So obviously I did not get to put up the blurb for Episode 74, as late as that thing is. And, I didn't get to upload episode 75. By the time I had finished cutting it together, my ride for the airport was here. Then I got home and forgot about it totally and watched LeBron miss second-half jumpers on his way to beating the LA Fakers I mean Lakers. So yeah. Tomorrow. Dinky swear. Why not tonight? BECOS I DUN FEL LIKE IT.
In any case, I'll let these two episodes gestate over the holiday break. Expect, though, to see a holiday episode too sometime next week. We're recording on Saturday, but again - to let 74 and 75 gestate, I'll be holding it until after Christmas. It's going to be THE INSANE EDITION, where all of the news pieces are either weird, stupid, or just plain ridiculous (that kid who got beaten to death by her drunken sister and sister's boyfriend who claimed to be imitating Mortal Kombat? Yeah...).
Send in your questions and/or comments - you know whare. mailbag AT trigames DOT net
Oh yes, and Jeff Gerstmann is still alive. He's reading Built to Last - or at least, it's sitting somewhere on his floor.
Props to the editing team - like an idiot, I misspelled "challenging" in the last paragraph of my Landstalker review. One quick message to Alexei Navarrovsky got that fixed up right quick. Thanks.
As for my next review, I'm working on Breath of Fire II. As fate would have it, the day I found and bought the Gameboy Advance port, I got assigned to it. Nice. HOLY BALLZAC I just deleted the blog entry with my Gamespot review archive. ...processing... ok, reposted it. Dammit. Stupid me. Why are DELETE MESSAGE and EDIT MESSAGE right next to each other...? Blargh. Back to the show.
Speaking of freelance reviewing, send your props to Mr. 6.8 himself, Sir Provolone. Super Mario Bros. 3 on Wii VC was his swan song. Here's to the future, Frank.
Last thing. Were I to make a T-shirt out of the four faces of the Trigames.NET podcast, which Black-and-White should I use?
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