I remember when hackers first made a threat against sony everyone was like they cant to anything, their a bunch of basement dwellers, their all talk etc. Then PSN went down for 3 weeks, im sure these people can hack the new psn just as easily as the old one.
NanoMan88's forum posts
I hope this fails hard as to take activision down a peg as well as making sure no other devs try this bs. Steam usually does these clan/group features for free while developers provide stat tracking and movie options for free. Shameless money grab, also what people arent realizing is where does it stop? if activision gets away with this do you think they will just leave it at that? mark my words they will try to make playing the game itself subscription based.
No one should support this.
Well when most people think PC gaming they think the uber rigs that are decked out, the rigs usually played in these countries are probably midranged but still play games fine. Not everyone can afford a console, a laptop/computer, tv, etc. While a PC performs all these functions it cuts down on the number of redundant items.
Dont know of this is serious or not but this is just an example of people worshipping uncharted like its the greatest game ever made, bar fights really? thats what makes excellent and diverse gameplay? I seen plenty of games before this with barfights and they range from good to bad. People need to stop worshipping this game like its the second coming of christ, at this point its more overrated than halo or cod at least on system wars. The real PS3 king this year looks to be infamous 2 while UC3 looks like the same old boring game over again.
So far Witcher 2 has a chance... so we shouldn't put it down so swiftly But it has some strong competition: Skyrim, Deus Ex, BF3, Dark Souls... LookAnDrolL
A PC exclusive will never win GOTY, no matter if it was highly acclaimed above all others, on gamespot it will never happen.
Considering the way the last chapter was handled probably not.
I thought the ending particularly the last chapter felt rushed and should not be even considered a chapter, the game was looking like a 10 in my books until I reached chap3, disappointment ensued there after, still a good game though
Games mainly
Just got a new 2500k but the last time I upgraded was 4 years ago
I bet valve will release episode 3 when the next wave of consoles come out so they can release a new engine, source engine is way to old and something like Half Life 3 deserves a new engine
I dont think a 360 fanboy would know how to hack, if they can please make live free or something
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