Mrkebab's forum posts
"Meh" is the best way to describe the wii line up.
Mario 200, mario party 8, metroid prime 3, SSB3, pokemon console RPG 5, etc. And sheep make fun of cows for having sequels. :roll:
Nintendo hasent made a AAA game since N64 and they only had one for it anyway(paper mario).
SPM, projet hammer, disaster, all scream "flop".
The wii is a flop. MGS4 alone pwns everything on the wii.
MGS4, FF 80, GT5, Tekken 7....
[QUOTE="Killfox"]Theo only reason thug_pikachu os saying alan wake is because its coming to 360. Dude its a port. The PC version will be way better. Whoever thinks that the 360 version will be better than the orignal verison on PC is stupid. I still think crysis looks better than alan wake.Thug_PikachuI'm buying a gaming PC when Crysis comes out .
For Crysis?
I own consoles aswell.
[QUOTE="Darth matt"]Dude, you cant get much more HD than a nice computer monitor. But seriously, they need to load crysis up if an extra10gigs of data or something. I mean, its not next gen if it can fit on DVD-9.
But was Crysis designed for HD visuals. There's a big difference.
^^^Product of the MS/Sony hype train.
imo any game where you drive vehicles in first person is realistc but isnt fun i remember playing unreal tournament and it had vehicles in third person but still dual analog beats k/m for driving and halo for pc was rubbish compared to the xbox versionringuzi
It was the exact same game with better graphics and online play, although the PC version did lack co-op.
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