The good thing about these new hella expensive cards is they lower the price of the older cards
NanoMan88's forum posts
I am actually envious of these people who can build and upgrade their as easy as it is to change a pair of socks.
Once you know some very, VERY basic things it is easy.
Easy enough for anyone to learn!
I've been building PCs since 2005 and I agree. It's not hard at all, just some things but it's not impossible and is blown out of proportion.Yeah its not very hard at all, even more so now that everything seems to be moving to a tooless design
Consolites feel they need to "prove" their platform is the best, despite it always being a best 2nd place. What I find amazing is all the butt-hurt over DICE focusing on giving PC gamers the best version of BF3 and not just another console-port. That is hilarious.foxhound_fox
Yeah I was quite disgusted with alot of posts in those threads. I remember one console gamer said if consoles dont have 64 players, PC shouldnt either. Talk about selfish.
I think publishers are spending way to much on marketing, back in the day gamers knew exactly what was coming out and when. Now with the introduction of casuals, mass marketing is needed to tell the casuals when its time to buy XXX installment.
Probably the same person who swears there is such a difference that they cant even imagine playing 30fps because they might have a heart attack and die. THere is no real difference..Been there and seen it..done it..its something the PCelites blew out of proportion to TRY and put consolers in their place..didnt work.
I'll sit you down on a PC running 30 fps then change it to 60fps. You'll notice a difference.
If you don't, you're simply lying to yourself.
Its ok..I have a nice gaming rig and can see for myself. There is simply not enough difference to worry with. NOW if you are a gear head that thinks pc is best and consoles suck....then you will see more difference than me..
Wow I sense lies
We dont need Gears 3 to tell us that DLC is a ripoff
Just look at games like DA2 with its tonnes of day 1 dlc. Or Assassins Creed 2 DLC which is blatently obvious they took out parts of the game just to charge money for them.
because the Japanese gamer and gaming industry is completely xenophobic to anything that is not made in Japan.
[QUOTE="WilliamRLBaker"] Even on pc you can't have both.
You obviously have not tried any of the amazing mods for MOrrowind and Oblivion, from much better graphics to new campaigns, areas/missions :)
I have oBlivion on xbox and on PC and the difference is mindblowing.
Wow if he said that im sure he hates DLC even more
Sorry to interrupt but this was needed..
Kozzy, your dealing with a member who has stated:
No reason to argue with him on mods.
Pic sourceRandy thread
[QUOTE="lawlessx"]The point is that they can but it can have an affect on the performance of the game on the consoles He doesn't seem to grasp that. And I'm out of this topic.[QUOTE="KC_Hokie"]I just don't believe they couldn't add additional players. GeneralShowzer
Yeah me too
So far all this guy is doing is whining that DICE doesnt care about the console version despite not having any evidence of it
[QUOTE="edidili"][QUOTE="KC_Hokie"]I understand that. But is EA/DICE prepared for sales not to be as high as expected on consoles due to the gimped ports. And console software sales are usually the majority of PC-console multiplatform sales.
Gimped is when the stronger platform gets games that are made for weaker platforms. The console version is not gimped, that's as much as it can get. PC development doesn't gimp the console one because there is nothing that a console can do technically wise that PC can't. The word consolization exists but there is no such world for the pc equivalent.
You can still gimp a game out of lack of effort or lack of resources. I'm not sure which one it is for DICE but it's one of the two.So because DICE praises the PC they are not focusing on the console versions? This statement from DICE is not meant to bash consoles but to shut up all the whiners that cry why cant consoles have 64 players too despite knowing nothing of the hardware differences.
because DICE doesnt say they are putting effort into optimising it for consoles, it means they are not? When has a developer ever said we are optimising a game for consoles. they dont have to because it is expected they will. Before you buy a videogame do you wait until the developer says they optimised it for consoles?
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