what a relief, i been recieving a s#!t load of messages each day, and today i decided to remove myself from those lousy unions, i kept like 8 unions those where i still have some friends at, or someday i might need ppl there.
i started playing FEAR on hardest diffeculity today and i kept playing the game for about 2 hours i think i'll be able to rap the whole game up by tomorrow. it feels much easier when you have to watch out very carefully for encounters.
i been also been playing Call of Duty 2 and Prey on hardest ... well cod2 aint so hard , you are always blind from the blood effect and i think that what makes it harder, Prey isnt that hard but, theres no health around you have to go around in the whole level hoping the game will autosave or quicksave yourself or just die and reload from a way back in the game place.... very frustrating.
Thor The Mighty , Thor The Brave.....Crash The Infidels In your Way
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