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Recording Podcast Sunday, send Questions; and NEW!!! - "Bucket Dump"

MYSTERIOUS UNRELATED UPDATE: Michael Jordan won six (6) NBA titles throughout his career. I believe Buckethead named "Jordan" after him. If Jordan had only won five (5) titles, it would be a cooler coincidence, but I'll just have to settle for being that much closer to the log. (Photo soon.)

As usual, we're recording Episode 67 of the Trigames.NET Podcast tomorrow, Sunday, October 21st. Send your questions, comments, Bag of **** entries, or cash donations to MAILBAG at TRIGAMES dot NET. Also, keep them Xbox 360 recommendations coming for Al and Tony's new Xbox 360s. They do not own original Xbox consoles, so any Xbox recs have to be backwards compatible. Also, XBLA titles are fair game.

I'm gonna do something a little different with the usually-boring reminder blog post, though. I'm going to dump what we call "The Bucket" for you. It's basically a long e-mail chain, between myself, Al, Ethan and Tony, full of the news that we've clicked on throughout the week. Not all the news makes it in there; just things we happened upon. Sometimes the news is ricidulous nonsense but fun, like how China was requiring MMO players using female avatars to identify themselves as female. We include these at the expense of more serious, but less interesting - or conventional - news. I don't think this week has any silliness, but expect to see stupidity in future buckets.

Why dump the bucket? Well, if any news topics jump out at you, you could formulate a question or comment based on what you read here. Also, there may be additions that you won't see here in the event that any of us find notable news today.

Bucket, avast:

Bionic Commando returns!;title;1&om_act=convert&om_clk=topslot

TG CD games debut with GATE OF THUNDER!

Madden curse...

GH3 soundtrack CD unlocks 3 GH3 songs in the game... marketinnnnnnng!

GTA 4(x4) multi

ESRB explains how they rate games:

Street Fighter IV Announced

Sony Confirms 40GB PS3 for US, Drops Price of 80GB

Okami confirmed for Wii

Hardware sales. 360 is #1, Wii a close #2:

Software sales. Halo 3 is #1, Wii Play a far #2...

The breakdown: MS PWNT in September.

Why did SONY take out Backwards Compatibility? Well, it wasn't because it was too expensive to produce...

...but then Peter Dille talks PS3 price drop, and says pretty much, "Uh yeah... it actually kinda did help us drop the price."

Bionic Commando Wishlist

- make Spencer feel like a badass from minute one, a la Ninja Gaiden (Xbox), Prince of Persia: Sands of Time trilogy
- use the bionic arm to throw stuff into enemies
- use the bionic arm to throw enemies into enemies
- use the bionic arm to smack enemies upside the head
- use the bionic arm to grab enemies, then smack other enemies upside the head with said grabbed enemies
- use the bionic arm to scratch your butt - ok, maybe not this one
- somewhat linear action gameplay, please - the old fogey in me kinda doesn't want to roam in a truly open world
- no baditude
- I repeat, no baditude
- no collecting bafmodads or pieces of fruit or whatnot
- please let me jump over the puddles of goo if you put a sewage level in this game
- a button to provide a panned-out view a la Prince of Persia: Sands of Time trilogy...
- ...and while in this view, directional control of bionic arm via the right-analog stick to facilitate back-and-forth-and-upwards swinging
- if faux-Hitler's head explodes in this one like in the NES one, anything less than a Game of the Year award would be uncivilized

Amaterasu's Celestial Wii Remote

Rumor? No, fact. Unless Eurogamer is really pulling our chains on this one, or it didn't do its due diligence and confirm this, Okami will be coming to Wii in Spring of 2008. Well, in Europe at least.

I have no legitimate reason to have not purchased Okami in the past - it's just one of those things I hadn't yet gotten around to, like how I hadn't purchased Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind on DVD - which was one of my absolute favorite movies of that year and one of my favorites period - until literally two months ago.

For evaluation purposes, I'll probably end up picking up both versions (with the Playstation 2 edition probably at a now discount price). I want to compare and contrast the two, I wanted to buy the Playstation 2 version anyway to have Clover's lovely logo on the box, and I would have bought the Wii revision anyways in the event that it would come out. I practically know (emphasis on "practically", since no, I cannot tell the future) the celestial brush is a natural fit for an input device like the Wii Remote, but the "motion-controlled physical attacks" they mention could be disastrous. It was pulled off just fine in Twilight Princess, but it didn't feel any "better" to me (or worse, for that matter) - just different. Not everyone has been so successful with waggle combat, though.

Actually, I'd rather have a DS version. The stylus seems like an even better fit for the Celestial Brush than does the Wii Remote, to me at least.

Oh yeah: your life isn't significant until you listen to Trigames.NET Podcast Episode 66 - Bust Ghost. You crave it!

Trigames.NET Podcast Episode 66 - Bust Ghost

There's something strange. In the neighborhood. Who you gonna call? TRIGAMESdotnet! Today is a very special day. It is the day that is 15 days after the first of October. It is also the day before tomorrow, and the day after yesterday. Note that down. Noted? Good. Now put the pen away and put on the earbuds. Al and Austin are free of the tyrannical mess that is the underling goop of Ethan and Tony, as they proceed with their own private butt show in the comfort of wherever they are.

Actually, no, Tony was in Atlantic City and Ethan was on a plane over to Chicago for work so Al and Austin hold down the fort. We talk some some Electronic Arts dinner plans (they ated Bioware and Pandemic), some Marv Albert commentary on Manhunt 2 (REJECTED! by the UK...again), a sob story from a disappointed Xbox 360 customer, bag o' deuce goodness, Rock Band versus Guitar Hero III and - as always - some listener e-mail. Also, Ghostbusters for the Commodore 64 was the best game in the universe. Halo? Trash. Metroid? Overrated. God of War? Child's play. Zelda? They shouldn't have bothered. It's ALL about Ghostbusters, because really, what other game lets you control both on-screen characters with one joystick and then doesn't burden you with the decision to move them backwards as opposed to ONLY forwards, because that would just be too convenient? Yeah. Somethin' strange.

Ghost Down

0:00:00 - We Are Singers
0:01:58 - What We're Playing
0:06:19 - News
* Manhunt 2 REJECTED! again in UK
* Sony 40GB "confirmed" - but in Europe
* Nintendo to Ramp-Up Wii Online Strategy
* EA eats up BioWare and Pandemic
* To Use This WiiFit Balance Board, be 300 pounds or Less.
* Nintendo's Holiday Release List Includes DS Assassin's Creed
* Super Smash Bros. Brawl Delayed
* Valve's Gabe Newell: PS3 is 'A Waste of Everyone's Time'
* More from the HD-DVD versus Blu-Ray versus When will This Asinininity End? war. (We made that word up.)
* Perrin Kaplan will be leaving Nintendo; Reggie gets honored by BrandWeek magazine.
* Japanese developers feel that Wii is a fad
* Pachter: Guitar Hero III Is Wii's Real Killer App
* Mass Effect Questions due to BioWEAre merger
* Assassin's Creed Development Issues on BOTH Platforms
* Customer flustered with 360 service
0:47:38 - Bag of Poo
0:54:15 - Guitar Hero III "versus" Rock Band
1:08:30 - Mailbag

Musical interludes provided by:
Guitar Hero Rocks the 80s (Play With Me)
Assassin's Creed (Trailer)
Ghostbusters II
Guitar Hero II (Jordan)

Download here.
Running time: 1:25:33
File size: 41.1 MB

Please - digg us, review us on iTunes, and don't forget - hit the mailbag with your Questions and Reader Bags of Poo! You can get previous episodes at our Podcast Homepage.

Cats Destroyed My Crotch, and Kingda Ka Boo-ness

I got knocked the [moderation!] out of Zaps Guitar Hero League by a thirsty and angry stevenscott14, clearly upset at my awesomitude. He is just jealous that my middle name is Rule.

But in all honesty, Scott's vastly-improving skills were the nail in a coffin built on a sleepless Friday and busy Saturday/Sunday. This blog is less about Scott's viking victory, though, and more about my self-indulgent ranting about games and the lack thereof during the better part of the weekend. Peep it:

Friday, work was disastrous. I left my power cord at the client site, meaning in Illinois, so instead of being the spoiled brat and working from home like I always do I trekked over to our home office to borrow an AC adapter from the IT desk. The day itself was all centered around a singular issue which I still haven't resolved, but worked on a feasible solution for up until 2:30PM today. I was supposed to head over to the_antipode's place, leaving my house at around 7PM. I ended up leaving the office at 7:30PM, changing, packing my laptop in case I had to work even more while at his domicile, as well as my MP3 player for our eventual ride to Six Flags Great Adventure.

When I got there, I watched him unpack Oblivion and laughed as he over-encumbered himself at every single turn. He liked picking up bones. No, there is no subtext there. I had made a note of my desire to try to beat "Jordan" from Guitar Hero II a second time, and he complied with hunger of his own. I did manage to beat it again, but I only scored 171k and submitted a dismal 3 star performance at a 79% clip. He, however, was able to hit his personal best completion before failing of 59% in my presence (he upped it to 60% later, which, as any of you "Jordan" beasts know, is right when the "blue note of freedom" rears its sexy head). We then tried to do our best on "Play With Me", a song I haven't yet 5-starred in Guitar Hero Encore: Rocks the 80s. He hadn't beaten it yet, so he made some valiant attempts while I tried to get that fifth star. No dice, the clock was reading 3:30AM, and we had to hit the road at 9AM. Nuno Bettencourt laughs at us. (He later beat it the next day.) We kept going on but ended the night with Limozeen's "Because, It's Midnite" and playing that stupid ridiculous solo in practice mode.

Sleep began at 4:15AM, and that's when the cats hit. He's got two frisky kittens, and though I'm allergic to cats, I thought I'd be fine. I have a cat of my own, if you'll remember, and my irritation to her has been minimal for the past decade. But I guess pet dander differs, because I couldn't breathe through my nose and my eyes were on fire. The worst came, however, when I was thisclose to falling asleep and one of the cats - who was bounding all around the living room - decided that it'd be a good idea to jump on the sofabed. Where I was sleeping. On my back. The cat's aim was true and he landed on. My. Crotch.

Now think about that, men. You're pretty much unprotected and about to fall asleep when you're jarred - no - jolted awake by an animal traveling at the speed of spite through the air and landing with full force on the treasure which you hold sacred. And no, cups are not allowed in this thought.

A visual, if you will:

So yeah, we awoke at 8:50AM on Saturday - in my case, due to the ball-smashing felines, and in Al's case, due to the same felines trying to bite his feet off - and hit the road a good hour-and-a-half later than we were scheduled to. Listening to the October 4th episode of the GFW Radio podcast ("Oh my GOD you're from VALVE, I throw my life at your feet") and with me falling asleep, the traffic was unkind to us and we made it to Six Flags at around 1PM - three hours after we wanted to. We met up with three of his co-workers and set off with our expensively-purchased Flash Pass, with which we could skip the long lines. Medusa was first - a good, solid starter ride. Next was El Toro, perhaps the best ride currently in the park. Think a zillion steep, long ascensions and drops without the luxury of an over-the-shoulder harness on a wooden track. Summary: your butt and the seat don't get to make out with each other very much during that one. Then it was the good old standby, Rolling Thunder.

The real kicker was Kingda Ka, though. This is important, now. It's billed as the world's tallest and fastest coaster. Amongst roller coasters, it's hyped as though we were talking about the Halo 3 of rides. The lines for this puppy were 3 hours long.

The ride lasts all of 30 second, if that. Go take a look at its Wikipedia entry and look at the track. See that shape? Doesn't that look thrilling? Straight up and then straight down? Pure rush, right?

Well, sure, the first half is alright. You get rocketed along the bottom and zoom up to the peak faster than you've ever been elevated in any other coaster before. That's quite a rush, getting pushed up that fast from the outset. I even just read in the Six Flags Wikipedia entry that, "...sometimes the ride doesn't make it over the tower. This is known as a rollback and the ride is designed with this possibility in mind."

This did not happen. We made it over the peak. What did happen was that I felt almost nothing, because the descent was so fast, and all the thrill I was expecting evaporated in 1.2 seconds. A major disappointment. Don't wait on a 3 hour line for this ride. If you spend money on a Flash Pass, sure - do it once so you can say you rode Kingda Ka. But... man. I haven't felt this disappointed since Super Mario Sunshine.

Thankfully we finished out with the Batman ride, which is always a safe bet for entertainment. The car ride back had us listening to some Buckethead ("Buckethead was raised in a chicken coop by chickens? That does not make sense.") and with me falling asleep and uttering some apparently inane question about Dream Theater and Rock Band that (a) Al didn't understand and (2) I didn't remember until 40 minutes after I had actually asked it. I then headed to a birthday dinner, to return at 2:30 and tired as all hell. You don't go to Six Flags on 3 hours of sleep, with injured dingle dangles, then celebrate a friend's birthday only to come home to play some Guitar Hero songs. Not if you're me. So, there went that idea.

Waking up on Sunday was the result of some supremely awesome and much-needed sleep, but recording the podcast really emphasized the fatigue I was experiencing shortly after the initial high of a good sleep wore off. Though, the ladies will think I sound The Sexy. Hoarse = hot. (Or not.) Right after that, I ate, but then disaster struck again and I worked for the next 9 hours (until midnight) on this stupid issue that I'm still waiting on a response back from the client on. I squozeded my Guitar Hero tracks in there, and knowing that I would meet de feet at de hands (see what I did there? my wittiness is better than all of you combined) of Scott, I just gave up after a few run throughs. Frustrated, I peppered my work with impromptu attempts at "Jordan". I managed to beat it a third time but again failed to crack 200k. I did, however, improve the percentage to 82%. After finishing up the stupid task for work, I went to sleep at 1:30AM so that I could get out of bed by 6AM for my lovely overpriced flight to work. My head is still spinning and I'd like to fall asleep right now thank you. I'm old.

So, if you've made it to the end, know this: you have less of a life than me and have just successfully wasted a good portion of your time. And I love you for it. Because that means that I can write whatever the hell I want and still garner pointless attention. And that I have more of a life than you.

Podcast in editing. Come back for the best thing in your lives soon.

P.S. - Scott is going to bless Trigames.NET with a Halo 3 review, in return for thrashing me so soundly in the GH League Playoffs. Look for it soon.

Trigames.NET Podcast Episode 65 - Divorce Lawyer

The internet is ablaze - afire - a...flame - with the news that Bungie and Microsoft are no more sleeping together. They have now moved on to have separate lives, yet remain best friends. Did Microsoft love and leave? Did Bungie need its space? Or is either one of them eloping with Nintendo or Sony, or a combined beast only known as Nintendony? Who knows? Who cares? You do! We do! We all do! For ice cream. Don't mind the television in the background in the first few minutes - that goes away. Also, we delve more into the price debate - for the final time, we declare it - and talk about Half Life 2 as well as the new Xbox 360 acquisitions for Al and Tony. Can Ethan be far behind? Who knows? He's too busy pooping!


0:01:56 - What Is Be The Playings Us
0:17:26 - News
*Nintendo's President Doesn't Fear Halo 3
*Nintendo Still Can't/Won't Make Enough Wiis For Christmas
*Sin & Punishment is Out and Rules
*New Ratings Website Provides Parents Power
*MGS4 Not Kojima's Last?
*Games blamed for surge in cop-killing
*New GH3 tracks announced, total is now 66/70 (or so)
*Japan: Weekly software sales for 9/24 - 9/30 - Halo 3 at #1
*From the PSP Wins Department: Japanamania loves Slim PSPmania
0:47:23 - Internet Flame News Alert: Microbungiesoft Splits Up
1:10:06 - Bags of Mails

Download here.
Running time: 1:51:57
File size: 53.7

Please - digg us, review us on iTunes, and don't forget - hit the mailbag with your Questions and Reader Bags of ****! You can get previous episodes at our Podcast Homepage.

Blue Note of Freedom (Jordan)

"Ecstatic" is the word. Now I can actually finally stop playing Guitar Hero II (though I probably won't). I'd been toiling try to surmount my friend, Trigames.NET contributor, rival and demon, stevenscott14, and his high score on Beast and the Harlot for Zaps' Guitar Hero II League, Week 4, Season 3. After putting in a somewhat sorry Beast score after multiple tries and not faring too much better at FTK, I decided to "cool down" with Six just because I was sick of playing the league songs for this week. That cool-down period graduated to Jordan, and after 5 tries tonight (which brings my total attempt count to probably 75 or so)...

It's only a four star, it's a measly 81% complete, and I just barely made it to the Blue Note of Freedom. I'm very late in the game - I realize tons of people have already beaten it. But I don't care. In Guitar Hero terms, this is huge for me. Before this, my GH2 highest achievements were measly things like getting 400k+ on Beast and the Harlot and five-starring Six. Hell, I haven't even five-starred Psychobilly Freakout or Misirlou yet. But this makes up for the entire night of failed attempts at beating ol' Scott.

Zaps, friend, comrade, buddy o' pal o' mine, your league has increased my skill tremendously and I've really enjoyed every season. But I gotta say, from here on out, my brain is on cruise control. I'm going to enjoy myself in the playoffs (if I make it, crossing fingers!!) rather than sweat and grimace, and further seasons may not see me as competitive. Jordan is beaten, and that's probably the last thing I needed to truly do before I put this game to bed. But I will say one thing: I owe this accomplishment to your league. BRING ON THAT BACKLOG!

This is what my PS3 was born to do.. (for now)

First thing's first: send in questions for the podcast - mailbag AT trigames DOT net. We may be recording tomorrow at 3 or 4, though if that fails, it's our usual schedule of 11:30am on Sunday.

Now, on to the topic. I purchased a Playstation 3 off of eBay - a 20GB model - for $350 before shipping, which came with Need for Speed Carbon (which I promptly sold), Talladega Nights on Blu-Ray, and Resistance: Fall of Man along with a Dual Shock 2, a Dual Shock adapter dongle and a memory card adapter dongle. Though $350 may seem a bit much for a used unit without a SIXAXIS controller, I mainly got it because it was - at the time - the cheapest way to ensure backwards compatibility. After the 80GB and the rumored 40GB take over, there would be no way I'd get pure Emotion Engine Ecstasy.

But there was another thing looming: the new family TV. My folks decided 23" tube TVs with composite inputs as its highest-tech feature was way old news, and splurged for a 52" Bravia XBR4. So sitting in our living room right now is the reason I'm now happy that I own a Playstation 3.

Thanks to, I got an HDMI cable for $7. (Well, I got 3 cables for about $20 after shipping so I wouldn't have to pay a lot of shipping for a single cable, but whatever.) Since my Xbox 360 doesn't have HDMI, and I wanted to keep it in my rooms to play my videogames in private anyway (nope, I don't play my PS3 much at all...), the Playstation 3 will become the new media center for the house. It's time to enter the world of Blu-Ray... but first, DVDs. Plenty of "last-gen" discs in that old shelf there, and they will not go to waste. Thanks to the firmware update a few months ago, Playstation 3's allowed users to upscale DVDs to 1080p - something that was keeping me from considering the console for upscaling purposes at first. I just tried out Season 5 of 24, and it looks fantastic. Not Blu-Ray quality, but good enough that you have to squint to tell. The Matrix: Reloaded? Not so much... it showed a little bit of blur. I guess the transfer wasn't that good. But Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Darth Vader Guys looks very, very pretty.

Switch back to my non-HD cable box, and... well... let's just say that Playstation 3 > my cable box.

DigitalLife Day Two: The Visual Splendor of Crysis

The glint of sunlight almost blinds us as it shimmers off the water. The mammoth battleship sitting in plain view hasn't fired a shot as was predicted, and we listen to Robert - the Electronic Arts representative - explain some of the cool features of Crytek's newest baby, Crysis.

Then, a crunch - the field of view shakes, and a satisfied great white swims off as the screen blurs. Robert done got eated by a shark.

"I just swam out to these islands I never knew existed," he exclaimed giddily to his Microsoft boothmate, "and I was just chilling by this battleship that I had seen far off in the distance. Then I got devoured by a freaking shark!"

No, death by shark probably isn't a reason to run out wearing only your underwear and play Crysis. But it sure was a funny capper to end the reel of physics highlights that Robert was showing to the small crowd at Microsoft's DigitalLife booth. Before Jaws had his lunch, we had just seen Robert send a barrage of gunfire into tree until the entire top quarter - palm leaves included - came tumbling to the ground. Not yet small enough to pick up, he then fired at the piece of wood again until it was a manageable size. He turned on his nanosuit's strength modifier, picked up the hunk of wood, found a hapless mercenary and nailed the sucker dead in the chest with the freshly cut plank.

It seems you can pick up pretty much anything of reasonable size in Crysis. We stuck around for more tomfoolery to see what else Robert could show us, and much of it involved finding fun things to toss around. "Banana rain," he yelped as he picked up a box of bananas. He turned on Strength and tossed it straight up in the air, chasing it with ammunition and showering the screen with fragments of banana. He then picked a loose banana off of a cabin floor and hurled it towards a mercenary, and it probably would have knocked the guy off his feet had it not smashed against the door frame.

The trick that had us giggling the most was reminiscent of Capcom's "Devil May Cry" juggle - grabbing a soldier by the throat with the strength modifier, Robert hurled the poor fellow directly up in the air and fired rounds into him as he fell towards the earth. (Of course, there was no actual juggling.)

There were other goofy moments involving vehicular tomfoolery - shooting out every tire off of a jeep, Robert decided to test whether or not a you could drive a car on rims only. In Crysis' world, apparently you can - but at speeds that seem to top out at eight miles an hour, and providing a nauseating and rickety ride at best. Another reload had him trying to drive that same jeep with the front-left tire shot out. Turning left, it seemed, became... incredibly difficult to say the least. It was a funny sight to see.

The nutty fun to be had just jerking around with the physics in Crysis, however, didn't make us forget about the rest of the astounding technology behind the game. Mountains we saw more than ten miles away from where we stood weren't just setpieces - in the final game, you'll be able to set foot on them. Robert fired a rocket at it and we watched and waited as the projectile disappeared into the distance, finally making its explosive mark almost ten seconds later in what we saw as a tiny puff of smoke.

Read here for more about the droolworthy lush greens and the undulating water...

DigitalLife Day 2: Guitar Hero III Gibson Les Paul Controller Impressions

Though Day 1 of DigitalLife was met with some minor disappointment as far as Guitar Hero III was concerned, Day 2 erased that little patch of negativity as RedOctane trotted out the new Guitar Hero guitar controllers. This allowed for multiplayer to be had on at least two kiosks in addition to giving the public a first look at the shiny new instrument.

As was the case during Day 1, all Guitar Hero III demo units were being played on the Xbox 360. As a result, we didn't get to see the controllers being made for the Sony and Nintendo consoles - with the latter being the more interesting of the bunch. The Nintendo Wii guitar controller incorporates the Wii remote for some added applications - such as more localized missed-note "pings" and a slight rumble to the beat of the song being played, so it would have been nice to check this out firsthand.

The Xbox 360 Gibson Les Paul controller is wireless and comes in a shiny, piano black sheen with black fret buttons outlined at the rim in their traditional colors. By the time we got our mitts on it, the body was smudged with fingerprints. Stepping into the guitar strap, we found that the guitar had some added heft when compared to the Xbox 360 Gibson X-Plorer and the Playstation 2 Gibson SG controllers. While it might contribute to some shoulder pain in the long run - we obviously didn't have time for a marathon test run - it'll likely feel more familiar to guitarists who are used to the weight of a real instrument. The heavier sensation also helps the controller to feel sturdier and less like a light, fragile toy. Unfortunately, we did not get to try out the unit's detachable neck.

Actually playing the guitar yielded mixed opinions. The whammy bar and the strum bar felt very good, with the strum bar actually feeling more responsive. The fret buttons, however, were mushier - reminiscent of the Playstation 2 controllers. Our army of two was divided on the experience, with the obvious conclusion being this: those who prefer the Gibson X-Plorer's "clickier" fret buttons will have to get used to the mush; those who prefer the Gibson SG's squishier buttons will feel right at home.

We also got to try out the battle mode, which ended up being a failed endeavor. Without any instruction on how the mode worked, one of us defeated the other in all of ten seconds. Baffled, we went right back to Pro-Face Off mode so that we would at least know what we were getting into. We played Even Flow, by Pearl Jam, and it boasted another fun, challenging note chart to play through.

Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock is slated to ship on October 28th, 2007. RedOctane has priced the Wii and Playstation 2 1-guitar wireless bundles at $89.99, with the Playstation 3 and Xbox 360 1-guitar wireless bundles going for $99.99.