I dont see anything saying DICE said this, it says sources. This thread is very misleading. Also isnt max settings; dx11 with the highest textures with max aa and af and at insane rez? If thats the case I beleive the statement.
Maxing a game is cranking it to the highest resolution your monitor supports, cranking the AA, cranking the AF, cranking the features to the limit.
I only expect a handful of systems to beable to really run it well maxed out in DX11. This is a good thing. This means they decided to use newer, more advanced features instead of holding back just becuase they have to fit it on a certian hardware spec.
Look at Crysis 1. It pushed graphics. Not because it played it safe, because if you put it on the max settings, it would eat your rig alive. Only now, in 2011 can you actually run that game with full settings at 60fps, it took 4 years. Maxing it out at 60fps is something to behold, it looks just amazing.
I expect the same from BF3. Drop that old DX9 crap, move to DX11. Drop old hardware support, force people to upgrade to play it on the fullest. You may not get massive day-one sales on the PC or even year-one sales, but in 2-3 years, while the console versions will be on the used shelves with nothing selling, the PC version will be selling strong as people upgrade their computers.
Longevity, the PC has it, the consoles don't. Luckily for DICE they are putting it on the PS3 and 360 so they should get great year one sales.
They will still probably sell more on consoles assuming this is a big hit and the PC requirements are high.
Going up against MW3 is obviously going to hurt it.
I doubt it since BC2 sold more on PC and that was built mainly for consoles.
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