So, yeah. As an 11 year old, I programmed my own version of Mortal Kombat. It was epic. Gripping. Genius. Incredible.
None of that was true.
What I programmed was a bastardized version of a poor man's vomit of something that resembled something that resembled something that could be confused for something resembling Mortal Kombat if you slathered the screen with Vaseline and pretended that the game came out for the Atari 2600.
I was using this program called LogoWriter 2.0, which was basically a tool for drawing and animating very, very simple shapes. It had some very fundamental code logic behind it, which introduced me to the concept of variables and looping statements. It even had 90 open slots for you to create your own 10x10 sprites with. Obviously, not much to make a nice picture, but good enough to make something that resembles something that looks like something that could be mistaken fo- you get the idea.
So, while my video uploads, let me just explain why I suck so much. LogoWriter 2.0 was obviously not created to make 2D fighting games with. You can create a nice game of Hangman, sure... but MK? Pah. Me being a dumb 11 year old, I didn't care. Anyway, any action game I made and would have made later with the thing is inherently broken. With normal stuff, the CPU cycles through constantly and polls for input. In other words, if you slowed it down a LOT, you'd basically imagine the CPU doing this:
1 second has passed. Are any buttons being pressed? No? K, keep going.
Another second has passed. Are there any buttons being pressed? No? K, keep going.
Another second has passed. Any buttons pre- oh what's this, Player 1 pushed his joystick right. Player 2 pressed punch. Ok, figure out what position his sprite is in and move him accordingly - meaning, put on a block animation on Player 1 if he is moving "away" since we know that Player 2 has just initiated an attack animation.
Et cetera.
This is what LogoWriter did, or at least, it's the only thing I knew how to make it do. I couldn't program it to constantly poll and proceed. Instead, depending on which keys were pressed, a keystroke from a subsequent tree of available actions was the ONLY thing that would make the game proceed. The software didn't make the CPU poll - it made the CPU completely stop and wait:
I am waiting for Player 1 to do something. Player 2 cannot do jack squat yet.
1 second has passed. Are there any buttons being pressed? No? K... keep WAITING.
I'm still waiting.
30 seconds have passed, and I'm still waiting for input.
Ok finally Player 1 pressed down. This means that if he presses High Punch or Low Punch next, he will uppercut. Player 2 will have to wait more.
Still waiting. Ok, he pressed low punch. Initiate UPPERCUT! Cool, ok. NOW Player 2 can go.
I am waiting for Player 2 to do something. Meanwhile Player 1 can't do jack squat.
Et cetera.
There are other limitations just as heinous as this. Hell, it's not really a heinous limitation because Mortal Kombat ain't what LogoWriter was meant for, but whatever. With this knowledge, prepare to be amazed at how completely incredible my video will be later this afternoon. I'm awesome. (Movie still has 41 minutes to go with encoding, and it's 3:50AM and I'm tired.)
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