Gamespot's GOTY doesnt mean anything. Look at 2010 Red Dead won over SC2, im sure people will be playing SC2 for a long time while red dead is already hitting the bargain bins, Or 2004 where Resident Evil 4 won over Battlefield 2 and Civ4 lol, people are still playing both those games. Mark my words gamespot will never give a PC game GOTY, its just too much of a console centric website.
NanoMan88's forum posts
Whats the point of this thread? Of course if MS released a new console sony would immediatly. Are you not aware of what happened this gen, where sony in the beginiing got slaughtered? Even though they managed to recover do you think they will let it happen again? This gen is all about graphics or motion controls:(, Kinect and the Wii pretty much has motion controls covered so sony has to have blockbuster games with great gfx. It would be like the wii case for COD; where the xbox 720, wii and ps3 each get different versions. The way this gen has become people would leave in droves to play that COD with superior graphics of MS console and thats just COD.
Of course didn't you know?
An except from the official PC bible.
Crysisidium 2:4 and it shall be that all pc games have a complexity rivaling that of the very essence of creation taking a mind so vast even The creator would be lost in its labyrinth halls....
Counterorum Strikliam5:6 the pc overlords looked over what had been created and it was good its simplicty rivaled even the smallest organism so that any one could grasp its workings even a child could be as if they were a master of the game having a life time of experience in a meer days time.WilliamRLBaker
LOL first time system wars made me laugh instead of cringe
Also the cows who flaunt over their exclusives looking slightly better than 360 games are left alone, but when hermits actually have superior systems they are called elitist, sorry im not going to comply with your double standards.
warhead is better optimized and I dont know what FPS the second video is running. sorry butyou're a liar mate. outdated $800 rig cant max out every game, not even crysis. i must go now its too late
This guy is the perfect example of a consolite in denial who should leave benchmarking up to the big boys and go back to playing on his 300$ peasant machine. If you knew anything, you would know crysis warhead is more demanding than the original crysis. People have already proven to you that a 460 can max out crysis over 30fps, 30fps isnt even that great by pc standards, thats why these higher cards exist to push to 60 fps. I would like to see a console run crysis without bursting into flames.
Elitism is not cool. Just makes the person seem like a tool. Just a FYI.and people who call people liars despite them providing sufficient proof is not cool either, but I see you didnt bother to comment on that.
Owning a computer=being able to play most pc games right?
My pc and laptop cannot play anything past empire earth 2 so I would likely have to by a whole new pc and definitely a whole new laptop.
PC id have to get a new monitor to take advantage of the resolutions hermits throw about and i'm running a pretty old keyboard and mouse so those would have to be replaced...speaker system yep gonna have to get one of those.Hermits just need to face it unless your steeped in the culture, build pc's your selves and already have an investment geting into pc gaming is expensive.
What if I dont have an hd tv? or what if i wanted to play kinect and move games, id have to buy those accesories too? home entertainment system, ya im gonna have to get that as well. Its ludicrious that you include the price of speakers and monitors along with the pc but do not do the same for consoles, heck you can use ur tv for ur pc display.
No, I think he's trying to say console gamers aren't bright and have no attention spans.
I don't think you can say it's a bad thing to prefer more action-type games. After all, everyone has their definition of what is "fun".
You just made the origonal point of your thread completely irrelevant. :|
Known troll fails again :D
One of those is original Crysis you moron!!!! :lol: If you knew anything you'd also know that Warhead is a bit more advanced than original Crysis.[QUOTE="oldkingallant"]
[QUOTE="Harisemo"] Well if that's a fact I must be living in another dimension because I sure seem to be able to get it done. Anyway what do you know about PC gaming? You have a 360 and a PS3, you don't know anything. I bet if I told you to name all the parts required to make a PC without looking them up you'd fail. I won't ask because you will look it out, but you don't even know what a GTX 460 is. By the way here's some proof:
im talking about original crysis
warhead is better optimized and I dont know what FPS the second video is running. sorry butyou're a liar mate. outdated $800 rig cant max out every game, not even crysis. i must go now its too late
This guy is the perfect example of a consolite in denial who should leave benchmarking up to the big boys and go back to playing on his 300$ peasant machine. If you knew anything, you would know crysis warhead is more demanding than the original crysis. People have already proven to you that a 460 can max out crysis over 30fps, 30fps isnt even that great by pc standards, thats why these higher cards exist to push to 60 fps. I would like to see a console run crysis without bursting into flames.
Red Dead for sure, just thinking of the mods makes my mouth water
None of them GOTY.....[QUOTE="ihsanqueen"][QUOTE="Xtasy26"]
A clear cut example of this is the gamespot 2005 GOTY, so many PC titles that just stomped the competition and are still being played to this day but RE4 won.
in 2007 Crysis 9.5, its unplayable on the consoles
in 2008 Crysis Warhead 9.0, it's unplayable on the consoles
in 2010 Stracraft II 9.5, it's unplayable on the consoles
See...I could play this game too on and on and on. ;)
And Steam makes PSN and Xbox Live a JOKE.
Console centric sites like gamespot would never give PC goty ever, thats like asking why doesnt PC gamer give console titles GOTY
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