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Nahga Blog

Nothings changed !

I've been away from GS for a month and everything is the same :D

Apart from this new smilie system. Anyways I have my dissertation deadline next week and my portfolio deadline the week after and 2 exams to follow, so this was a brief moment of madness to see whats going on in the gaming world. So I'll be non-exsistant for another month. The non-study related news I have is that my graduation pack came int he mail for the presentation service, robe hiring, photo packages etc. lol it's all happening in september. They even have commemerative uni t-shirts and hoodies witht the names of everyone in the English departement the year we started, definately I'm getting my dad to get me that - it is extortionate in price but one of those things i'll treasure.

Finally my friend gave me my kitten! She looks like a cross between a ferret and a fox, shes got a mega long blody and has a lot of ginger patches. Plus she lieks to climb and has put us through hell by climbing the highest tree 3 times, lets just say witht the help of a rickety ladder and a broom she got down but i BANNED fromt he gardened, shes only 5 months and we gotta get her neutered soon, my mum will spaz if we get kittens in the house. I'll put up pics when I've finished my exams.

 So for now Farewell ~

Off gamespot for a while

I nearly had a heart attack this morning, my net wasen't working  - my bro's been fiddling around with my net setting and modem coz he's trying to connet his wireless modem - i swear if this happens again I'm locking my door - i need the net to do dissertation research NOT to play "World of Warcraft". Humpth !

 Anyways I got my exam dates int he mail a couple of days agao and my portfolio and dissertation deadlines and it's all end of april-beginning of may - so this is my last day on GS till then. Hope you all behave yourselves while I'm gone :P





Strange series of event

Yesterday I saw a tailess cat at my bus stop. I was confused and yet happy. I actually chanced missing my bus to investigate, it came to me and let  me stroke it - it's the 3rd time I've seen it but I can confirm it's not a dog or a large rat- it's a fluffy black cat. The bus stopped in front of me and the driver watched me stroke it and waited for me to get on and asked me "what the heck was that and is it yours?!" - i just smiled and said - "Well it's not everyday you see at cat at the bus and it ain't mine!" - i wish it was tho - it had such soft luxurious fur. I looked for it today but to no avail.

Chocolate makes the world go around

I found out that my tutor Charlotte (in the other entries, she the one who wears black) is pregnant - probably with my other tutor(Russ) - coz they are VERY friendly - too friendly...any way it was my friend Fatima's bday last week - i brought in her amazing pressie in today. I'm not one to boast but I out did myself - i do great joke presents - this year i got her a huge antique frame with a photo for Russ our shakespeare tutor in it - she was speechless - she thinks the guy is sooo charming - as a 50year old can be :P so I took her obsession to another level. All my friends were cracking up - they were amazed where I found this picture from - too be honest you can find ANYTHING on the web. I was mega tired after our pizza mission - we had to wait 2 agonising hours till the cafe served it and it made me drowsy, so i had to venture in the cold to get home and get to bed - i am soooo tired

What to buy my mummy dearest ?

It's mothers day tommorow and I've only got her a lipstick so far :p shes so hard to buy for - she owns pretty much every perfume, i can't get her clothes coz our tastes clash, she dosen't appreciate food coz it makes her fat...hmmmmm, any exciting ideas people?

The purple jacket makes it's first appearance.

So we had a choice to go to either Uttera's(the witch) or Charlotte's seminar (the monotone anerexic stick) - great choice ? :P

I had decided last week to go to Uttera's seminar as I've heard horro stories of how malicious she is to all her students and to stick up for Fatima - who is her prime victim. I decided my first line of attack was to allude every point of "the winter's tale" to a the bear (there's a bear in the story, he comes chases a character away and probably eats him). Anyway's I went to the seminar ready for action, but she was so nice, it was sickening - either I had come to the wrong seminar or she was kissing royal ass today as she knew some of Russ's students would be coming to her seminar. Anyways I mentioned the bear 3 times and she LOVED it...apparently it was irational and magical perfect for this fantasy. I was started to get irratated by her encouraging comments,  no matter how much I tried to annoy her she wouldn't give in. Mission failed, tho I'm sure she'll tell my tutor I contributed loads to the discussion so props to me :D Woo hoo!

Oh yeah I have to add, it was raining today so I got to uni 30mins late and walked in and stood looking for a seat, whilst Charlotte leaned forward, shook her head and watched me walk all the way past her to an available seat - she sooo was checking out my purple jacket. Yup THE purple jacket i got a month ago. She needs a splash of colour to her outfits personally, all this black isn't impressing anyone and it's certainly not cool.


unexpected news

I was feeling rough yesterday so woke up early to get a doctor's appointment, I got it and then had to wait an hour for a blood test, all the elderly ppl in my town must of been at the surgery today - don't they have better things to do like bingo ? *sigh* I then stopped off at the chemist's which ran out of my drugs, so I have to try tomorrow, then got home at 11.30, fell asleep till 2.30 - had to go for a interview for a media work expierence which luckily was at my uni so I could do some work and even go to the gym

When I got home i heard the bad news, my relatives in Islamabad were sleeping and there was a gas leek and there roof blew up and the couple was seriously burnt and are in intensive care. It's so scary that something like this can happen out of the blue...

The highlight of my day was getting a text from my friend Caz, she is bringing a kitten for me when she comes back into town - i can't wait ! She sent me a pic which i'll put up when I figure out how to put images up on this site. She's a grey fluffy tabby kitten and they've named her Fluffy for the moment, lol!

The deadline...

I handed in my MA application to admissions - i'm petrified, my parents will disown me if I don't get a place - wish me luck everyone ! *gulps*

Cringe worthy emails - a true story

Ok in my last blog entry i asked a different tutor to give me a reference (I really didn't want to ask him coz he's a bit weird-like from another planet). So Isent him a formal email, except one thing went wrong my signature which automatically signs the emails before i send pasted itself in it.

Heres a short version of the email:

Hey Frank,    It's Nahga,you taught me "Moderns" last year. I know this is  very last minute but could you possibly write me a reference? As I'm  applying for an "MA at Goldsmiths.  I've attached the application form, that gives you the outline of what you  have to write -I'm sure you've done it before - but  just to help you think of nice things to write about me :)  so if you do do it for me (pleeeeeeeeease) then i  will collect it from you whenever as long as it's before 2nd march (the  deadline).    Thank you very much for your time,    Love, peace & bannana's !    Nahga
HOW EMBARRASSING ! As a result, he sent back:
Dear Nahga,    This term, I'm on research leave. But if you can't think of someone else  who would write you a reference, I'm happy to give it a try. However, I  cannot comment on your creative writing skills, and I'd have to refresh my  memory before I can say anything about the quality of your writing in  general. If you think your written work has improved significantly since  last year, you may want to consider asking a colleague who knows your  current work to write you a reference. I suggest we proceed as follows:    Does that sound fair?    All best, and thanks for your kind wishes, especially the bananas,    Frank
I don't think he takes me seriously but i tried to save my honour:
Ok Frank,that sounds great, sorry i forgot to attach the application, i am  very unlucky that i have no tutors in my 3rd year who have really  interacted me much and I remembered that I badgered you the most last year  so you were the best option. On the form it's section 10 - I appreciate  the quick response, let me know asap, if you can do it or not!    Nahga    Ps - I keep forgeting to delete that bannana signature !
But NOOOOO the tutor mocks me further:
If I'm the colleague who knows your work best, I  can write the reference for you. In the light of your difficulties with  essay writing (which we discussed at length last year), I can't write a  glowing reference, but I'll keep it as positive as possible. Let me know  if this sounds OK to you - then I'll write it tomorrow. And tell me a bit  more about your motivation to pick this particular course, and why you  think you are well suited to the programme (just drop me another e-mail,  and keep the banana signature).    Frank
At this point I hope I never this guy in person again, 
I'm already worring about all the other tutors he's told - 
it dosen't help he's best buddies with my dissertation tutor.

2 essays and a reference later

I've been so busy this week, I had a shakespaere essay, a creative writing piece and a restoration commentary to hand in - all in the space of a few days. I also found out my deadline for creative life writing MA is this thursday - if i don't get a reference soon from my tutor I won't be able to apply. I'm sooooooooo unimpressed with his lack of communication - buggar it i'm asking someone else.

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Done ! Well I feel slightly better, now I gotta finish my last short story so I can submit it along with my application - how come I'm the only one who's doing a MA which requires a portfolio ? How mean - it's not like I've got nothing else better to do...I've got a tutorial on tuesday with my restoration tutor about another essay and a dissertation meeting on fri - it's way too much for me to handle...I think I'm gonna de-stress by playing some SSX on tour.