagger flirt today, does anyone of yall know how to Blog with Videos ..?

Serious Collector acquired !!

four days ago one of my best friends' father died, i just knew last night, when i called her, she sounded so sad. well death is a sad thing but we all going to taste it.

i am adding more games everyday .... and i would probably check others blog now i can post again

Level 14, Suspension !

those damn chuck norris lovers got me banned for two days from posting anywhere on GS, its unbelievable that at my age theres still supervision upon my words. HATE you GS.

anyways i took the day off, and later i found out that i can add game to My Collection, i added about 50 game yesterday and still about 200 hundred to go. if only i remembered the titles names it would be much easier ... looks like i will have to unpack my game stach once again.
