so er, this article doesn't actually tell us anything more or give any new insights about the departure of the two Bioware guys, we knew they'd lost their passion for gaming and that one of them was turning to beer and the other to "social stuff". Which is fine, expect we already knew all of that from previous articles. Must be a slow news day.
Imagine if he'd spoken about gun owners, "you people who own guns and weapons have no credibility, you have no say, it's your lust for violence and the industry's lust for money!"...
brings up a lot of integrity issues, if they start gathering medical data from thousands of gamers. Cause what exactly are they gonna do with all that data, sell it to the highest bidder in the pharmaceutical industry, or the government maybe? Thanks, but no thanks.
Some of my fondest gaming memories come from playing the terrific 4D Sports Boxing, a very early Chris Taylor game. Ofc, I had no idea until recently that it was made by the same guy behind Total Annihaltion and Dungeon Siege. To be sure, some of his projects tank, while some are completely brilliant, so in conclusion I might just decide to back this project up.
And what if initial sales are not as high as expected and the game never really takes off? Can we trust EA to keep these super-advanced data-processing servers open years from now when there's only a few die-hard players left...
MrDouglas' comments