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Thangs: GHIII, NG2, Podcast

Guitar Hero III (Expert)

- Songs I've still need to five star:

Before I Forget (4* first attempt)

Raining Blood (4* third attempt; failed the first two, once at 35% and once at 36%)

Cliffs of Dover (4* first attempt)

The Number Of The Beast (444*ed first attempt)

One (4* second attempt; failed the first at 78%)

- I hate Lou, period. He broke my arm. "There are 215 bones in the human body. That's one. Now don't move!" (I'm not sure how accurate that is, but don't blame me. Blame [name of movie character who says this].)

- The framerate drop when you activate star power sometimes is jarring. It doesn't throw me off but it's completely irritating and almost unacceptable.

- I absolutely love the last two tiers. They rule. (Except for Lou.)

- Bosses I've lost to:

Tom Morello (creamed him in try two when I learned what the hell I was supposed to do)

Lou (currently still oh-fer)

Alex Navarro (he took mercy on my crying pathetic shell of a man and let me win at One)

- Now I'm going to have to play on Easy just to unlock Through the Fire and Flames with the least effort. Because I HATE LOU.

- One may be difficult, but Trigames Podcast cohost the_antipode rips One a New One here. In real life.

Ninja Gaiden 2 Review

- Thanks for all the kind words - from everyone. Just goes to show how much the people in the CCU have helped. Shouts to Edubuc (current leader) and m0 (current RS editor), and many thanks to DrFish and Draqq for starting the union off with great leadership and setting the standard.

- Equal congrats to Draqq, as well, for making it to GameRevolution; ShenlongBo, for making it to Gamer 2.0 (look around there and you'll see The Korubi making his rounds there too); Zaps, for freelancing for HonestGamers; and Sagacious_Tien for storming the AU's GamerWithin. Any one I miss?

- Thanks as well to Ray Stanz for his help in getting me set up and granting me a chance. At the moment he is forcing me to walk on hot coals as a rite of initiation.

- I swear to god, if my joke actually comes true and someone does think I'm getting paid off by Microsoft's XBLA team to lowball any VC games...

Episode 68

- It's coming. Lot of difficulty getting used to how the compressor works, and very little time yesterday to recover from that awful mishap where half my file died.

- We may be having a sneak guest on this week's episode (69). I have to figure out if he's available and if we can meet his schedule first.

- EPISODE 68 is COMING! Hold your ponies! Weesh.

Why am I playing Guitar Hero III?

Given my last blog before the podcast disaster, it seems I wouldn't be getting to it until next week.

Well, that's all changed. No, it's not because "omg I just couldn't wait". Actually, I probably could have - for a little bit. I mean, after all, I anticipated playing it next week - I was in no huge rush. But I was informed by that my pre-order was not coming: the bundle was out of stock and it was estimated that it wouldn't even be in stock until November 8th. At that point, they would start shipping out units. Given that I used free shipping, it would take between 5 to 10 business days - but according to's own information it "may take up to 15 days" once every so often.

The most hopeful estimate would be Thursday, November 15th. Well whoop-de-damn do - guess what: I'm trying to be ready for my GMATs so that I can take them either right before or right after Thanksgiving, and that weekend is going to be prime time for studying. Also, Rock Band comes out at around that time. I'd like to have had somewhat of a fill of Guitar Hero III before Rock Band ended up on store shelves.

That's also the most hopeful estimate. The pessimistic estimate, assuming that it ships out on the 8th like they say? Five plus five... carry the one... plus five... OH. November 29th. How's that for a slight delay? Yeah, I can wait - but not a MONTH.

I preordered for two reasons: 1) so I wouldn't have difficulty getting stock; 2) so I could snag that tasty discount. However, that huge delay that buckled my expectations isn't worth the savings. I ended up using a $60 gift card I got for my birthday and paid $40 for the bundle at a local Gamestop.

Do NOT get me wrong: looks like it has some nice deals, and I'd definitely go to them for stuff that's non-preorder; that is, things that I don't necessarily expect to have on my doorstep at a certain time (like some cheap games or DVDs that I was interested in but never got around to buying). I'm certain that this isn't their fault - the game probably sold out really fast, and my $84 deal was formerly a $77 deal that loads of people clawed to get. So they probably simply just didn't have enough stock. Still, it's irritating.

Anyway, I just passed that Aerosmith song in the 4th tier on Expert. After work I'll be slowly progressing through to the end in between bouts of studying, podcast editing and gym time.

Podcasting Problems for 68, will (NOT) be up soon.

UPDATE: El Disastro! My voice file got clipped - the entire second half just dropped off. It may have been when my laptop ran out of swap space for the editing tool to work. Looks like I'll have to friggin' start from scratch on my home PC. God, I gotta get all the gunk out of my laptop hard drive. No posting til Wednesday :( :(

ORIGINAL POST: The podcast is still in editing. I finally figured out how to use the Compressor tool in Audacity, and so far it's been a great help in levelling out all of our voices. At the same time, it takes a decently long time to run, so it's just another tool that takes more editing time. Work is also not being very kind to me today, so it's going slowly. Finally, the sister and I are helping plot out our mom's birthday dinner. It'll be up at some point tonight, though.

Why am I still playing Guitar Hero II?

Well, several reasons:

1) I ordered Guitar Hero III from for $84 (I missed the initial $77 deal). That is the TOTAL cost - even after shipping (of which there is none). To get the free shipping, I used Ground shipping which takes 5 - 10 business days. They'll probably ship it out tomorrow, which means I won't get it until Friday or next Monday. Which is fine by me, because...

2) I still have yet to five-star Misirlou. I guess I don't get the $5 I was due. You escape this time, Guitarherolover... in any case, I really want to unlock the stupid Log and have all fives across the board.

3) I want to get consistent at beating Jordan. I five-starred it and I've beaten it 6 times in total, but I've probably played it about 70 times to do so or something ridiculous like that. I want to get to a point where I have a 50/50 chance of beating it on any given attempt. And, that can only help prepare me for the masochistic endeavor that is Through The Fire And Flames.

4) I'm playing Lunar Pool for the NES via Wii Virtual Console. Almost intensely, and for a good reason. (Pro tip: if you even remotely like pool and you like the idea of playing on deranged pool tables like ones shaped like a Z or ones with 20 pockets, it's actually worth $5.) But anyway, all the little colored billiard balls just remind me of Guitar Heroistics. And, I need to get me some GH action. However...

5) ...given items (1) through (3), and given that I lent my Playstation 2 - along with Guitar Hero, Guitar Hero II (yes I have both versions) and Guitar Hero: Rocks the 80s for that console - to a friend for his birthday bash, my 360 version is all I've got.

So: GH2 ftw! (For another few days.)

Two - er. THREE. Super important things! Super.


Send a comment or question in for the podcast. We are recording ON SATURDAY this weekend, and very early, because the weekend is all weird for all of us. Send it to mailbag AT trigames DOT net. I've a feeling we might be talking about reviews if we don't come up with another topic. This Ratchet 7.5 thing is way out of control (leave Aaron alone, for Chrissakes); I know we all have opinions on review-writing in general anyway. Oh, and yes, Macrosoft Dids payed me to says that!!!11.


See the_antipode play One, a Metallica song from Guitar Hero 3, right here. He rips **** up. Only, it's not what you might think - NO, he did not get the game early.

THRACE! (catch the reference?)

I rule you.

Trigames.NET Podcast Episode 67 - BLADOWKEN

Capcom how we love thee. A new Bionic Commando and Street Fighter IV? Are you kidding us? We discuss a whole butt-ton of news and salivate over the capcom possibilities. Also, NPDs are in! And it looks like Halo 3 sold a few consoles, yes? I guess it DOES move some consoles. 3.3 million - that's excluding Wal-Mart numbers. Holy hell. And where do Nintendo and Sony stand? Below Microsoft in the individual console sales department. Believe. (In Bungie.) A new Bag of **** is ready for you, as well as listener and GS Radio Cohost LeideN's fury at how the ESRB works. Ethan's allergies kicked in, so we are without a female on the cast - but no matter. We rule, and Ethan sniffs his own butt. You know it. Listen on, or be pwned by dumbosity.

0:01:00 - Public Service Announcement - Sound Blaster + Logitech Webcam + 5.1 Speakers = trouble
0:03:20 - What Hasn't Tony Been Playing?!
0:18:00 - News
TG-CD games debut on VC with GATE OF THUNDER!
Madden curse...
GH3 soundtrack CD unlocks 3 GH3 songs in the game
How user-created mods for Unreal 3 will work on Playstation 3 - work on PC, export to PS3
GTA 4 Multiplayer Online
ESRB explains how they rate games
Sony Confirms 40GB PS3 for US, Drops Price of 80GB
Koji Igarashi confirms for sure a new DS Castlevania; PSP Castlevania coming to US first, other territories after
EA Agrees with Denis Dyack - EA's One-Platform Vision
Okami confirmed for Wii
Bionic Commando returns!
Street Fighter IV Announced
Hardware sales. 360 is #1, Wii a close #2
Software sales. Halo 3 is #1, Wii Play a far #2...
Why did SONY take out Backwards Compatibility? Well, it wasn't because it was too expensive to produce...
Peter Dille talks PS3 price drop, and says pretty much, "Uh yeah... it actually kinda did help us drop the price."
1:03:11 - Bag of ****
1:11:27 - Mailbag

Download here.
Running time: 1:36:24
File size: 46.3 MB

Please - digg us, review us on iTunes, and don't forget - hit the mailbag with your Questions and Reader Bags of **** You can get previous episodes at our Podcast Homepage.

Ninja Gaiden 2 (NES) = Emasculation

Filled with rage.

But must keep playing.

Hate this game.

But it's so good.

This game cheats.

But I also just suck.

Oh hell, the last boss just punted me back to the beginning of the level.

Can you imagine playing this back in the day, when it friggin' came out, and you were NINE? I don't know - maybe my reflexes would have been quicker back then - but I don't think I'd have the patience. Holy HELL is this game hard. I think I could have invented new cuss words with the aggravation I was developing. Honestly, I never got past stage 2 when I was nine, so getting to the last boss is an accomplishment here.

Yeah, but there's no exploding Hitler-head in Ninja Gaiden. Therefore, FAIL.

I'm going to bed. I'll beat this blasted game tomorrow after I post the podcast. *claws violently at the air*

Five Blue Notes of Freedom (Jordan, Again)

Yesterday, I got up from my nap and plowed away at Jordan on Guitar Hero 2 in search of that elusive fifth star using the tips nudged my way by Spunks and ShawnBlogDo.

15 failures later, I gave up.

Today, before I went to meet my friends for dinner, I tried again. After 7 failures, I got my highest score ever on my fourth Jordan victory...

...215k. Not good enough for a fifth star.

Then, with my wrist in immense pain, I tried one last time and... ... ...

...failed. Twice more.

But then!!!!!!!!!!!!

Number of the beast! Muhahahaha!

Perhaps it's fate that it would take me a fifth Jordan victory to get a fifth Jordan star. Perhap's it was a colon incident. I mean coincidence. But at any rate, I'm done with GH2... not! I still have NOT five-starred Misirlou. I managed to five-star Psychobilly Freakout yesterday - finally - after failing at Jordan and getting frustrated that I had not accomplished anything. So now, the project is Misirlou. Hopefully next year I'll have something positive to report.

Oh and send questions to the mailbag (mailbag AT trigames DOT net) for our podcast. We record on Sunday at 11:30AM EST. Check out the Bucket Dump for a preview of the news dingles we'll cover.