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Getting back in Work Seminars

To cut the story short (otherwise i could be here for HOURS explaining, i might later tho) I quit my other job as a makeup artist coz the manager was a racist nut job and now the "jobcenterplus" is making me attend a 2 week course to help me get back into work - it is soooooooooooooo boring ! "How to make a CV" and "how to upload your CV to the internet" - we're just lazy not retarded ! Tomorrow is my last day with all these junkies - seriously the building is delapidated and the tutors don't really care! We had to even dress up today in interview clothes and do practise interviews but our tutor had to cover another class so we ended up sitting in the computer room and whole day (rather uncomfortably). I may go to a job fair tomorrow to avoid having to stay in the whole day tomorrow, it's shaftbury avenue so i can do some browsing whilst i'm there!

Hair update - grown it a few inches since graduation and it's a shoulder length bob with red highlights...mightgo purple soon.

Hope everyone is well !

I'm back from the dead (well sort of)

It's weird evertime I have crisis of some sort in my life I feel creatively alive again :)

Here are a few updates in my life/ excuses why i haven't been living on gamespot for a while.

September -

Graduated, with a graduated bob :p lol my hair cut went wrong, so got it redyed and looked semi-ok - i looked like i wlaked out of a fifties movie !

Decided to work for a year then do a masters in creative life writing.

Job hunted like mad via the net, handing CV's out.

Went Malaga.

Came back from Malaga and my kitten had been stolen :(


Got a job as a makeup artist & sales rep.

Bro got me 2 kittens.



Having a small social life

December -

Arguments began at work (possible racism)

Friend who ripped my ball dress, was bad mouthing me in front of me blames alcohol but is that supposed to make me feel better ? and now is not my friend anymore (yaay!!)

Feeling over worked and tired.

Looking for a new job.

Parents have gone to the homeland and left me alone with the kittens...that's a lot of cat poop to clean.

I'll try and be a more active gs member now!

P.s - the movies "shrooms" and "300 days of night" are pants - do not spend money on watching them !!!

Update last

I feeling a little hazy today so please excuse the in coherant entry, well here goes !

Tales from Earthsea (anime-movie, ghibli studio)

As much as I love Mizasaki's suff, his grandson did make a half arsed attempt. Don't get me wrong there were intresting plot lines and characters ...that never really went anywhere. The bad guy was hilarious, a transvestite with a woman's voice in japanese. Another good point, watch it in japanese rather than English - the English dub was pitiful compared to Howl's Moving Castle. Even the long time music director Joe Hiashi was replaced, however I did quite like the asian/celtic soundtrack. Probably the best part for me. There were careless mouth syncing which was quite embarrasing. I'm sure miyazaki was embarrased by the finished product. Loads of questions were left un answerd like "Why did the prince have a split personality/ shadow complex", "why did he kill his father.", "why couldn't any of the witches use the magic sword?", "what was witht the dragon theme at the beginnin?", "wasen't he world digressing due tot he imbalance? Why did everyone sort of forget this?", "why did Sparrowhawk only have powers?" and lastly "Why did sparrow hawk have such a lame name ?" lol, I made the most out of the movie but it wasen't the best, so i won't be buying it - if anything the soundtrack...when it goes to the bargain bin.

Transformers the movie (movie based on cartoon)

Excellent. Great story, apart from the romance abit too cheesy for my liking, great effects and just great action. There's no point in me saying anymore, watch it, it's worth it ! Bumble-bee is the cutest :) Also there was a lot of advertising for the GMC car brand- i wanted a volkswagen beetle somewhere in there !

Anime Day

It wasen't spectacular, all the goody bags were gone, and we had to buy a DVD to participate in the raffle - which was for 2 ppl to win free anime dvds for the rest of the year. fortunately my friend won ! She's suaully quite greedy but actually said if there are any dvd's we want, she'll give them to us which was suprising. We sort of left and came back, then this japanese band performed who were featured on the "johnathan Ross's Japanorama" series and we were like "wooow it's Electirc Shock Eels!" There were really rock-techno, it was hilarious - they performed there famous "Bastard song". At the end i managed to run past the papperazzi to get a pic witht he lead singer. Did I mention I was wearing a Lolita dress? :p

School reunion/Catherine's birthday

She invited over 200ppl and only 6 ppl turned up, well i was certainly dissapointed, so she must of been really upset. Oh well ! We went to a tapas resterant, "El Patio". The food was really tasty, they were in small portions tho - i could of stomached a bit more :p I had a headache and left early.

hair experiments

I finally got my hair dyed blue ! Not the whole head but highlights, black and a rich blackberry blue - the only problem was when it faded it went teal blue, green then white-ish and my parents hated it ! So I was ordered to get it re-dyed and cut. The cut turned out awfull and the colour my usual red - with a hint of raspberry.


It went well, most of the ppl from my course turned up, my hat was too big, so i had to get the smallest hat which STILL didn't fit me...My outfit matched my hair which was pure luck and then my mum wore a dark pint suit and we both matched :p Got loads of pics with ppl, but not everyone coz loads of ppl went home early - the part poopers. Whereas at the english department part - my tutors were getting drunk - seriously it was WEIRD! We were having some nice group pics, until one of my class mates pulled my hair and i sort of punched him on the eyebrow piercing and it was erm... bleeding... the best shot I've ever taken ! Everyone applauded me, that guy had it coming. So it was all good - apart from my dad getting really annoyed that this family who had a kid who kept crying and tlaking through the whole ceremony - he wanted to have a go at the family - who i actually knew - ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh i don't know how i avoided this confrontation but it was pretty close. *phew*

Mushi fun

My kitty has turned from a scaredy cat into a warrior, she chases any cat that enters my garden - bearing in mind theya re all double her size.


My parents have booked a last minute trip to Malaga this sunday so i'm sort of still shocked by the randomness. So I will have wonderous stories to tell when I get back- hopefully :p

Wow this was one LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOON entry - hope I haven't sent u all to sleep.


busy or lazy?

Busy of course :p

I have quite a few events to report on :

Anime day in london, Transformers Movie, Tales from Earthsea Movie, Disgaea 2 game + dvd + figures, japanese girl obsessed by europeans, school reunion this week (cringe) and hair dye.

So you all have this to look forward to in the next installment of : Nahga ! Why you so cool ?!

Laterz !

Facebook court case scheduled for next week

This is quite life changing actually, I stay in contact with everyone via Facebook and if it shuts down, then I can't stlak ppl anymore, how unfair ! Lol, the story is that facebook actually stole the idea from another website and pretty much copied everything so that website wants to sue them and they are successful the site will be deleted straightwaway. Theres a petition going on FB at the moment to help keep it running, but I doubt that will have power over any of it. Oooo woo is me, i was really getting used to it and myspace is so lame compared to it and the original website has a rubbish name too. Urgh!

Anymore updates ?

I won a nail polish fromt he net which sort of made me laugh coz it's pink and i hate pink.

My kitten killed a squirrel this morning it was foul ! My mum nearly stepped in it, scremed and ran back into the kitchen, I was freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaked out, so investigated closely. It's tail had been ripped off, the flesh was showing and this was the worst the face had been crushed in was no accident ! MY dad said it dosen't look fresh, so itmay have been dead for a day and itf that's TRUE then it wasen't Mushi, it was a fox coz Mushi wasen't let out yesterday. But then again foz take their prey to their holes and feed their young so....who would leave a mutilated squirrel in my garden?! DUN DUN DUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH !

Oh yeah went to my 1st anime expo on sunday, it was awesome, one of friends was working there (what are the chances ?!) and I got extra free stuff from her :) Sweet ! I dressed as a Lolita so I entered the Cosplay paradade I so nervous! Their was also a competition called the masquerade where each person/gorup does a skit and the best skit get's a prize. There was the cooleset Dance Dance revolution machine and evene the oppisite the para para machine (use ur arms instead of legs). There were loads of game consoles littered around too showcasing the new naruto game and some retro stuff aka. Street fighter, king of fighters.

The memrobillia was too expensive tho. i ended up buying 2 managa books (on offer) and a print (the manga-shakespeare editions of "Hamlet" and "romeo and juliet". Fortunately the authors were there so the lady at the stall took me backstage to meet them andget my stuff signed ! It was sooo cool! When they become mega famous, I 'm gonna be like "i met them so nyahhhhh !" Apart from the funny looks i got on the bus, i had a great time :)

Hope y'all been having a great summer too !

The Harry Potter saga ends - at LAST !

I heard that some person put the plot of the book on Wikipedia last night and that some woman got the book 4 days early, some net geeek put the whole book on the net by this morning. Security wasen't that tight for these slip ups to occur. The worst part is that annoying sod dosen't even die ! Aragh ! If JK.Rowlign runs out of money she can always in coperate him in her other crappy books. It's dumb luck I tell u, her idea was lucky and she made billions and she dosen't even like the books either. I say we track her castle down and rob her !!!!

Have applied to really boring places to work at - ie. Pret a mange, starbucks, GAP, secretarial jobs - all except Mc D's coz i'm soooo over qualified for that job now ! :)

Any thouhgt on Harry Pothead ? How lame the last book is or hjow life changing it is (rolls eyes) ?

June craze

You think after the exams i'd bestree free ? WRONG.

I'm playing the "waiting" game for my results...

China update - i didn't get a place, it's not the end of the world but it would of given me something to work from.

Mushi the cat got neutered - one stitch came out coz she keeps jumping like a kangeroo which stretched her stitches - ouch!

My hair's grown a few inchs since march so...-getting a trim tomorrow (hopefully a nice bob)

Finally finished Suikoden 4 - now moved on to suikoden tactics which carries on (it's great !!!!) apart from sometimes if a char gets beaten badly they die permentantly and cannot be used again, which means if my fav chars dye i have to reset and so the fight again , arghhh !

Watching "i want a celebrity face" - wow there are alot of bored/rich/silly americans out there :(

Job Hunting

Yikes, I've been so overwhlemed by having gradutated and getting a "real" job. Everyday the rents are nagging me "Geta job, get a job!" - i wish it was as easy as that, I've been appling to media based jobs as well as normal retail jobs to keep me afloat, coz it's expensive being bored ! Paying to go out for meals, cinema and even travel...argh...

Also I've applied to this oppurtunity from my uni to go to China for 3 weeks to study the buisness relationship between England and China and also participating in traditional Chinese activities ie. Calligraphy, tai kwon do, mountain climbing, tea drinking, learning manderine - apparently that's a fruit AND a language :p I had to get a tutor reference again, so i decided not to ask the same guy as last time as i'm still recovering from the embarrassment. So what do i do ? I ask an equally embarrassing tutor, he's my Shakespeare tutor or was, the living embodiment of Shakespeare resides in him ! When he quotes plays he gets possessed and gets into character. Anyways I said to him:

"if you can make Shakespeare intresting then you cando the same for me"

Which could of been an insult to shakespeare not to mention myself but he said:

"No problem I'll make you sound amusing not kooky."#

I dread to think what he wrote about me, did i mention he was american ? :p heehee I hope I do get a place, coz firstly everything will be paid for except tickets and visas, so it'll be education and fun at the same time, something to look forward to in the summer or august. Again if i don't get it I'll be holding my tutor responsible and harass him to no end ! My tutors must be sooo relived to see me go :D I've still got my graduation ceremony to go, wearing the ridiculous robe, which i have yet to get measured for and send's becoming so real now...and with that I must depart and go to an interview at a bank...i know howexilerating !Meh!

Animal Crossing (DS) - finally i'm wi-fi ready !

So I've had my ds since jan, but finally i've purchased a wi-fi game for it ! Since Animal crossing was a popular choice plus it's uber cute, i decided to get it. i've had a few ups-and-downs getting it to connect to the net but finally it's done and I have a frends code!

So anyone who has it add me !!!

Name- Nahga

Town - MAKRO


(yawn) I better go to bed now !

I'll do some longer blogs later #

Hair dressing taken too far

I had a 9am hair colour appointment in central london, so i had to wake up at 7am (i'm not a morning person) and somehow get there without falling asleep on the way. When i finally got there, the hair colour i wanted (ruby red) wasen't there so i had to comprimise and pick another - i was soooo not impressed.l

Now the torture begins, since they were doing colour correction, it was going to be a lengthy procedure max 4 hours. Yikes, so she put some sort of bleach mixture in my hair to remove the colour in my hair, except it wasen't working so she did it 3 times !!!!! It was surreal, I had gingery-blonde hair. Since she had to do 2 gentle cleanses and one deep clense, she washed and dried my hair 3 times and I was already feeling the dryness in my hair :(

Now it was time for the actual colour, she put on a mahongony brown pre colour, which looked flat and didn't suit me, luckily she told me the red colour would go on top. So again she washed and dried my hair (i'm suprised my scalp didn't start to disintergrate) then the actual colour went on - my relief was she put some special mixture on my roots (which i didn't think she was going to do). and 30mins later it was done and after she blow dried it - it looked suprising good ! Even MeMe (my stylist) was amazed by the outcome, it's like a plummy red (it went plum because of the brown base colour) - apparently she could of put more tones on but that would of taken more time and the final time by my watch was : 7 hours !

I don't know how I left that salon without passing out from hunger.

Despite the long time, she was a perfectionist and i am pleased with the end product