I haven't blogged since then now have I?
Well, there has been so much going on that I didn't actually have time to write about anything! Why? For starters, I had the O'Level Exams which were a complete nuisance and there is still one remaining this Friday! I also got rid of braces after 6 years...yes, 6 whole years living with that torture...but only to realise that there is still a possibility that I'm going to have to wear them again after the summer...yessiree, life doesn't get more unfair than this:? What else...well, just the general rush of life really, especially in such a busy city, I seriously can't wait to leave this cursed place and go live a regular life in Canada with relatives and 4 seasons and un-overpriced stuff that I like! The final exams are coming up and I am so stressed out to the extent where I can't study and don't actually care anymore about getting good, but only passing to grade 11 Sciences, I don't want to go to Literature:? OH YEAH! Big surprise to everyone who has gotten used to me...I changed my mind about getting a 360 this summer and instead I'm getting a Wii :P! Seriously, here are a few reasons why:
1. Hypewise, I would prefer to live that of SSBB than Halo 3, as I like it way more...
2. SSBB andSMG and MP3 put to getter are better than Halo 3 and....well, thats the point, I noticed the games I wanted on X360 weren't as significant as those 3 alone, there are way more I want, Zelda, SPM, and more coming soon...
3. It's cheaper and at least it's very complete without buying a load of costly accessories, those if I had the dough, it wouldn't be a problem
4. I like motion sensing:??
5. Awesome multi-player which is 40%-50% of why I buy consoles...
6. More interactivity with my parents (I know it;s lame, but I'm like that - pwning my parents is fun :lol: )
7. DS to Wii conectivity has potential and I like this type of stuff...
8. Low chance of breaking= less headache
Well, there are a few more insignificant things, but this is mainly it...so there...this summer will be a Wii-ful one, and 360 might come along some time in the future...I know the Halo 3 hype would've died but at least I lived through the SSBB and SMG AND MP3 one...well, this is so far...All people with Wii, I'll be tracking you down once I buy it fora cool Mii parade and hopefully multi-player...
More things I have done, I watched PoC3, Spiderman 3 (yes, I haven't blogged in that long, remember :P) and Shrek 3...and yes, all of them were slightly let downs, but still worth the 7 bucks each (30 AED/DHS)...and for Shrek 3, I dunno what the reviews were on about, I mean, yes it wasn't as good as expected but still really cool...spiderman 3, well, thats...meh at best, expected WAY better, PoC3 well, that had awesome fight scenes that could've been awesome-er...and got slightly boring around the middle...
Till next time...probably in like a week, once the Finals are done
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