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MrBoGaNgLes Blog

Bojangles' Awesome Update!

Well, this is uh, pretty cool. In this "Bojangles' Update", I answer your questions from Bojangles' Week 19, talk about the Halo 3 stats fiasco and Mountain Dew Game Fuel. Also, I have a big announcement about my future blogs during the last three minutes of this Awesome Update. I hope you'll watch it through, and leave me a meaningful, heartfelt comment. I worked hard on this one, cutting it down from over 23 minutes of footage. If your question didn't get answered, I'll answer it tomorrow in a text blog. If I cut out your answer in the video, it's probably because it was answered already or wasn't relevent to video games (even though I did answer a few off-topic questions anyway). Fact of the matter is, I needed to cut it down, so that the common person wouldn't come along this video and say, "23 minutes! *&%$ that!!!" even though, that's what many might say to a 16 minute blog. Oh well, I talk a lot. Sue me. Anyway, again, please watch, enjoy, and most importantly COMMENT! Comments make my insides warm! And get some Mountain Dew Game Fuel! It'll poison you're insides with happiness.


My Halo 3 Video Review

New "Bojangles' Update" tonight!

I'll be filming my new video in a few hours so NOW'S THE LAST CHANCE YOU'LL HAVE TO ASK ME A QUESTION FOR THE BLOG! That's right, I'll be answering all the questions asked from my latest Bojangles' Week Blog, along with a few other updates. I'll be telling you about the Halo 3 stat fiasco, talking about a few pictures from my Halo 3 gallery, and also, I'll be announcing something BIG about my future video blogs. So come back to this page later for some massive enjoyment!

Halo 3 Video Review

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So. Now the awesomeness can ensue. My Halo 3 Video Review is finally up on and I have to say, it's pretty coolio. So, if you will, follow the nifty little link, provided below, and be taken to a magical utopia of epic porportions.

Nifty little link

Bojangles' Week: Episode XIX is HERE!!!

Well, I've finally made another awesome video. I'll tell you, this has to be one of my most entertaining videos in a long time. It's everything you've been missing from good ol' Mr. Bojangles. In this episode of Bojangles' Week, I start out by singing a song and lead it too a fast paced tour of the Limited Edition of Halo 3 and that leads into me, showing you my new robe? Well, anyway, Instead of Ask a Bojangles', I present you with a jam-packed episode of Bojangles' Week, which is also doubling as Ask A Bojangles: Questions. So ask away and enjoy my newest entry into the Mr. Bojangles' Legacy!


Also, here's the link to my profile where you can check out my stats and my granade series, Granadicals, episodes I, II, and III.

fatbojangles Halo 3 stats and profile

The Return of...


Tomorrow, I'll be posting a new Ask A Bojangles' Questions. So get ready to ask away. Plus, I'll be posting another Halo 3 blog including some aweseome screenshots. Stay tuned!

I've finished the fight. Corny, but true.

Well, i finished the campaign a few nights ago, and completed my search for skulls yesterday so I can say that I've just about completed the Halo 3 single/co-op experience. Just 1 or 2 terminals left to go and I won't ever have to play the campaign again!!! Well, at least I wont have to play it for achievements or bonuses. Just for fun.

Pink Fury

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Having beat Halo, I thought I'd give you guys my impressions, before my review is released, which is looking like it'll be here tomorrow. I've recorded everything and I'm just working on getting some footage. Then tomorrow, I'll chop it all up and it should be up on within a few days.


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Anyway, Halo 3 is truly an exemplary game. The campaign is fun, though a little dissapointing for die-hard Halo fans, the co-op is off the chain, and the custom and matchmade games should be the multiplayer model for every game which features a multiplayer experience. Halo 3 may not appeal to everyone, but man, is it a great shooter.

The multiplayer fun hasn't changed much, but what was changed, was changed for the better. Now, instead of just team training, Halo 3 features not only ranked games where you can gain levels and exp points, but a whole set of options, deemed "social", where you can play, worry free of levels dropping and still gain exp. It's amazing. Very intuitive. Go BUNGIE!!!

Throw down...

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The theatre mode, which is the mode that brings you these awesome pictures, lets you take screenshots and record clips of your awesomeness. It's pretty fun to fool around with. You'll be able to record some awesome stuff and show off to your friends. Forge mode, while not my cup of tea is also really fun to fool around with. You can change the location of items and spawn points. The works! Certain people could just sit for hours and fool around with the unlimited possibilities at your fingertips. Some cool map variations might come out of this mode, and the right people's minds.

...go boom.

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So I hope you've enjoyed my impressions of Halo 3. I think the game is great and it hasn't left my Xbox since I put it in. If you have a 360 and don't have this masterpiece of American entertainment, you're insane. This is truly a system seller, and needs to be owned by every FPS afficianado. My hats off to you Bungie. Thanks for runing my social life and sleep schedule.

~Mr. Bojangles

New Videos, Coming Soon!

Hey guys! I'm sorry I haven't been making any videos on here. I've just started to slip back into school, and it's been a little wearing on me. I'll be back either later this week or at the begining of next week with a new Video Game Corner and Bojangles' Week, respectively. See you all soon!!!!

The BIGS Written Review

I just completed my first written review in over a year in order to coincide with the brand new episode of Mr. Bojangles' Video Game Corner to be released later today. Go ahead an check it out, if you like reading that is. Make sure to recommend if you enjoy. And later today, my video review will be ready. See you later!

Mr. Bojangles' Video Game Corner may be moving...

I've been talking with a website called and I am going to be doing a weekly video for them starting in the near feature. It will possibly be similar, if not the same as Mr. Bojangles' Video Game Corner. I'll give you guys more updates as time lingers on.


I'll be posting a new Bojangles' Week. I'm sorry I didn't post the new Video Game Corner I said I would. It's just been too many videos. I want everyone to check out the videos I've made in the past four days. Give myself a day of rest before I make yet another video. Bojanges' Week 19 will premiere tomorrow night, so keep an eye out for it.