Why do people call their games "[Some intellectual Proprieties Name]" anyway. Make your game, sell it on steam...people will frickin notice it plays like Pokemon and buy it. They very fact they try to leverage the name of something they don't own is utterly ridiculous...even if they are just a fan. Are people that stupid?
The insufferable characters just ruin it for me. As good as the game play might be, the charters and their incongruity of the world just wrecks it for me. Nice review, but it can't reach me when I want to cringe when they character appear on screen or talk.
@EricDWright: I doubt it. Sony currently has a system of needing to re-initialized (data erased) the drive when a new one goes in. If you put your existing PS4 HDD directly into a new PS4, the hard drive would need to be re-initialized (data erased), and have the system software installed. If that is how it did works I expect that is how it will STILL work.
There are some good guides on the internet about teh whole process and how to do it as efficiently and quickly ass possible with the fewest re-downloads. SO my advice is read up on the process on Sony FAQ and look at other Wikis on the process here, Giant Bomb and IGN (no offence, but I think IGN has a great guide to swapping drives)
Pre-order? I did not think you could pre-order this yet. Nintendo said there were retailers that would have it and they WILL do pre-orders; but I don't think any retailers has done that.
I just don't like the stylistic element of the design at all. The characters, their clothing, and teh dialogue ...all of it turns me off. (The car is cool, if you are it Buicks.) The more cinematic games become they more detailed the world the more chances they have to turn us off like any other sort of entertainment. The whole tone of the game appears to be about characters I don't like, in a world I don't enjoy, with a story that I does noting to interest me.
Hey, not all games have to be for me; so I can accept this game must tickle someone else's fancy much more. But, at the end of the day I can only play what 'engages' me and this game doesn't.
Is this one of those cheap "Door Buster" versions of a TV they usually sell at Christmas that has less HDMI or crappier parts?
Somehow I think it must be, this a Sharp that the company contracted out some Huizhou, Guangdong Province to make for them with cheaper parts. I think even the reviews say that people bought this SAME tv during a "Black Friday In July" event. That seem like a sure sign this is a TV made to be sold cheap.
MonkeyKing1969's comments