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MoodyFlame Blog

This is it...

Today has finally come, and it couldn't be any sooner...It's the 20th, and we're all getting ready to finally travel to Canada! I am so happy that it has finally come because over here is just getting hotter and hotter and even more humid! Well, it's now 12:10PM here and our flight is at midnight so we'll be leaving the house at around 10:00PM. Well, as I'm travelling today it's pretty hectic because we haven't paced yet and it all relying solely upon today, so I want to apologize greatly to those that have requested images (tdf64 and gamez_hunter99) but I didn't have to time to complete your requests, I am terribly sorry however but your requests will have to wait until after I come back which will be after the 16th of August. I will finally get a Wii from Canada and when I do, if I manage to get an Internet connection and get my friend code, I will gladly trade it with anyone here who wants to:). I will be posting news from Canada whenever I can and will try to comment a bit as well.

Till 10:00PM,

Not leaving afterall, Watched all E3 conferences, going to Canada on the 21st

Well, I finally decided on not not leaving GS for the IGN because the live shows here are 100x better than on IGN but the image request thing is still dead until further notice, sorry...

Other than that, I was able to watch all 3 E3 conferences this time around, even with the ridiculous time friend came over at 7:00 am so we could watch the microsoft one (it was on the 11th so E3 was basically in 1 day for me) but the others were at okay timmings, the Nintendo one was at 8:00pm, and the Sony one at yeah...I thought they were all generally okay but i am still decided on the wii for now...but i am almost certain to buy another later on when the price and games shape-up (less shooter, more everything else :P)

i am travelling to Canada this summer, I will be going to Montrèal, Québec. That will be cool as it is burning here because it is in all technicality, a desert so it gets up to 45 degrees celcius here, so it is boiling. I am going to get my wii from there to avpid the ridiculous over-pricedness here...

Well thats all for now, short and simple

Manhunt 2 in my Wishlist, Wii this Summer, Last Exam, Raise in Allowance!!!

Yes, the least expected game, the one I thoought I would never buy ever has entered my wishlist,. Why have I decided to become a serial sadist killer? Well, one word: Wii. The bloody controls on this thing rule! I am going to try to get Wii this summer, before the end of this month as I want the browser for free. Also in todays news, tomorrow will mark the official last day of school, which I will great with a treat by watching...Fantastic 4:Rise of the Silver so happy...but not happier than the fact that I AM GETTING A FREAGGIN' RAISE IN MY FREAGGIN' ALLOWANCE!!!! More Wii, DS and maybe even consoles :D:D:D:D:D:D:D!!!!! Yessir, I am going to be a happy child this summer if I can get the Wii...


Unsubscribing from Plus...

Well, for some certain reason I have been giving IGN a good looking at lately and notcied they are so much more up to date than Gampsot is...and they have so many cool features, sure the site isn't that fast and they dont have tournaments, but tournaments aren't available here anyway, and well, I can give a few extra seconds for more information, this doesn't mean I'm leaving gamespot but it does mean that my Image Requests are basically all cancelled, and will probably only do gifts and few requests only. Sorry if there is anyone waiting for an Image on my board currently but I am cancelling my Plus subscription. On another note, I just wanted to mention that the finals are over meaning I am closer to getting a Wii now and that I will come back here for the Friend Codes and stuff, and I will probably still blog actually, simply copy paste the blog on IGN and here, you know...Well, thats all for now.

So long Plus subscription and orange coloured name on the boards, I will miss thee,

Since May 16th...

I haven't blogged since then now have I?

Well, there has been so much going on that I didn't actually have time to write about anything! Why? For starters, I had the O'Level Exams which were a complete nuisance and there is still one remaining this Friday! I also got rid of braces after 6 years...yes, 6 whole years living with that torture...but only to realise that there is still a possibility that I'm going to have to wear them again after the summer...yessiree, life doesn't get more unfair than this:? What else...well, just the general rush of life really, especially in such a busy city, I seriously can't wait to leave this cursed place and go live a regular life in Canada with relatives and 4 seasons and un-overpriced stuff that I like! The final exams are coming up and I am so stressed out to the extent where I can't study and don't actually care anymore about getting good, but only passing to grade 11 Sciences, I don't want to go to Literature:? OH YEAH! Big surprise to everyone who has gotten used to me...I changed my mind about getting a 360 this summer and instead I'm getting a Wii :P! Seriously, here are a few reasons why:

1. Hypewise, I would prefer to live that of SSBB than Halo 3, as I like it way more...

2. SSBB andSMG and MP3 put to getter are better than Halo 3 and....well, thats the point, I noticed the games I wanted on X360 weren't as significant as those 3 alone, there are way more I want, Zelda, SPM, and more coming soon...

3. It's cheaper and at least it's very complete without buying a load of costly accessories, those if I had the dough, it wouldn't be a problem

4. I like motion sensing:??

5. Awesome multi-player which is 40%-50% of why I buy consoles...

6. More interactivity with my parents (I know it;s lame, but I'm like that - pwning my parents is fun :lol: )

7. DS to Wii conectivity has potential and I like this type of stuff...

8. Low chance of breaking= less headache

Well, there are a few more insignificant things, but this is mainly there...this summer will be a Wii-ful one, and 360 might come along some time in the future...I know the Halo 3 hype would've died but at least I lived through the SSBB and SMG AND MP3 one...well, this is so far...All people with Wii, I'll be tracking you down once I buy it fora cool Mii parade and hopefully multi-player...

More things I have done, I watched PoC3, Spiderman 3 (yes, I haven't blogged in that long, remember :P) and Shrek 3...and yes, all of them were slightly let downs, but still worth the 7 bucks each (30 AED/DHS)...and for Shrek 3, I dunno what the reviews were on about, I mean, yes it wasn't as good as expected but still really cool...spiderman 3, well, thats...meh at best, expected WAY better, PoC3 well, that had awesome fight scenes that could've been awesome-er...and got slightly boring around the middle...

Till next time...probably in like a week, once the Finals are done

i'm making a difference...these companies are great!

It's heart warming when companies actually join fights like these, i think it is very important to do so because these companies are huge and can really afford to make a difference. Other companies like Product (RED) also help all to well and give things that people really want and buy for no extra cost and sends a certain percentage to AIDS...

Well, anyway, recently I've begun making my own personal differenes and got myself together and organised,I havebegun my requests again, and soon I'll get back to commenting and whatnot...

Dont forget, everyone of us counts,


Requests Still Down...Sorry :(...

Well, my Request Thread is still down and no one is recieving their requests, I finally gotten ***load of work off of my shouldersand now, starting the coming Monday, I'll begin working on the Requests for some other things...

I got AIM to make myself more accessible to more people, and my Screen Name is Orkanza, so anyone who s using AIM can add me:)

I have now gotten 2 badges in Pokemon Diamond (Yay!)...

I hjaven't been posting in blogs either which is also **** because of the same thing that was hindering the Requests, but that thing is...Me working on the schools Class Photos Book! The school took me to work on it because I'm good at photoshop so they asked me to do it:D! Well, yea, in our school (a Sabis School-maybe some of you have heard the term Sabis before) the Students do things like this, so i was working till midnight everyday for the past week, but now it's all over, and after a little break, the Requests will be back up the coming monday;)!

That's all for now...

Xbox 360 65nm Chip this Fall?-Count Me In!

According to Xbox 360 fanboy, the 360s comingin fall will feature the 65nm chip that witers like me have been waiting for, now, when this come out, I'm gonna go and buy one right away, oh man! I can't wait:D! I was expecting it sooner though because I'm dying to play Guitar Hero but what they hey, I guess im gonna have to wait now that this model is coming out...HOORAH! Hopefully a white elite would also be out, because then, that would be super cool, a white, 65nm chipped 120GB HDD and HDMI equipped 360, my type of console;)!!! Oh well, better play the waiting game now, hopefully this will be confirmed though, it;s still kind of a roumor, so we'll see what happens till then...

Btw, for all those people who still didnt add me to pokémon , here is my FC:
0215 7320 5253
I have the Diamond game and my name is Okinuza...

Here's to 360-ful fall

Pokemon WFC-Add me!

Hey everyone, remember how last time I told you that I wanna trade FCs with all those who have it as soon as I get my own:

Well now i did:D and here it is:
0215 7320 5253

Be sure to add me so we can have so battles...btw, is there battling without friends because I can't seem to find it:? 

Pokemon Diamond!

I finally got my hands on the brand new Pokémon Diamond game for the DS:D! I have yet to get my friemd code on it, but when I do, I want all the readers who have it to comment with their PM so we can have some battles:wink:Other than that, no new news I guess, life has been going real slow other than for the great pain in my *** that is tenth grade:evil:! It is so annoying, everyday more homework and studying and whatnot! I can barely work on the requests, let alone do other things I enjoy like play games and practice guitar, it's just all so sucky!Sorry requesters, but you know how it is:? I promise though I will try to get more of them done now...

Till next post