My_Name_Is_Sin's forum posts
[QUOTE="clone01"]sure, it has a lot of bad games, but it has some great ones too -
Resident Evil 4 Wii (a port, i know, but the new control scheme makes it cool)
Zelda TP (criminally under reviewed, in my opinion)
Super Paper Mario
Wii Sports (How cool is that: a free game when you buy a console? what a novel concept: its like 1986 all over again)
Metroid Prime 3: Corruption
and that's just for now - coming soon:
Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles
Okami port
Manhunt 2
Super Mario Galaxy
Super Smash Brothers Brawl
Soul Caliber Legends
No More Heroes
The problem with your list is the fact that it only has Nintendo made games on it, old last gen games on it that can played on cheaper systems, and games that haven't even been released yet. I don't think EGM was worried about Nintendo games, but the rehashes and the crap that is flooding the system from 3rd party devs is. I mean really. What is a good 3rd party game you can play on the Wii that you can't play on the GCN or PS2? Any takers?
The other problem with that list is the okami port is total bull[QUOTE="My_Name_Is_Sin"]I still think it would be better with just shooting games..... maybe if they made a minigame full of diferent ways to die. We can call it Wii faces of death lol Ramadear
Fortunately Wii isn't strictly aimed at pre-adolescence Americans who only crave mindless shooting and violent games.
Wow I was just joking jeeze calm down. I personally play rpg's the most so motion sensor controls seem pointless to me.When was the okami port actually made official? Can I see a linksure, it has a lot of bad games, but it has some great ones too -
Resident Evil 4 Wii (a port, i know, but the new control scheme makes it cool)
Zelda TP (criminally under reviewed, in my opinion)
Super Paper Mario
Wii Sports (How cool is that: a free game when you buy a console? what a novel concept: its like 1986 all over again)
Metroid Prime 3: Corruption
and that's just for now - coming soon:
Resident Evil: Umbrella Chronicles
Okami port
Manhunt 2
Super Mario Galaxy
Super Smash Brothers Brawl
Soul Caliber Legends
No More Heroes
People knock Nintendo because they are not true "Next-Gen," or their games are too kiddy, which is true in many circumstances. However, there are some great games for it, ones that don't need to rely on Super-Awesome-OMG-WOW-1080p-hyper realistic graphics. oh, and before you label me fanboy, know that i have a 360, love it (for reasons all its own) and will be buying a PS3 when MGS come out. Don't hate, appreciate.
[QUOTE="RonnieLottinSF"]Way to put word in EGM's mouth, they said it's seeing a flood of horrible games but they never said it didn't have good games. i own the issue it's in front of me and they never once said it's the Wii's fault. Nintendo isn't managing the games hats one problem but they never said the console sucked they just said it's getting flooded with alot of bad games(that doesn't mean it doesn't have good games to) but thats a consumers job to go on sites and make sure they know what games are good or not.It is entitled, " Wii Crap. Why bad games are flooding the system". The article itself talks about how crappy Wii games are and they even have an industry guy being quoted as saying if you have cheap, crap games, that is the sign of a healthy system. :shock:They go on saying how Nintendo is leaving the hardcore gamers behind and is strictly casual now. It also talks about the approval process and how Nintendo has no such thing, unlike Sony and MS, which is probably why they have crappy games to begin with.
Poor Nintendo. :cry:
Same problem with the PS2. no control over crap games. But then again gems like barbie horse prince would never come out :shock:
[QUOTE="My_Name_Is_Sin"]I hope for both our sakes your right lol. Which one do you want more by the way 13 or versus? ChrisMun
It seems your thread has turned into a cluster**** of fanboyism. :lol:
Isn't all of system wars lol. I would be lying if I said I wasn't a fan boy to one particular company but at least I'm not a blind fanboy :D
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