Double Shot is where if I post 2 blog posts a day, I will then combine them to make a long one where you can comment on both under one post, easier for me AND you:D!
As I read more and more comments on all my other forums, it hit me, and one guy had a question about wether or not to buy a 360...well, my answer was genius...or so I hope, but it really has helped me...
Here it is
"Very ture, trust me, i know, I still havent bought any of them yet and am deciding which and boy am i facing problems digging through and getting information...the fact that wiis are selling but 360 has the best online ever, and that wii has motion controllers, bu 360 has better games, even in the forseeable future, all these factors, but as many have told me, and which i knew way before, is that GAMES are all that count on making your decision, i mean sure cool controls are awesome, but what good are they if the games are lame, sure online is awesome too, but what good is if the games you should really base your decision on that..."
And then it hit me, the one with better games, therefore the more suitable one for me is
*Drum Roll*
The Xbox 360:D! I am glad I realised this, but now only one thing stops me from buying one...the problems it has, yes... the problems...In this country you can either buy somthing from places like Plug-Ins or Virgin Megastores for a crazy over-priced price, and there is no tax, so thats not a factor, but you get a waaranty, or buy one from a sort of Black-Market, yet legal store (I dunno how to explain it, you have to see it for yourselves...) for either the same as U.S. Price (Tax Not Included) or even less, but then no warranty so shall it bust...then, you can go cry in a corner or just simply buy anoter one, not a solution...
Well, that's it I guess, I am basically decided, although my username says otherwise (I am really very moody and can possibly swing my toughts in the exact opposite direction within the next few miutes back to this and so on all in one
But at least it is very quite actually confirmed for now...though I will eventually get a Wii I guess because SSBB is too cool to resist...
Read the Previous Shot
I Fell Asleep! Only to awake and realize that I'm split in half!
Yay I'm now Level 24! Well, anyway... The ripping in half part is again about my next-gen choice, if only I could be whole
You see, I make very long thought choices when I am about to buy a system with lots of searching over everything and studying anything I hear about the 2 of which I am confused...Well...I know that I have asked quite a number of people about their GamerTag because I want to buy a 360, I still do but as I read the 360 forums I hear many disappointed users, so then I go to the Nintendo Forums, and guess what I see their, many complaints about the Wii, and its funny that on both the complainers will be talking about the it even put me in more confusion I don't know what to buy... Now if I could find a way to be certain I am buying both then I would go buy one or the other right now (probably the 360 as the games better now) but I really like the ****of playing of the Wii and many people are having problems with their 360s and that scares me too...
There is no evident solution to me:cry What should I do? Can someone here give me some sort of comparison or guidance?
Till Next Decision, again...
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