Also good luck with its dream of being the go to ps3 multiplayer, thats cod. A lot of games are gunning for COD this year, the only one that has a chance is BF3 and I still dont think it will overthrow COD sales wise
NanoMan88's forum posts
I thought UC2 multiplayer was terrible, much better to run around and let the autoaim do its work rather than actually aim
Pirates are to blame more than consoles. Or do I have to dig up that quote from the Crytek CEO that stated he would not do another pc exclusive because of piracy?[QUOTE="dc337"]
[QUOTE="haberman13"]Ancient hardware is to blame. MS/Sony aren't.GeneralShowzer
Later this year we will learn about how Crysis 2 sold the worst on the pc but was pirated the most. It happens with every shooter on the pc. Ofcourse it does
Maybe if you say it often enough you will start to believe it.
Dont forget how BC2 on PC slaughtered console sales
Both Crysis 1 and Crysis 2 are mediocre shooters but at least Crysis 1 had revolutionary gfx.
Crytek alientated their audience and introduced a relatively unheard of IP onto a new platform already saturated by fps games and expected cod sales? I am glad crysis 2 has poor sales thats what they get for chasing that cod/halo money.
The first being a PC exclusive hurt the sales of the second. GoldenElementXL
What are we the jews? that we get blamed for everything?
I can see it now from Cerli, PC gamers responsible for poor crysis 2 sales
[QUOTE="lusitanogamer"]As far as i'm concerned this generation can last 5 more years. I don't want to be spending money on new consoles any time soon.Coolyfett
Not only that, but we need more games. People spent a lot of money on their Xbox 360s & Playstations 3s, it would be terrible service to stop developing for those 2 great systems. They were not cheap systems. When a PS3 cost 150$ then we can upgrade but there are still many people that dont have either system mainly because of how much they cost. They not household items yet.
People that dont have a ps3 or 360 now are probably not going to get them, its the end of the consoles life already. They might not have got them because this gen is terrible and these hd twins are just wannabe pcs. These 360 isnt 150 yet because of MS greed and the ps3 isnt 150 yet because of sony white elephant teh cell
[QUOTE="110million"]Its the type of insecurity you hear from people with no access to a particular platform. The ones who fight the most against any particular system, and who try to claim they are sooooo happy with what they have, are usually the ones who try the hardest to hate on what they can't play, and try to justify not being able to play it. Quite sad I must say. I have a PC (as well as the 3 consoles), play games on it, just don't get the magical injection of crack you guys do from turning it on. Wanna talk insecurity? How about insisting PC is soooo much better and anyone who disagrees doesn't have one? That's what's sad, you guys are so blind you literally won't believe someone has a differing opinion.[QUOTE="GeneralShowzer"] If you're that happy you would play your games, and not barging in every damn unrelated thread to call PC gamers elitist and whinners. If you ask me, it's insecurity.locopatho
Nobody just builds a gaming PC without liking PC gaming in the first place, its a significant investment so I dont beleive you. Also I lol at the irony of consolers saying they dont need new consoles yet, then complain when the console version of BF3 wont have 64 players or look as good; you cant have your cake and eat it too.
Developers are always the first to cry about consol limitations, and soon after they will cry about new hardware being expensive/hard to work for. Some developers needs to learn how to optimize stuff better, hell we have Uncharted and Gears of War looking butter smooth you don't see them complaining about the hardware.Jynxzor
Not all devs create linear corridor shooters liek UC2 and GeoOW3
It will look inferior to the PC version, but probably look the best out of every multiplatform console game, so im sure console owners will be happy.
[QUOTE="JetB1ackNewYear"]bf3 will sell tons on PC, if your not playing this on pc your doing it wrong :Psavagetwinkiei'll probably get it on 360... even with my beefy computer i like how more people have headsets on 360 and its all in game and i don't have to log into a team speak server
I would rather play it on PC with ts, i remember playing BC1 on 360, it was terrible. Little kids using the N word or calling someone a homosexual insult rather than actually communicating as a team.
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