I think the real answer is less sinister than everyone thinks. I believe that there simply aren't as many women interested in games as men. My reason for believing this? Everytime I go to a game store or gaming event, it's a major sausage fest. The few gamer-chicks that are there are swarmed by at least 10 guys. Maybe I'm wrong though.
The "age gate" is the biggest joke around. Like a minor is really going to enter his/her actual age and stop tyring to enter when they are denied. I'm 31, and I B.S. those things. They usually get a January 1 date from 60-70's from me.
I loved the first one, the only reason I didn't buy the second one was they typical DLC/preorder exclusive stuff. I was waiting for a complete edition and would've gladly bought it day one. Same goes for 3.
@philMcCrevis How is what I said "complaining"? Think before you talk and you won't look like such a dumbass. BTW, yes it pisses me off the sky is blue. Why the hell can't it change it up and be deep purple or green once in a while?
@PotHeel Furthermore, I never explicitly linked commenting to generating money, i.e. “…commenting and generate more money” versus “commenting to generate more money”. If you misinterpreted, then that is your blunder. In fact, you substantiate my claim in your last dictum “…to keep the fanbase interested and engaged, on these merits this story is an unequivocal success”. “Interested and engaged” people translate into cash through usage.
Muteki_X's comments