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Iterative console are very likely a dead concept. Which is not to say MS won't try some nonsenses to try to separate itself from teh pack. This whole generation we have seen that XBOX struggle because the management STILL does not know how to keep things simple.

- UNDER $400!

And, no, Phil Spencer hasn't learned anything from the mistakes of Don Mattrick! Phil was in a position to say, "No dudes Xbox One X cannot be $ won't work, Sony will cream us again", but he didn't he committed nearly the same mistake. Now they seems to be saying, multiple console next time, multiple SKUs, no parity in performance....WHY?

- For developers it means and even wider game between "those that have the low performances models" and "those with the high performance".

- For publishers, it means trying to advertise and explain why "this version looking like this" and "that version looks like that."

- For, consumers it makes they stand in the store wondering, "Do I buy the shitty console of XB?"; "Wait! there are 'versions' of what my kid want for Christmas?!"

I can only imagine what meetings must be like at XBOX; sessions where people try over & over again to explain to software gurus and computer hardware wonks why screwing around with consoles leads to selling less consoles - simplicity is why people BUY THEM. The people behind XBox 360 had the right idea and they just shouted those people away trying to "fix" how console work.

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Good! Infinite Warfare sucked in multiplayer, and I'm glad sales were low.

If nothing else positive comes out of the return to World War 2, I hope it kills the BLOPs and Modern Warfare series. MW started off very well, but MW 3 sucked. BLOPs started off edgy, but then its 3rd game sucked too.

2013 Call of Duty: Ghosts --------------------> Poor
2014 Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare -----> Good
2015 Call of Duty: Black Ops III-------------> Terrible
2016 Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare----------> Abysmal

I think Activiosn needs to get mean, they need to stop giving chances to Infinaty Ward and Treyache chances with CoD. Neither studios is up to what that series need anymore.

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CoD Advanced Warfare was the best one they had put out in a while, so I really think Activision screwed up. Then again I'm not sure if Activision would have asked to have "some" Infinite Warfare elements remaining...and Infinite Warfare (Infinity Ward) was garbage.

If players could not get pure Advanced Warfare game play, it is better that Activision cleared the decks. I wish CoD would go on a two years schedule with only Sledgehammer at the helm. Every two years Sledhhammer puts out a new game, between that time the base game gets DLC from Infinity Ward or Treyarch.

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Hey, great....right? We all love dating simulators and what is better than hot dads? This close to Father Day it must be on everyone's mind that dads deserve more games. Just think, next year you will have some nice couch co-op with your dad. You can spend some quality time playing a fun game. Because why the hell not?

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It looks good, but as a fan who has not been happy since AC 4 - I have to say I will just wait and see. Its been easily 12 years since they have made anything worthwhile. I hope they get into a story with some real stakes where there is a side you are on, so that 'right or wrong' you are fighting for country, comrades and you family.

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Two months ago Digitalfoundry made Scorpio sound powerful and innovative... Microsoft is into own show made it sound like a DULL box that won't rock the boat. To sell a $500 system they needed sizzle and they gave their fans could a frozen hamburger that was described as safely as possible. What idiots!

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The solution is EASY for them at least. 1 - Add a micro-SB slot somewhere on the next phone. 2- Speed-up the road map for the camera upgrade. 3- Stop the 'horse-shite' with the jacks, put normals jacks and ports on the damn phones!

And, lastly...STOP screwing up with your Pro computer line. Actually put out a "Pro" products not watered down piles of shit. The Mac Pro has not been "professional grade" for over seven years. You can't be a high-end, aspirational brand if your best products fall FAR, FAR short of professional users. When you weaken your band on the professional side it has an effect on the fast cash-in consumer side.

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Mmm-kay, a little obvious for a whole new story. I award you no points, and may god have pity on your soul.

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Edited By MonkeyKing1969

You can make a survey say almost anything depending on teh questions you ask, who you ask, what time you ask, etc.

I think in the 1960s advertisers starting thinking, "These teens are starting to have disposable income, so we should advertise at them." And that sort of thinking grew until its height in the 1980s where it seemed like everything pop-culture was being marketed as if it were for teens. Interestingly enough that was probably when teens has the most buying power and the most disposable income. Today the people with the most disposable income and the willingness to spend it are 30-45 year olds....the same Gen-X'ers as had money in the 80s.

If teens are into Xbox that's fine, but not as meaningful as it was in the 80s. The statistics show that teens are just a tiny fragment of the whole gaming market. Saying Teen like Xbox, about the same level as saying, "Baby boomers sure do like Judge Judy". Well, whoop-dee-doo!

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Who cares how Mass Effect: Andromeda's bad story connects to anything? That is like caring how a colostomy bag connects to you intestine.....WHO CARES it still full of shit!

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