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Gs is going screwy again...

When I tried to log in this morning, only my name and user pic showed the whole page went back and when i clicked my name to go into my profile, it was still black - do you think it's a sign that I blog too much ? :p lol I'll disspear for a few days to please the geeks running this site. :P

Mexican vs. Nando

Round 1-
Mexican is winning on variety ie. chillie concarne, nachos, enchildas, tortilla and humous, veggie burger, fahitas etc rather than chicken, chicken in pitta or chicken in bun :P

Round 2 -
Tho it was a little more expensive and because of carlys BAd idea off us dividing the bill - since i only got one cousre and everyone got 2 courses except for hayley - i spent waaaaaaaaaaaay more than i was supposed too - which was so not cool.

Round 3 -

We had better customer service, they checked 3 times to see if everthing was alright. The hioghlight was getting some free mints which were suprisingly tasty :D

Though going of topic -when i got home I literally konked out till 8.30am today - making up for the lack of sleep i've been having but the real amazing thing is i had no pepsi or coke the whole day and for me thats a biggie.

I'm addicted to caffine in the oddest way.

Unlucky day

I couldn't sleep all night, so I was tiding my new room, we put up a full body sized mirror near the wardrobe and somehow my dad put together a easy looking bookcase but made it look way harder. So going to sleep at 4am, didn't help me get up 8am for my 9am lecture - i even contemplated whether I should go to uni today but then i realised I had to hand in tht Othello essay I've been despairing about...

So luckily the right bus came (no changes in Lewisham) and I sort of felt drowsey and 30 mins later the girl who sat next to me at the beginning of the journey nudged me as she was getting off and wondering if I'd missed my stop - luckily I had 3 stops left so I was determined to keep at least one eye open. Unfortunately there had been traffic (that i slept through) and I was 20minutes late to my lecture, this time I hought I'd check over my essay and skip the lecture completely and go to the seminar after. It was shocking everyone expected me to make my grand entrance with my black coat and dark shades looking totally not impressed (like I usually do every tuesday) but alas not today.

Hayley suggested we gotry a mexican resterant called "cafe de sol"in greewich today, so in 30mins I'll be somewhat happier and my belly a lot fuller. Mmmmm ...nachos :P Also brothers should b banned from sister's rooms coz he happened to see i had lego star wars and after i leave the house for uni he plays it till i go home - that was 9-7 last week. My poor ps2 subjected to his heavy handedness and the pure fact he dises the ps2 all the time...grrrrrrr. All in all an all of the place entry.

Ps - loads of people at the ARLU forum are shocked I'm female - are there REALLY so few girlie gamers? I find that hard to belive.

No "hot fuzz" :(

My bro didn't take me to see "Hot fuzz" -  felt deprived, after all the sorting I did for the last week - it's amazing how many clothes - as consolation he helped me fold them and put them in a chest - i shudder to think if i need a top wedged right at the bottom - what a mess I'll make! At least it's looking more presentable day by day.

News flash - my crib now is installed with a 32inch flat screen lcd tv - *does a shimmy* it's amazing, I can't wait to try out my dance mat with it and when I get the Wii it'll kick ass coz the tv's on the wall the sensors will be dead on as i move the remote around while I'm standing. The best part is the tv's got "Freeview" built in so I can watch some random channels till I get sky tv. I'm still wondering how I'm going to pin up the wall scroll as the window is slanting coz of the roof...hmmm a this looks like a job for my diy dad!

Moving in gifts

My bro came to visit today and he brought along some stuff to go in my room - two wallscrolls - one of the cast of Final Fantasy 9 and a super saiyen pose from Dragon ball z - they will go nicely over my windows. All I need to do is nail up my wall clock and my moogle plushie and the den will almost be complete.

Apart from that my bro was ona  rampage to throw away every video cassete in the house - what was it he was saying..."we shouldn't be sheep and live in the past, dvd's are the now then HD dvds, we should be sharks and never look back"

Moving to the attic

Our extention is finally finished, my new room's in the attic, it's like moving out of a shoe box into a penthouse 8) ok it's not that big but I am soo happy to have space to walk in. The only problem is the carpet is soo thick the door can't shut so the builders have to file it down. Also some curtians would be nice - i don't want my creepy neighbours to watch me.

Now after my wardrobes are fitted in, I can move my stuff from plastic bags, I've lost so much in this move, including my friends xmas present, it's good thing i won't see her till march :D

I've got to finish my essay on Othello asap, so i can fix the room up, yesterday it took me 3hours to write down 572 words, talk about appauling ! I need some motivation...

Valentines day blues...

Everyone I've asked today about V-day had a horrible one,one guy forgot and his girlfriend isn't talking to him, others are single, one ended up looking after her gran - which i was was sweet :p and I was on msn arguing all day !

I actually forgot until my friend text me saying "I got no cards today 0_0"  and my reaction was- "Well duhh, your birthday is in March !"
"No Valentines day !"
"Huh? - *checks calender* oh so it is !"

I didn't leave the house as it was my day off so it didn't have a real impact on me. It's a corperate money making holiday anyway.

Msn is the root of all evil

Msn IS the root of all evil, as I have led a happy life without it until today... it started working again and i straight away had an argument with some one as she couldn't make out my "tone" in the message and it didn't help that 9 other ppl were trying to talk to me. Luckily my dad needed me to ring BT about getting an extention for our landline to the attic - otherwise i would of started war with 4 of my freinds, yes i think msn will be the last resort...for when i'm bored out of my head.

Gossip ?

After I went ot the gym, I met up with some friends for lunch, we went to Greenwich and had chinese (horray) and it was buffet so everyone was eating their fill. We discussed the behaviour of certian ppl at Miranda's bday party - i should bea physcologist :p

However it came to my attention 2 ppl i know borrowed money from my close friend Caroline - this was hush hush and by mistake Sofi said there names whcih suprised me as they don't even know each other well and well they haevn't paid her back as it seems and no one will tell me anything for some reason - i hope I'm not envolved some how...I felt so alienated at that point.

All was well when we went to Sofi's fav shop oppisite the resterant "joy" and me and mira both bought some amazing jackets, it was a steal, the sale prices were actually decnt and I could afford to get some pretty and designer - lol - i don't often do that. The best thing is the jacket is p.u.r.p.l.e. ! It has wire at the dges so i can fold them and have the cute lining showing.

And the point of my story ?

The colour purple prevails over all !

Mira's bday

It was my friend from uni's bday on two days ago and where did we go ? Guess guys !

Ok I'll tell you anyway - Nandos 0_0

When will the chicken run out, it follows me wherever I go, now I've been to 5 nando's in different parts of Britian. Is anyone else scared? I am :p

I got Suikoden Tactics in the mail, it's glistening in it's translucent wrapping ! I'm going to do 1/2 my essay before I even think of playing it. So to the cuboard it goes. *sniff*