I actually try to and most of the time I do finsh my games, but thats because I really dont buy many in the first place. Sure those cheap steam deals are tempting but then I think, would I actually like the game even if it was on sale for 5$? or am I just buying it for the sake of owning another game on my steam?
NanoMan88's forum posts
It's merely a shot in the dark. Why you would form an opinion that has nothing to back it up is beyond me. Swift_Boss_A
I do , you just didn't read. Uncharted 2 won the most awards at E3 09. That should back my opinion up sufficiently.
This isnt 2009, there is actually competition this year
Bf3, Skyrim, ME2, Gears of war 3, the list goes on. Also UC2 trailer was big because of GFX, UC3 while still looking good is nowhere near the bombshell the second one was for console gfx.
Wow, I'm bored of these threads.
I'm going to copy and paste my response to a very similar thread made by you a few days ago:
The PC gamers on here spend more time arguing over resolution than actually playing their damn games.
That sounds like cows actually
I find console gaming more expensive, sure PC has a high cost of entry but the games are soo much cheaper and I get a much better experience.
Don't expect to not get that out of pc multiplayer my friend there is no such thing as good spawn points even in PC games. Spawn killing happens in them too. and most pc fps use the same mechanic spawn run die.
Depends which game
BF there are rules against spawn camping the main base on servers, COD there is nothing
Who is hating? Who said this? Who are you referring to? It sounds like you're just making up stuff.[QUOTE="DragonfireXZ95"][QUOTE="alfredooo"]
I will repost the last part of the OP I'm talking about:
"The problem is some people here might claim this accessibility does sort of defeat the purpose of building a rig. Some might even claim that this accessibility is a weakness because if you already have a laptop for work/school, getting a console would be the best choice because you would have access to console exclusives and multiplats and a good amount of great indie/blizzard PC exclusives as well. Anyways, I don't know what to think of this last part."
this should clear the misunderstanding, they are hating because they are claiming PC is perhaps not that great of a deal in terms of exclusive games.
I was praising PC gaming by pointing out one of its positive aspects. I also said haters of PC gaming might try to downplay this as a negative aspect when it is actually a good thing. Espada inquired about this and I replied by explaining things further. Then you came in and asking me something about upgrades.... thats pretty much how things went down. How am I making stuff up when all I'm saying is there might be some haters out there claiming PC gaming is not that great of a value?
Only hater here is you, I have seen this troll countless times and its always the same topic
I wonder how many versions of the map packs will be released by the users? It will probably be the first things released using the mod tools.
Why use map packs when the pc community can create much better maps, look at MW1 so many ideas robbed from modders and incorporated into MW2. Yet you still dimiss the awesomeness of mods
Torchlight is on sale at direct2drive for $3.75
use the showers coupon to get it for $3
Torchlight is on sale at direct2drive for $3.75
Uncharted has awesome sense of humor
Chloe: Oh, is that an ancient Tibetan ritual dagger in your pocket?
Nate: Well, maybe I'm just happy to see you
That's a recycled joke, though... one we've all heard dozens of times, and I don't recall thinking it was funny the first time. I really, really am surprised at how many people find the Uncharted games to be at the pinnacle of video game humor in this thread. Personally, I find the Cartoon Network flash games like Cream Wolf to be far more inspired and unique with their humor. Making kids fat by selling ice cream so you can violently slaughter them when the full moon rolls around is far more entertaining to me.
Yeah that joke has been used countless times already.
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