@Cypress131 Of course it's wrong. If parents want to pay attention to these silly ratings that's fine - but I am telling you right now that ratings are a joke that should never exist in the first place. This insipid hysteria around children and what they can or can't handle and where they get their ethics from is just a mass delusion. If a kid enjoys playing Manhunt 2, more power to him/her - the excessive morality indoctrination and threats of imprisonment will be sufficient to mold him/her into a good little drone, and if not it's certainly not because of video games. Deal with reality instead, I know it's impossible but I am telling you anyway.
I didn't know the Taliban had a Southington branch, but you learn something new every day. These morons, with their fanatical devotion to plunging the depths of human stupidity, are of course safe from being blamed for acts of violence but real life human stupidity is a far more relevant factor than entertainment can ever be. What a travesty.
@Nullf0xx No worries, that is not how it works. Thinking it's better because it gets updated is just a logical fallacy, on the level of saying the best show is the one with the most episodes or the best band is the one with the most songs. The quality of a game has extremely little to do with the amount of updates it receives, but if a game is good it's natural to usually want more content, like expansions/DLC's.
@Cyberjin PSN games got their own award and Journey won it. If they were to bring PSN games into the main PS3 category as well it would be redundant with two categories.
@TheStonebash @Hurvl Here's an e-hug since you won't be getting anything else :) I am here for you every time you want to share your MMO addiction and how awesome oher people are, even if they shun you IRL :(
@TheStonebash @Hurvl Oh, look who just lost hard using an "everyone knows" argument when he was reminded of reality four minutes earlier. I agree on GW2, though.
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