The statements by Sony in this article and others show that the company has done it's homework and knew exactly what the consumer wanted in a next-gen console. True, they're not doing it for us, they are doing it to sell, but I have no problem with giving my money to a company that is willing to put aside the overly capitalistic approach that Microsoft has chosen and caters to my wants and needs. As many others have said "Sony.....shut up and take my money!"
@Random_Matt It is a big deal if your internet connection is too slow to benefit from it. For example, I live in the Middle East and my connection strains to give me 200 KB per second. When I downloaded Infamous 2 from PSN, it took over 28 hours to complete. So.....yes, for a large part of the world, this is a big deal.
@JBStone1981 Very well said mate :) I agree completely; the internet has created a generation that immediately spit out the first thing that comes to mind without thinking about the relevance, logic or importance of what they say. Angry comments are spread about and before you know it, you've got cyber mass-hysteria about something that in reality holds no real significance, especially considering all the current global issues that we should be worrying about.
Everyone keeps complaining about next-gen needing a constant internet connection when these are just rumors that currently have no hard evidence to support them. How about we all just wait and see if this is true come December and then if it is, I'll be the first to raise hell!
@Venom_Raptor I agree with you mate. I don't see that downgrading it for that reason is acceptable either. In fact, when you take "The Bad" points into perspective it should be an 8.5.
@gamelover711 Media is the target because in the US you can't criticize the real culprit: guns and the lax laws than govern their use and ownership. All this "Guns don't kill people" rubbish will just continue to increase the blame laid on media, whether it's games, movies or comics. I've played video games since the Atari 2600 and the Amstrad, and I've never assaulted, killed, maimed or abused anyone. Making it easier to get, own or use a gun makes it easier to kill; this is the unsaid truth of the situation. Now I'm going to hide somewhere from the gun-advocates who say that guns don't increase violence or death, so they can aggressively rip me a new one (there's some irony in there some where).
@flio83 Calling him a moron is a bit harsh! The point he was trying to make is that it doesn't qualify as either type of game. It's not Resident Evil as we now it, and it doesn't come off as a well put together action game. I just finished Chris's campaign and Leon's before that, and I agree with 90% of what the reviewer said. Wish he'd mentioned "Agent Hunt" mode; I find it quite satisfying to gnaw another player to death :D
Honestly, I'd kill for an HD remake of Gabriel Knight: Sins of the Father. That was one of the greatest and darkest (in a thematic sense) adventure games I've ever played. Does anyone remember a really old adventure game called "Rise of the Dragon"?! It came on 7 floppy discs!
Mondrath's comments