@AluminumAndroid Sorry, violent video games made me do it. I booted up "Barbie Horse Adventures: Summer Camp" now and I can feel all the dark and violent thoughts disappear, replaced by serenity and bliss. I recommend this to all gamers, you will never have a violent thought playing through this gem.
@AluminumAndroid @KelpsterD Do you really believe reading inane drivel like this has no psychological or emotional impact? Even on a subconscious level? You sure seem to do your part to incite hatred by being who you are so focus on self-improvement instead.
@buccomatic @Meta_Dragon WAIT WAIT I GOT IT - just force all the corrupted players to play a good guy in a video game for a while and the psychosis will pass. They will transform into good citizens and champions of justice - JUST LIKE IN THE GAME! Because we do whatever we do in the game! Phew, crisis averted.
@buccomatic @Meta_Dragon Oh no, not against... innocent civilians! Now the extreme indoctrination I have had to suffer throughout life telling me that killing people is wrong, and of course the threat of imprisonment, is completely irrelevant because I can do it in video games. I can only assume everyone playing these games feel the same way and that humanity will be wiped out any second now. Oh well.
@slayer1090 I see you found his skin color relevant since he has the one color it's legitimate to bash. But I am sure you are just one of those fashionably self-loathing white persons who will use "white" negatively and refrain from doing so with other skin colors so that's OK then.
@Kazuma_Kiryu Fairly insightful post, refreshingly free from self-righteousness. The whole concept of what we call "evil" is in fact much more complicated than you present, but in this specific case it is probably accurate. I won't engage in philosophical debate about it here though, just wanted to acknowledge your post.
@Cowboy-Bebop Reading this post and realizing you are a complete idiot just had a negative effect on me, and you are obviously to blame for that, not me. Hilarious with your "near the edge" comment when this is just an early phase, though - good luck fighting the future! I will now go and play kindergarten killer thanks to you :(
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