The developers is attacking gamers for buying used, rather than rewarding gamers for buying new. So the backlash should be expected.
I'd be more open to something like the Cerebus Network of ME2 - extra incentives for those that buy new.
Why should gamers be rewarded for buying new? they should support the developer not gamespot
On some games for PC even legit consumers get attacked by devs with crappy drm causing problems for the legit consumers while the pirates already cracked around it.
Also I would hardly called ME2 cerberus network rewarding new game sales, that content was probably on the disk and it was more like used copy gamers would be restricted from accessing it.
Why should gamers be rewarded for buying new? Because it's good business practice? How is that even a question. Considering most devs expect people to pay $60 for a campaign of less than 10 hours and a so-so multiplayer suite, I don't think asking for a bit more is too much. Or just lower the games price.
And Cerberus Network greatly extended the life of the game. I don't know if the content was already on disc, never really dived into the research. But the free content packs came for a while, and definitely is better than locking gamers out of content.
Please dont make the excuse of 60$ being too much, if they lowered it to 50$ and gamestop dropped the price of the used copy 10$ as well people would still buy the used copy because its cheaper. There is no magic price where the game becomes suddenly worth it, people are just trying to find the cheapest price possible.
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