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Mohamadouf Blog

Mohamadose .... Recovering

after last night incident at the OT forum, i decided i wont talk about politics unless i am fully aware of what i am saying..

i took a second look at the black review and i found a gezillion grammeratical and punctuational error .. too bad i really wanted it to look good.

Illness ...

i been physically sick for two days now, i been taking antibiotecs and going easy on drugs.

i have decided to beat Black Again in Hard mode... and then i shall write a phatass review, it shall be a really long one .. i might even describe bulletshells.

till then.

aah .. mmm ... okay i ll post a new entry

i am currently having the most of fun i had all this damn summer, its been soooo damn boring the past 2 months, but finally i got something to keep me busy.

i been playing black for so time now, and actually thats the first shooter i have ever played on a console, yeah i played medal of honor: underground and syphon filter back in the days but the feeling back then was much different. now with analog controls.

flatout 2 is dope.... when you start playing it you keep playing for soo long then suddenly you close the application and go look for something better to do.

and thats what i am going to do now ... do something better.

about Two Years.

i just noticed that though i joined GS back in 04 i am still stuck at level 13, yeah i dont care about levels and stuff but i found out that my friends that joined even after me now have more than 15000 posts in forums and are at level 20 to 29 !

god of war is soooooo red at the final levels ... when trying to escape from Hell ... i been partially blinded for more than 6 hours after ending the game and slaughtering Ares the God of War.

i am playing Black from now on !

i am at level 13 and i have resigned from 13 unions tonightt

what a relief, i been recieving a s#!t load of messages each day, and today i decided to remove myself from those lousy unions, i kept like 8 unions those where i still have some friends at, or someday i might need ppl there.

i started playing FEAR on hardest diffeculity today and i kept playing the game for about 2 hours i think i'll be able to rap the whole game up by tomorrow. it feels much easier when you have to watch out very carefully for encounters.

i been also been playing Call of Duty 2 and Prey on hardest ... well cod2 aint so hard , you are always blind from the blood effect and i think that what makes it harder, Prey isnt that hard but, theres no health around you have to go around in the whole level hoping the game will autosave or quicksave yourself or just die and reload from a way back in the game place.... very frustrating.

Thor The Mighty , Thor The Brave.....Crash The Infidels In your Way

Prey, Blood money, Deus Ex2, God of war ... beaten

i am running out of games to play, its been a long time since i got my hand on a brand new game.

i dont even have any games to look for, i fear the day i install TRON 2.0 to play it again....

i been navigating the interent finding lots of stuff that i cant imagine my life with, shouters, compele useless online serveses

i retreived my gamespot account , finally

Germany, Portigal 3:1

it was a horrible game, the red team was playing so good at the first half but they lost by 3 goal, man this sucks

i really dont know anything about soccer but i sure appreciate the effort and i guess the german team was much smarter at playing .

anyways we got some upcomming games, Devil May cry, Prey, Flatout 2 they have been leaked already but who play crack games,

College Finals, Car Accident, Boring life and Episode one and 47!!!!!!

life couldnt be more exciting, i been recieving lots of  invitations to joing more unions and frankly i dont get thier idea ... whats the big deal of joining them ....

i am a Rad Racer now ... the hell that means.

i got my hands on both Blood money and Episode one but i a, holding back off them cuz its a long summer and theres any more good games comming up soon ..

e3 is over, dreamfall !!

Dreamfall the longest journey has got to be the most boring game on the planet .... the game is fine but really really boring and i didnt play paradise yet .... things are getting brighter everyday ... waiting on hitman blood money and Prey