[QUOTE="PcGamingRig"]i have only ever had the BSOD once, but that was user inflicted by overclocking. not a pc problem. :P
BSOD once? I find that very, very hard to believe, but ok. Anyway, at my place of employment, there are hundreds of computers at work, from editing to animating to powerpoint presentations etc. etc. etc. There isn't any overclocking, modding etc. going on. And bsod occur regularly. I understand that, at very rare instances, bsod can be a user problem, but I'm sorry, this is a software/pc problem through and through.
Sounds like your work needs to get more reliable computers, even with hundereds of computers bsod's should not occur regularly. In 6 years I have had 1 bsod due to overclocking like the user above said.This
I have only had BSODs from a failed overclock, my PC has actually never had a problem with games or anything. However I built this pc on my own and chose the parts. I remember when I used to play on prebuilts and Dell I had enough errors and BSODs. As for console gaming I have had 3 RROD, 1 broken disk reader (360) and my wii control charger doesnt work. :shock:
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